Create Service Revision

This document explains how you create a new service revision with basic data for a service.

Use this instruction when you want to create a new or modify an existing service and want to be able to track the history of changes for that service.


You have registered a service revision and decided upon a number of characteristics that apply to the service. Among these are:

  • What the service revision is linked to. It may be linked to a serialized item, a product or an equipment number, a position in a configuration or be defined as a blank, general service.
  • The work center in which the service is performed
  • What meters are linked to a specific service and at what interval the service should be repeated
  • The dates between which the service is valid.

Information about the service revision is stored in the following tables:

  • Services (APDSCF)
  • Service facility (APDSRC)
  • Service requirements (AOSCRQ)
  • Service revision (MPDSRE)
  • Related services (AOMPGR)
  • Certified services (AOCESE)
  • Document reference (AODORE)
  • Maintenance limits (AOMPGL)
  • Effectivity (AOMPGM)
  • MRS effectivity (AOMPGE)
  • Maintenance task events (MOMPGS)
  • Product database operations (APDOPE)
  • Product database materials (APDMAT)
  • Routing operation activity description (APDOPS).
  • Subcontracting supplier (ASUBCS)

The following information can be connected to the service revision:

  • Documents
  • Activity lists
  • Meters and limits
  • Multiple products/equipment.

Before you start

The starting conditions listed in Defining Basic Service Revision Information must be met.

Follow these steps

Define basic settings for entry

  1. Start 'Service Revision. Open' (ECS300/B) and select sorting order 1.

  2. Select F13=Settings to display the (ECS300/P) panel.

  3. Enter the relevant data on the P panel. Press Enter to display the B panel.

    This instruction is based on panel sequence EFG.

Define service revision

  1. On the (ECS300/B) panel, enter or select the product or equipment number, a structure type (if used), a service ID and a revision number. Select New to display the E panel.

  2. Enter the following mandatory information: A description, a planning policy and an order type. Also set the appropriate status.

  3. Enter any optional information. Press Enter to display the (MOS337/E) panel.

  4. Enter any relevant service revision information. Press Enter to display the (ECS300/F) panel.

  5. Enter a mandatory service motivation and any relevant optional information. Press Enter to display the G panel.

  6. Enter any relevant optional information. Press Enter to save and return to the B panel.

Parameters to set

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …
(ECS300/P) Create related service

… whether a related service should be automatically created when a new service revision is created.

A related service will only be created if the following conditions are met:

  1. A default service is registered in parameter 23 in (CRS788).

  2. The main service requires that a component be removed before the actual service can be performed. This requirement is identified by the 'Component installed' field in (MOS300/F).

(ECS300/P) Copy related data

… whether related data should be copied when copying service revisions.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes

2 = Yes, and keep the same operation numbers and material sequence numbers.

If 0 is selected, only the service ID will be copied.

(ECS300/P) Prompt product

… how prompting should be done when new service revisions are entered.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No prompt

1 = Prompt against item in (MMS001)

2 = Prompt against equipment in (MMS240)

3 = Prompt against position in (MOS440).

(ECS300/B) Equipment number/Product number

... the equipment, product or position against which the service revision is defined. An F13 parameter defines which one of these three alternatives new service revisions should be created against.

This field may be left blank when new revisions are defined. Doing so creates two different possibilities. The first possibility is to create a generic service for which an equipment or product number must be specified during planned work order entry. The other possibility is to connect multiple products or equipment to the generic service. This will create (MOS300) records for each of the connected records.

(ECS300/B) Structure type

… a structure type to identify more than one structure type per product and facility.

Note that the following functions can only be performed for products with the standard structure type. Among these are:

  • Requirements calculations
  • Lead time calculation
  • Configuration
  • Summarized bills of material.
(ECS300/B) Service

… an identity of the service revision. The field is free format.

The service field is a key field and has to be unique within a product/equipment. If several service revisions must be defined against the same product/equipment, they must be named 'Check 1.. 2.. 3.., etc.

(ECS300/B) Revision … a revision number for the record. This field may be left blank, but needs to be entered if you are creating a new revision of an existing service. Note that if a revision number for a service is entered, the maintenance limits for the service must have the same revision number.
(ECS300/E) Start date

… the first date that the service may be triggered. Scheduled services will be triggered based on the start date plus the specified frequency of the service.

The start date can be used to prevent services that are defined against products/equipment that are not yet used in production from being triggered. It can also be used to prevent a lot of services from being triggered during system implementation before go-live.

If left blank, the first planned work order will be triggered based on the installation date of the serialized item/equipment in (MMS240) and the defined maintenance limits.

(ECS300/E) To date … the last date that planned work will be triggered based on the service revision. This date could, for example, be the de-commission date of the product/equipment, or the last day of the lease. If the field is left blank, work will be triggered indefinitely.
(ECS300/E) Status

… the service revision status.

The valid alternatives are:

10 = Preliminary, which is a status that is used when the service revision is still being prepared.

20 = Definite, which indicates that the revision is complete and is ready to be transferred to production.

21 = Definite and transferred to production, which indicates that the revision is locked and no updates can be made.

29 = Old revision of definite, which indicates that the revision has been replaced by a later revision.

30 = Definite and mandatory, which indicates that the work described in the revision must be performed according to the limits. If the planned work that is generated from a mandatory service is not released from (MOS170) before the planned start date, the serialized item's status will be set to unserviceable (status=80). Revisions with status 30 are ready to be transferred to the production environment.

31 = Definite, mandatory service and transferred to (MOS300), which indicates that the revision is locked and no updates can be made.

39 = Old revision of definite, mandatory service, which indicates that the revision has been replaced by a later revision.

90 = Blocked/expired

91 = Blocked/expired and transferred to (MOS300)

99 = Old revision of blocked/expired.

(ECS300/E) Responsible

… the user who is responsible for the revision. This field will default from the user who is currently logged on, but may be changed.

Note that this user will receive messages from M3 if, for example, the service revision is not set up correctly. This means that if a temporary data input clerk is used for the loading of data, then this profile may be sent a large amount of messages. It is advisable to use the correct user ID or set up a common user profile that the messages will go to.

(ECS300/E) Description … a description of the service revision. The text entered here will be copied to the operation description if it is left blank.
(ECS300/E) Process type

… a predefined process type that may be used for accounting purposes. This feature is normally not used and a blank process type may be used.

Process types are defined in 'Process Type. Open' (CRS256).

(ECS300/E) Service group

… a group of service revisions that should be triggered together. Services may also be viewed per service group in (MOS300). The service group also determines whether activity approval is mandatory before the service revision status may be raised.

Service groups are defined in 'Service Group. Open' (MOS325).

(ECS300/E) Scheduled service

… how work that is generated from this service revision will be scheduled.

The valid alternatives are:

0, which means that the work described in the service revision is not reoccurring work. Any work that is to be generated from this service revision must be entered manually in (MOS170) or (MOS185), be used as a related service or used as an automatically triggered service when, for example, values reported at inspections are outside the specified limits.

1, which means that planned work orders will be generated according to the specified limits up to the end of the planning horizon. A weekly service would, for example, be generated 52 times if the planning horizon is set to 365 days. Note that this option creates a large number of planned work orders. In this case, the next due planned WO status will be set to 20, and all future planned WOs beyond the next due will receive status 10. As soon as the next due is released, the next will be upgraded to status 20.

2, which is the default value on service revision entry. If selected, only the next occurrence of the service revision is visible in (MOS170). As soon as the work is performed, the next service will be generated. This option gives a smaller amount of planned work orders, but it only allows short-term planning of resources and materials.

(ECS300/E) Planning facility … the facility that will carry out the work defined in the service revision.
(ECS300/E) Service level

… how comprehensive a service revision is. The service level can be used to suppress smaller services when a larger, more comprehensive service has been performed. The service level can be anything between 1 and 9, where 1 indicates the most comprehensive service and 9 indicates the least comprehensive service.

This means that the interval for a less comprehensive service is recalculated when a more comprehensive service has been performed.

Example: A vehicle may be serviced every 10,000 km, 20,000 km and 40,000 km. However, when the 20,000 km service is due, the 10,000 km service should be suppressed and not be performed until 30,000 km, etc. In this case, the most comprehensive service should be assigned service lever 1, the next largest level 2 and the smallest level 3.

The 'Suppress minor service' parameter in (CRS789) can be used to control how far the system should check before and after a major service for minor services to suppress. If, for example, 5 days is entered, the system will check 5 days before and after a major service for minor services. If a minor service is found, its (MOS170) record will be suppressed.

The calculation method in (ECS300/) determines how these calculations are done.

(ECS300/E) Planning policy

… a predefined planning policy that determines the way in which planned work orders created from this service revision will be authorized, the amount of time between the suggested release date and the start date, etc.

Planning policies are defined in 'Planning Policy. Open' (MMS037).

(ECS300/E) Planning horizon … how far in advance the system should generate this service revision in (MOS170). The planning horizon can be left blank on the service revision. If so, the planning horizon specified in (MMS240) will be used.
(ECS300/E) Order type

… a predefined and mandatory order type that controls many of the service revision's attributes and its subsequent planned work orders and work orders.

Work order types are defined in 'Work Order Type. Open' (MOS120).

(ECS300/E) Meter … the frequency of the scheduled service revision according to the available planning meter, of which there can be a maximum of 4. The threshold indicates the first occurrence of the service and the repeat interval indicates the frequency after the threshold has been reached.
(ECS300/E) Inventory maintenance

… whether the service interval should also apply when the product or equipment is stored in the warehouse.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes, time in inventory only, which means that the service revision applies only when the product is stored.

2 = Yes, use total calendar time.

(MOS337/E) Revision date … the date that the organization made the revision or the date when the internal revision was approved.
(MOS337/E) Doc ID … a document that normally describes the revision.
(MOS337/E) Receipt date … the date when the revision was received.
(MOS337/E) Date revised … the date when the revision was applied within the organization.
(MOS337/E) Revised by … who was responsible for the revision.
(ECS300/F) Document ID … a document code from (CRS230).
(ECS300/F) Event type

… a predefined event type that controls how planned work orders are combined into work orders. Only services with the same event type will be considered for combination under the same work order. Event types are normally used for predictive type inspections, such as lubrication, where check lists are required. This field is not used for other types of work, such as planned work. Therefore a blank record should be created.

Define event types in 'Event Type. Open' (MOS320).

(ECS300/F) Failure category

… indicates one or more of the error codes that must be entered at work order operation reporting in (MOS070). If selected here, these codes must be entered, regardless of whether they are blank.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = None of the error codes are mandatory

1 = Error code 1 is mandatory

2 = Error codes 1 and 2 are mandatory

3 = Error codes 1, 2 and 3 are mandatory.

(ECS300/F) Competing meter

… how service revisions with competing meters are triggered.

The valid alternatives are:

1 = First limit triggers the service

2 = Last limit triggers the service

3 = As in alternative 1, after first threshold has been reached.

The default setting is 1.

(ECS300/F) Service motivation

… a means of grouping services based on the reason for the service, such as inspections according to a specific maintenance program.

Service motivations are defined in 'Service Motivation. Open' (MOS340).

(ECS300/F) Accounting control object

… a user-defined field that is most often used to control account entries.

Accounting control objects can be verified and changed in 'Control Object. Open User-Defined' (CRS355).

(ECS300/F) Excluded item

… whether the items specified in the effectivity list in (MOS314) should be excluded from the effectivity.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes

If alternative 0 is specified (default), the service is valid for all items. However, if any items are registered in (MOS314), the service will only be effective for those items registered. If alternative 1 is specified, the service is considered effective for all items with the exception of those registered in (MOS314).

(ECS300/F) Transaction reason … a predefined transaction reason. Transaction reasons are defined in 'Transaction Reason. Open' (CRS103).
(ECS300/F) Trend alarm … the type of trend alarm that is expected due to a service that is performed. This field is not activated in this release.
(ECS300/F) Supplier group

… a predefined supplier group. A supplier group is an optional classification of suppliers and is used as a selection identity for sorting orders and printouts.

Supplier groups are defined in 'Supplier Group. Open' (CRS150).

(ECS300/F) Sub-service

… whether this service revision is really a sub-service that belongs to another service. A sub-service is never planned alone since it is really an operation that belongs to a main service.

The main advantage of defining an operation as a sub-service is that special requirements can be connected to the sub-service to aid in planning.

(ECS300/F) Calculation date

… what date should be used to calculate the meter values.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = Not used

1 = Birth date (introduced into the system)

2 = Manufacture date

3 = Quality inspection date

4 = Installation date.

Note: If 4 is selected, the service revision will not be planned until the item is installed for the first time.

(ECS300/F) Component installed

… whether the service can be performed while the component is still installed.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes

2 = Either while installed or removed.

(ECS300/F) Install code

… the point at which installation applies.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = When installed in next higher assembly

1 = When installed in operational unit.

(ECS300/F) Service flow … the service flow that is used for network planning. Refer to the documentation on network planning for information about how this works.
(ECS300/F) Adjust code

… how the start date for a service is calculated based on the completion of the previous service.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = Maintain original schedule irrespective of the completion date of the previous service (no float).

1 = Allow the next service to be rescheduled earlier or later based on the completion date of the previous service (float permitted both earlier or later).

2 = As alternative 1, but only allow the next service to be rescheduled to an earlier date (float permitted to an earlier date).

3 = As alternative 1, but only allow the next service to be rescheduled to a later date (float only permitted to a later date).

If 0 is selected, the planned date will always be used.

If 1 is selected, the reported date will be used. If a service is reported to have occurred two days later than planned, two days will be added to keep the original service interval.

If 2 is selected, a service that is reported two days later than planned will be adjusted back to the original planned date. This means that the service interval will be shorter.

If the service is reported two days earlier than planned, the reporting date will be used. The service will come out on the reporting date + the interval.

If 3 is selected, the next service will be replanned according to the service interval. If a service is reported two days late, two days will be added before the service takes place again.

If the service is reported two days early, no adjustment will be made and the next service will take place on the original planned date.

(ECS300/G) Manual replanning after removal

… the manual replanning type that should be performed after removal in (MOS125). For each type, you can define a message that should be sent to the responsible planner after the component is uninstalled. If the field is left blank, no message will be sent.

Define manual planning types in 'Manual Planning Type. Open' (MOS316).

(ECS300/G) User-defined fields … fields that can be used for any purpose. Field headings can be defined in 'Settings - User-Def Service Fields' (MOS980).
(ECS300/G) Manual replanning after service

… the manual replanning type that should be performed after the service is completed. For each type, you can define a message that should be sent to the responsible planner after the work is closed in (MOS050). If the field is left blank, no message will be sent.

Define manual planning types in 'Manual Planning Type. Open' (MOS316).

(ECS300/G) Manual replanning after installation

… the manual replanning type that should be performed after installation in (MOS125) or installation from (MOS050). For each type, you can define a message that should be sent to the responsible planner after the component is installed. If the field is left blank, no message will be sent.

Define manual planning types in 'Manual Planning Type. Open' (MOS316).

(ECS300/G) Performing level

… whether a maintenance program should be considered for maintenance limits.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes

If 1 is selected, the limits specified on the blank maintenance program will be used, even if a maintenance program is specified on the individual in (MMS240).

(ECS300/G) Lead time … the service revision's lead time. If the field is left blank, the lead time will be calculated based on the sum of the operations' lead time in the product structure.
(ECS300/G) Capability list … whether the service should be included in the company's capability profile.
(ECS300/G) Warranty certified … whether the company is certified to perform this service as a warranty service.
(ECS300/G) Warranty limit 1–4 … the warranty that is given for the service by the service provider. A warranty record is created in (MOS390) upon completion of the service.