Print Work Order Documents from Work Order Survey

This instruction explains how to create a planning list and print the work order documents that are connected to a work order. This instructions explains how to use 'Work Order. Print Survey' (MOS620).

Use this instruction when you want to print work order documents and create a planning list.


A survey with all selected jobs is printed. This survey gives a summary of ongoing activities.

The list can be used for further planning of ongoing and future work.

Before you start

The work order operation should exist in 'Work Order. Open' (MOS100) and 'Work Order. Open Line' (MOS101).

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'Work Order. Print Survey' (MOS620/E).

  2. On the E and F panels, select the relevant selection data and a sorting order if one is to be used. If you choose to use a sorting order, specify whether page breaks should be used.

    The following from and to selection criteria can be used:

    Facility Equipment number

    WO number Order type

    Ref order no Responsible

    Start date Finish date

    Status (mandatory) Highest op sts

    Priority Serial no

    Slack to del date Warehouse

    Location Item/Equipment group

    Item/Equip class Item/Equip type

    Customer no Str date deviation

    Fin date deviation Critical ratio

    No disturb reported Outcome

    Insp deviation Slack to del date

    The sorting order defines the priority between the specified selection criteria. The sorting order is defined with numerical values where the lowest numerical value is given the highest priority.

  3. On the G panel, select report layout 1 and a date format (optional), and then specify whether the item name should also be printed. Enter a report text (optional). Press Enter to submit the report to batch.

    The report includes a summary of the work order data together with status information, start and finish dates, planned and remaining hours and a calculated finish date.