Warehouse Priority Rules

The purpose of this document is to describe the functionality for the warehouse priority and different scenarios in the maintenance area.

Warehouse priority rules are used to determine from which warehouse material issues are to be made for planned work orders.

Content of this document:

  • How and where warehouse prioritization rules are defined.
  • Logic used for warehouse priorities rules when creating a planned work order.


Warehouse priority can be used to override the default warehouse, when requesting materials to a planned WO. The warehouse on material lines is usually selected among the warehouses defined for the facility from which a work order originates. If, however, warehouse priority has been defined, those warehouse definitions take priority.

A good example of when the warehouse priority rules are useful is when customers have their own material stored in a separate warehouse in your facility, and the customer-owned material should be used prior to material from your own warehouses.

Warehouse priority rules can be defined for a maintenance agreement defined in 'Maint Agrmnt. Open' (COS410) or for a service defined in 'Service. Open' (MOS300).


Warehouses must be defined in 'Warehouse. Open' (MMS005). Items/warehouses must be defined in 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002).

The logic of warehouse priority rules

  • Maintenance agreement – warehouse prioritization

    For each maintenance agreement defined in (COS410), warehouse priority can be defined in 'Maint Agrmt. Connect Warehouse Priority' (COS417). That is, a series of warehouses can be defined to control from where material should be issued for work orders connected to the agreement.

    Warehouse priority records in (COS417) can be defined with a specific facility or with a blank facility. Records defined with a specific facility will only be applied to work orders created for that facility. Records created with a blank facility will be applied to work orders created for any facility. Note that the 'Facility' field in (COS417) is used for determining to which work orders the priority rules will apply, not for defining to which facility the warehouse belongs.

    The 'Priority' field is used for situations when a series of warehouses are defined in (COS417). The record with the highest priority (1) will be read first.

    If a warehouse priority record exists in (COS417) for the agreement against which you are creating the work order, the program (COS910) checks if the stock balance in the warehouse with the highest priority is sufficient to supply the order. If the balance is sufficient, this warehouse is selected on the material lines of the work order. If the balance is insufficient, the system continues to check the priority table for records with a lower priority. If no warehouse with a sufficient balance is found, the system continues to check for records with a blank facility. If no warehouse with a balance is found, it will assign the requirement to the work order warehouse.

    If the 'Backorder' parameter is selected for a (COS417) record, the requirement will remain for the warehouse specified even if the stock level is insufficient, provided that no other warehouse with a balance is found within the priority table. A warehouse with a sufficient balance will always take higher priority than a warehouse with an insufficient balance. The 'Backorder' parameter is useful if this warehouse always has a zero balance and is replenished from another warehouse.

  • Warehouse priority for services

    For each service in 'Service. Open' (MOS300), a warehouse priority can be defined in 'Service Connect Warehouse Priority' (MOS315). A series of warehouses can be defined to control from where material on lines connected to the service definition should be issued.

    Warehouse priority records in (MOS315) must be defined with a specific facility. The 'Facility' field in (MOS315) is used for determining to which work order the priority rules will be applied. The defined priority rules will only be applied to a work order created for the same facility as specified in (MOS315).

    The 'Priority' field is used when a series of warehouses are defined in (MOS315). The record with the highest priority (1) will be read first.

    If a warehouse priority record exists in (MOS315) for the service against which you are creating the work order, the system (COS910) checks if the stock balance in the warehouse with the highest priority is sufficient to supply the order. If the balance is sufficient, this warehouse is selected on the material lines of the work order. If the stock balance is insufficient, the system continues to check the priority table for records with a lower priority. If no warehouse with a balance is found, the requirement will be assigned to the work order warehouse.

    If the 'Backorder' parameter is selected for an (MOS315) record, the requirement will remain for the warehouse specified even if the stock level is insufficient, provided that no other warehouse with a balance is found within the priority table. A warehouse with a sufficient balance will always take higher priority than a warehouse with an insufficient balance. The 'Backorder' parameter is useful if this warehouse always has a zero balance and is replenished from another warehouse.

  • Warehouse priority for service and maintenance agreement

    The system checks if 'Warehouse priority' is defined for the service in (MOS315) first. If nothing is defined there it checks the MCO agreement in (COS417). If records exist in (MOS315) but the available stock is insufficient, the system will move on to read (COS417). If 'Backorder' is selected for a warehouse in (MOS315), the requirement will remain for the warehouse specified even if the stock level is insufficient.

  • Warehouse priority on manually entered material lines on work orders

    When you manually create a material line on a work order, the selection of the warehouse is done based on the priority from (MOS315) or (COS417), before you open the E panel. Therefore, it cannot check the available qty as you have not yet entered the quantity and the stock balance will not be considered in this scenario.

  • Warehouse priority on a MCO quotation

    When you create an MCO quotation in 'Maint CO. Create Quotation' (COS107) based on a work request/work order the warehouse on the material lines of the MCO quotation in 'Maint CO. Check Preliminary Invoice Spec' (COS170) will be selected from the work request/work order material lines

    When you create an MCO quotation in (COS107) based on the service definition content (field 'WO no' in (COS107/E) is left blank) the warehouse on the material lines of the MCO quotation in (COS170) will be selected based on the warehouse priority rules defined in (COS417) or (MOS315).

  • Warehouse priority on manually entered material lines on an MCO quotation

    Warehouse priority rules will no be considered for manually entered lines on the MCO quotation in (COS170).