Define Settings for Operation Reporting

This document explains how you define the rules for reporting work order operations. The instruction describes both how you define these rules on company level, and per facility, if several facilities with different rules exist within the same company.

Use this instruction when you set up the maintenance module before go live and when data collection will be used. Data collection is for example when users will log on and off operations, or when hours are reported against employee numbers.


Rules for work order operation reporting are defined on company and/or facility level.

The settings are stored in the system table (CSYTAB).

The defined rules will apply for all operation reporting, except from facilities with facility specific rules.

If records exist for specific facilities, these will override the general operation reporting rules.

Before you start

There are no specific starting conditions for this activity.

Follow These Steps

Define General Operation Reporting Rules

  1. Start 'Settings – WO Operation Reporting (MOS991/E).

  2. Specify whether work orders, components and operations should be automatically completed.

  3. Specify whether reporting should be allowed for completed orders, components and operations.

  4. Specify how time should be calculated, whether parallel jobs should be allowed and how time should be distributed between parallel jobs.

  5. Specify whether reported transactions should be authorized, whether bar codes should be printed on documents and what cost center to be used for reported time.

  6. Specify how time should be displayed and enter a separator to be used between hours and minutes.

  7. Specify whether date and time should be possible to change and whether card number inquiry should be allowed. Press Enter to display the F panel.

  8. Specify whether the employee should be checked against (CRS530) if human resource management is installed and whether diagnostics should be done at operation reporting. Press Enter to Finish.

Define Operation Reporting Rules per Facility

  1. Start 'Settings – Operation Reporting/Facility' (MOS990/B).

  2. Select the facility to define rules for and select New to display the E panel.

  3. Follow the instructions in step 2 to 8 of Define General Operation Reporting Rules.

    Note: Fewer parameters appear on the E panel in (MOS990) and that Enter must be pressed earlier.

Parameters to Set

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …
(MOS990/B) Facility ... the facility for which the operation reporting exceptions are to be defined.



01. Automatic completion of WO at receipt

… whether the completion flag should be automatically set if the work order quantity equals 1.

This parameter is normally selected.



02. Automatic completion of components

… whether the completion flag in conjunction with materials should be automatically set if the ordered quantity equals the reported quantity.

This parameter is normally selected.



03. Automatic completion of operations

... whether he completion flag should be automatically set if the work order quantity equals '1'.

This parameter is normally selected.



04. Allow reporting for completed WO

... whether receipt reporting is permitted for an order flagged as completed. This, for example controls if materials can be issued against a closed work order / operation.

This parameter is normally selected.



05. Allow reporting for completed component

... whether issue is permitted for a material which is already flagged as completed in an order. This only applies when reporting occurs via material requisitions.

This parameter is normally selected.



06. Allow reporting for completed operation

... whether reporting should be possible for an operation which has been marked as complete.

This parameter is normally selected.



07. Time calculation method when reporting operation

... how time should be reported when an operation is partially reported.

The valid alternatives are:

1 = Total calculation, that is calculation of both labor and machine hours. The calculation is made up to the time the reporting is performed.

2 = Only labor hours for the person reporting.

When an operation is flagged as complete, time is always calculated according to alternative 1 for manufacturing orders. For maintenance orders no machine time will be calculated.



08. Allow parallel operations

... whether it should be possible for a user to log onto more than one operation.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No, only one operation is allowed

1 = Yes, allow parallel operations

2 = No, the previously started job is stopped automatically when the next job is started

If alternative 2 is specified, then new work orders created in (MOS001) will automatically be connected to the work order that the user is working on in (MOS110).

This parameter is normally set to 1 if the system is used for plant maintenance. The normal setting for depot service management is 2.

For other uses, the company policy and needs will determine what setting to use.



09. Time calculation method for parallel jobs

... how time should be distributed when several operations are performed in parallel.

The valid alternatives are:

1 = No distribution, labor time is the same as actual reported hours.

2 = Distribute labor time evenly per operation.

3 = Distribute labor time in relation to total hours per operation.

If you select alternative 1, when two operations are run in parallel, both are assigned one hour labor time.

If you select alternative 2, when two operations are run in parallel, each is assigned half an hour labor time.

If you select alternative 3 and have 3 operations, the following will be the result. If operation 1 has 10 hours labor time, operation 2 has 5 hours and operation 3 has 2 hours, operation 1 will be assigned 10/17 of the total time, operation 2 will be assigned 5/17 of the total time and operation 3 will be assigned 2/17 of the total time.



10. Mandatory authorization of reported operation transactions

... whether to check that the information about each operation reporting has been authorized should be performed.

This information is connected to the employees who reported the operations, and can be updated in 'Work Order Operation. Open Reported' (MOS800) for work orders. If the employees are piece-rate workers, this information is used to generate their pay.

Pay transactions are generated when 'Work Order Operation. Transfer to Op Stats PAY' (MOS860) is used. Here, a check is made to verify the transactions are authorized. Those, authorized can then be transferred.



11. Print bar codes on work order documents

... whether bar codes should be printed on work order documents. The bar code represents the reporting number.

This parameter is normally selected.



12. Cost center source on reported operation time

... how the cost center will be selected when values are transferred to the payroll system.

When operations within the data collection section of Production Activity Control (PM) are reported, each worker can be connected to a time type in Time and Attendance (TM). This is done in 'Person. Open' (CRS530/F). The time type is then used to display the total operation time used per worker and day. The time displayed can be divided into different cost centers per day, to simplify follow-up by man-hours within different areas of the company.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = Retrieve cost center from the worker's own cost center in (CRS530).

1 = Use department from the reported operation as the cost center.

2 = Use foreman area from the reported operation as the cost center.

3 = Use work center from the reported operation as the cost center.



13. Display time in hours and minutes

... whether time should be displayed in hours and minutes rather than in hours and hundredths of an hour.

Note that time still needs to be reported in hours and hundredths of an hour even if this setting is set to 1. The setting only affects how time is displayed.



14. Separator between hours and minutes ... a separator character such as ':'.



15. Allow date and time changes ... whether date and time may be changed.



16. Allow card number inquiry ... whether card number inquiries (F4 or browse) can be made during manual reporting.



17. Employee inquiry to CRS530 ... whether a prompt and check against employee number is done in (MOS070) and (MOS095) is also done against (CRS530) even when the Human Resource module is installed.



18. Create diagnostics levels

... whether diagnostics should be created during work order reporting in (MOS070) or (MOS500).

Setting this parameter will allow the diagnostics levels in (MMS238), (MMS237) and (MMS234) to be created automatically based on feedback in (MOS070).

When error code 1 and 2 are entered in MOS070, the system will check that they do not already exist, if not and this flag is set the system will build them automatically.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes, with prompt on item group

2 = Yes, with prompt on position

If you select alternative 1, then all prompts for error codes 1, 2 and 3 use diagnostics per item group.

If you select alternative 2, all prompts on error codes 1, 2 and 3 use diagnostics on position.