Using OEM Codes in M3

This process is used when you define OEM codes for a service. OEM codes are codes that equipment dealers or service providers must report back to their OEMs following work on their equipment. The OEM codes are not mandatory for a service.


Ten OEM codes can be defined for each product/service. Each OEM code can have a maximum length of 15 characters. However, if OEM code should be the service ID, the service ID may not exceed 20 characters.

If you copy a service, then the OEM codes in the service header and operations will also be copied, but can then be changed independently without affecting the original service.

Before you start

You must set up the basic data. Defining the basic data setup includes defining the structured numbering systems and linking these systems to the OEM code.

For more details on setting up the numbering system and connecting it to the different OEM codes, refer to the following documents:


  • Using OEM codes – service (MOS300)

    OEM codes defined at the service header level in 'Service. Open (MOS300/J) will cascade to each operation created under that service in 'Product. Connect Materials/Operations (PDS002/J). Each operation can then be changed independently and will retain whatever changes are made without affecting other operations or the header record.

    Using OEM Codes – Service (MOS300)
  • OEM codes flow

    OEM codes defined on the service header level will cascade to the work request header, work order header and MCO line. If no OEM codes are defined at the operation level, the OEM codes from the header will also cascade to this level. If specific OEM codes are defined for the operation, these will cascade to the operation level through the work order process (see the figure under the Flowchart section).

    Overview of the OEM code flow
  • Copying an operation

    If you copy an operation in (PDS002) to a new operation, then the OEM codes from the original operation will also be copied. You can then change the new operation independently without affecting the original one.

    You can also browse in (PDS002) for an existing operation for that product and then link it to the current service. Important to note: Any changes to that operation (including the OEM codes) will affect all services where that operation is used.

    Remember that any changes to the service or service operation OEM codes will not affect any existing work requests or work orders – this is standard functionality.

  • Searching on OEM codes

    (MOS300) provides a search on service headers by OEM code. You can use F19 to display (MOS300/S). In (MOS300/S) you can search on one or more OEM codes using a logical "AND" search. The result is a filtered list in (MOS300).

    Example search by OEM code

    You can also search using a combination of codes and name fields or just names fields. You can use the asterisk (*) character to act as a wildcard at the beginning, end, or to enclose search characters. Be aware that name searches are case sensitive.

  • Searching on OEM codes and creating service IDs based on OEM codes

    (MOS343) can be used to search the OEM codes. It contains the same functions as (MOS300), but with an additional function key that helps you find a service with the desired OEM code combination. This function key: creates a new service in (MOS300) with the concatenated OEM codes as the service ID (SUFI); copies a template service with its operation; substitutes the description with the service ID; and retrieves operation text based on the code for the service.

  • Using OEM codes – service revisions (ECS300)

    OEM codes defined at the service revision header level in 'Service Revision. Open' (ECS300/J) will cascade to each operation created under that service in 'Service Revision. Connect Op and Mat' (ECS312/J). Each operation can then be changed independently and will retain whatever changes are made without affecting other operations or the header record.

    If you copy a service revision in (ECS300), then the OEM codes at both the header and operations will also be copied, but can then be changed independently. If you copy an operation in (ECS312) to a new operation, then the OEM codes will also be copied.

    When you activate a service revision and send it into production, the OEM codes from the service revision header (ECS300/J) are transferred to the (MOS300/J) header codes; likewise, the OEM codes from the (ECS312) operation are copied into the (PDS002/J) OEM codes.

    If the OEM codes are changed in (ECS300) or (ECS312) and a new copy is then transferred into production, then the service in (MOS300/PDS002) will be updated with the latest OEM codes.

  • Using OEM codes – work requests (MOS170)

    Requests can be generated in several ways including through service requirements planning (in MOS950), 'Work Request. Quick Entry' (MOS185), 'Maint CO. Open Line' (COS101) and some less frequently used processes, such as work order deferral and work request transfer.

  • Work requests generated by service requirements planning

    Work requests in 'Work Request. Open' (MOS170) that are generated directly from (MOS300) records, via (MOS185) or via service requirements planning (SRP) will be assigned the OEM codes from the original service in 'Service. Open' (MOS300). So, the work request header (MOS170) will be assigned the OEM codes from the service header (MOS300) and the work request operations (MOS171) will be assigned the OEM codes from the service operations (PDS002). Changing OEM codes on the work request header or work request operations will not affect the original service header or service operations.

  • Work requests generated by (MOS185)

    Work requests generated by MOS185 follow the same rules as work requests generated by SRP, so the work request header and operation OEM codes come directly from the service header and service operation codes.

  • Work requests generated by COS101

    When a work request is created from 'Maint CO. Open Line' (COS101), then the work request header takes its default OEM codes from the (COS101) OEM codes, which are taken from (MOS300) service header level. The work request operations retrieve the OEM codes from the service operation in (PDS002).

  • Work requests generated by work order deferral

    Work requests generated from a work order deferral in 'Work Order. Defer' (MOS031) (a work order that is deferred back to being a work request) will reflect the original work order. The OEM codes from the work request header will be the same as the original work order request, while the work request operations will be the same as the work order operations.

  • Work requests generated by inspection alarms

    Work requests generated from inspection reporting in 'WO Operation. Report Inspection Result' (MOS085) will use the default OEM codes associated with the default alarm request in 'Settings. Maintenance 1' (CRS788) or the one defined for the inspection setup.

  • Transferring work requests

    When a work request is transferred to another facility (using 'Work Request. Transfer' (MOS196)), the OEM codes on the work request header remain the same, but the operation's OEM codes will reflect those defined for the new facility operation records in 'Service. Connect to Facility' (MOS301/PDS002).

  • Work request operation maintenance

    Adding an operation manually in 'Work Request. Open Line' (MOS171) will automatically default the OEM codes from the work request header in MOS170.

    Adding an operation from (MOS171) using F17 ('Work Order. Add Operations' (MOS113)) will also retrieve the OEM codes defined for that operation in (PDS002).

  • Searching for work request operations

    Use inquiry type 2 in MOS113 (MOS171 function F17) that allows operations from (PDS002) to be searched on and selected. Inquiry type 2 will only work if you have configured the OEM code settings in (MOS968). You can search for operations on the current product or a different product. If you change the product code, then you might get a different set of OEM codes to search on if OEM codes were defined by product.

  • Work request operations: Text lines

    In addition to containing the OEM codes, the (MOS171/J) panel contains two lines of text and a long "OEM code" field. The section "Operation text lines" describes how these fields are used.

  • Work requests: Searching by OEM code

    Searching for work requests via OEM codes is possible using the F17 search feature in (MOS170). The request operations in (MOS171) support the operation's long-description feature described below.

  • Using OEM codes – MCO line (COS101)

    When you create an MCO line, the MCO line's OEM codes will be defaulted from the service header in (MOS300/J) but can then be adjusted without affecting the original service. If you copy an MCO line to a new MCO line, then the OEM codes will be taken from the original MCO line and not the service header.

    When an MCO is created automatically by a released work request (based on the work order type in MOS120), the MCO line will be assigned the OEM codes from the work request header.

  • Using OEM codes – MCO invoice specification (COS170)

    Labor transactions in 'Maint CO. Check Preliminary Invoice Spec' (COS170) contain OEM codes that are defaulted from the work order operation at the time that the labor transaction was created. This means that if the OEM codes change on the operation between several labor entries, then the (COS170) transactions will be different as well. The OEM codes from (COS170) can be changed; these changes do not affect the work order operations.

    The OEM codes from the invoice specification together with the text lines will be transferred over to the M3 BE warranty claim solution.

  • Using OEM codes – Service history (MOS180)

    Service history will be created in 'Equipment. Open Service History' (MOS180) when work requests are released from (MOS170). The OEM codes from (MOS180) will be the same as the ones from the (MOS170) header records.

  • Using OEM codes – Work orders (MOS100)

    When a work order is created from a released work request, the work order header 'Work Oder. Open' (MOS100/J) will be assigned the OEM codes from the work request header, and the work order operations (MOS101/J) will be assigned the OEM codes from the work request lines (MOS171/J). This is the same for work orders regardless of whether they are linked to an MCO.

  • Deleted work orders

    Deleting a scheduled work order will recreate the new work request in (MOS170) according to the normal SRP process, that is, based on the current OEM settings in the (MOS300/PDS002) records.

  • Inspection work orders

    When work requests for inspection are released together and the order type in 'Work Order Type. Open' (MOS120) permits merging, then the work order header will be assigned the OEM codes from the first work request to be released and the work order lines will receive the OEM codes according to each operation associated with the released work requests.

  • Service error report

    Use the J panel in 'Service Error Report. Open' (MOS057) to edit the OEM codes. The OEM codes in (MOS057) are populated from the operation level when labor is reported.

  • Related work orders

    Related work requests are those that have a main work request and one or more related requests. If the released work requests form a single work order, then the OEM codes from the main work request will be transferred to the work order header, while all of the request operations' OEM codes will be transferred to their own work order operation OEM codes.

  • Work order operation management

    When you copy a work order operation in 'Work Order. Open Line' (MOS101), then the OEM codes are copied from the original operation to the new one. They can then be changed without affecting the original operation.

    If you use F15 in (MOS101) to copy a service into a work order, then the added operations will get the OEM codes from the (PDS002) records associated with the added service. If you use F17 in (MOS101) to add an operation into the work order, then the operation received the OEM codes from the (PDS002) operation record. This function also has the extended search option in inquiry two (MOS113) as described above.

  • Operation text lines

    The first two lines of the operation description will be updated with the names from the first eight OEM codes from (CRS249). The names from the first four OEM codes will populate the first text line, while the remaining four will populate the second line. A third line, called OEM code, is populated as a string consisting of the first thirty characters of the OEM codes themselves.

    This feature is supported in (MOS171) and (MOS101).

    If you change the OEM codes, then the two text lines and the OEM code will not automatically change – you must make the two text lines blank in order for them to be updated with the latest OEM codes.

  • Work order statistics

    'Work Order Operation Stats. Display' (MCS333) (G) includes selection by OEM code and the capability to search on the OEM code names.

  • Warranty claim created in M3 BE

    The warranty claim header in (MOS750) will retrieve the OEM codes from the work service's error report. The claim specification lines will mirror those from the claim specifications in (COS170) (which gets its OEM codes from the work order operation at the time the labor transactions are recorded).

  • Claim MCOs created from MOS750

    For claim MCOs created from (MOS750) back into (COS100), the MCO line will receive the OEM codes from the warranty claim header, and the invoice specification lines in (COS170) will receive the OEM codes from the claim lines.

  • Manually created warranty and OEM claims

    When a new claim is created from (MOS750) (manually), then the OEM codes will be populated from the selected service but can then be manually changed without affecting the original service.

Follow These Steps

To define or display OEM codes in the service and work order process, follow the steps below. In most of the cases, the J panel is used for OEM codes.

Note: If no setting for OEM codes are found in MOS986 (see settings below), the OEM code panel will not be displayed or used.

The OEM code panel is available in the following functions:

  • (ECS300/J) – Service Revision Header
  • (ECS312/J) – Service Revision Lines
  • (MOS300/J) – Service Header
  • (PDS002/J) – Service Operations
  • (MOS170/J) – Work Request Header
  • (MOS171/J) – Work Request Lines
  • (MOS100/J) – Work Order Header
  • (MOS101/N) – Work Order Operations
  • (MOS180/J) – Service History
  • (MOS057/J) – Service Error Report (OEM codes from MOS100)
  • (COS170/J) – MCO Invoice Specification
  • (COS101/J) – MCO Line
  • (MOS750/H) – Warranty Claim Header
  • (MOS751/H) – Claim Specification
  1. Open the program, select F13 (action/setting), and select the OEM code panel in the standard panel sequence.The OEM codes can be maintained from the J panel in most cases except for (MOS101/N); see above.

  2. Open the record you want to change or display. The OEM code panel will be displayed according to the defined panel sequence.

  3. Enter a new record by selecting the Create option. The OEM code panel will be displayed according to the panel sequence.

  4. Select a code by browsing or editing the specific OEM code fields.

  5. Press Enter. If "Confirm w Enter" is selected on the definition panel in (MOS986), the OEM code panel will be redisplayed with the text for each entered OEM code displayed.

  6. Press Enter again to save the record and update the database.


The OEM code definition is now updated on the service or work order and operation. It serves as valuable information when, for example, the service error report is produced. You can also use it as an input when estimating new jobs, by searching for previously performed jobs with the same or similar OEM codes.

Statistics are also saved on OEM code level.