Define Required and Forbidden Component Combinations within a Defined Configuration

This document explains how you define required and forbidden component combinations in a configuration. The configuration may be for example a description of an aircraft or an engine.

A required combination is when a component must be installed with another component. A forbidden combination is when a component must not be installed together with another component.

Use this instruction when you want to limit the possibility install components in a structure.


A list with all required and forbidden component combinations for the configuration is defined.

Information about configuration relations is stored in the file (MCFREL).

Automatic warnings are issued when the rules defined are broken. This will be the case for example when you try to install only one of the parts of a required part combination in 'As-Built Structure. Update Removal/Inst' (MOS125).

The list is also checked when you create the as-built configuration in 'As-Built Structure. Open' (MOS256).

Before you start

  • A model must be defined in 'Model/Site. Open' (MOS400).
  • Model positions must be defined for a model in 'Model/Site. Connect Position' (MOS440).

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'Position. Connect Components' (MOS450/B).

  2. Select the model or site you wish to define component combinations for.

  3. Select the position in which the component is installed and select option 11='Component combinations'.

    Panel (MOS460/B) is displayed. The panel contains information about the source component and in which configuration position it may be installed.

  4. Select the component relation and the target component. Select 'New record'.

  5. On the E-panel, specify if removals and installations should be performed in pairs for the specified configuration position. Press Enter.

    If Yes is selected, a warning is issued when a removal or installation is reported for the position in 'As-Built Structure. Update Removal/Inst' (MOS125).

  6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 until all necessary component combinations are defined.