Define the Model Type for a Component

This document explains how you connect a model type to a component to indicate what type of component it is. The component can be defined either as an operational unit or a non-operational unit.

Use this instruction when you have registered your component for the configuration and defined your model for the configuration.


The component is registered with a model type. Information about the model type is stored in the Model (MCFCVA) file.

When the model type is defined it is possible to set up the model editions and model levels (if the component is defined as a complex component). It is also possible to define the installation positions into which components may be installed.

Before you start

  • A component should be defined in 'Component. Open' (MOS480).
  • A model should be defined in 'Model/Site. Open' (MOS400)

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'Component. Connect Model/Site Type' (MOS485/B).

  2. Select the component to which you wish to connect a model type and select 'New record' to display the E-panel.

  3. On the E-panel, select model or site.

  4. Select the model subtype and model version if applicable.

    Model subtypes are user-defined in 'Model Subtype. Open' (MOS405).

    Model versions are user-defined in 'Model Version. Open' (MOS406).

  5. Specify model edition and model level, if applicable.

  6. Specify the owner ID (optional) and select a model class.

    The model class is a user-defined classification.

    Model classes are defined in 'Model/Site Class. Open' (MOS490).

  7. Specify whether the component is an operational unit.

    Operational units are the highest level in a configuration, for example a car or an aircraft. Usage is reported on operational units.

  8. Specify whether the model individual is managed by the flight management system. Press Enter to finish.