Define Engineering Order Type

This document explains how you define an engineering order type to specify how engineering orders using this order type are to be treated when they are defined. The instruction also explains how different activities that must be performed are connected to an engineering order type.

Use this instruction when you need to define new engineering order types.


An engineering order type is defined. When applicable, the engineering order type has activities connected to it.

Information about the engineering order type is stored in the following files:

  • Engineering order type (MOOEOT)
  • Engineering order activity status (MOOACS)

The engineering order type is used when engineering orders are defined. The order type determines for example the number series and the priority of the engineering order. If activities are connected to the engineering order type it will not be possible to create any planned work orders until all activities have been approved.

Before you start

  • A document type for engineering orders must be defined in 'Document Type. Open' (CRS236).
  • If activities are to be connected to the EO type, these must be created in 'Engineering Order Activity. Open' (MOS245).
  • A number series, type 94, must be defined in 'Number Series. Open' (CRS165).

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'Engineering Order Type. Open' (MOS222/B).

  2. Select a panel sequence.

    The panel sequence should be E if no activities are to be added to the engineering order type.

    The panel sequence should be E1 if one or more activities are to be added to the engineering order type.

  3. Specify an identity of the engineering order type. Select 'New Record' to display panel E.

    The identity may be three positions in length and alphanumerical.

  4. Specify a description and a name.

  5. Specify a number series and a change type and a priority.

  6. Specify a document type and a document subtype (optional).

  7. Specify whether activities connected to the engineering order type must be approved before planned work orders may be generated.

  8. Specify whether the engineering order revision number should be updated when the engineering order document is updated. Click Enter to finish or add activities to the EO type.

Connect Activities to the Engineering Order Type

  1. On panel (MOS225/B), specify a predefined activity to connect to the engineering order type. Select 'New Record'.

  2. Press Enter to finish.

Parameters to Set

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …
(MOS222/B) Engineering order type … a user-defined identity of the engineering order type. This identity may be three positions in length and alphanumerical.
(MOS222/E) Number series

… the number series to be used when new engineering orders are created.

Engineering orders use number series 94.

(MOS222/E) Change type

… how the engineering order will be processed by the system.

The valid alternatives are:

1 = Only basic data may be entered.

2 = Modification order. This means that the engineering order is treated as a standing order until it is deactivated or cancelled.

3 = Modification program. This means that the engineering order program may be used to create planned work orders for specific objects.

(MOS222/E) Document type

… the type of the document. Document types are used to distinguish between different types of documents, for example service bulletins, instructions and manuals.

Document types are defined in 'Document Type. Open' (CRS236).

(MOS222/E) Document subtype … the subtype of a document type.
(MOS222/E) Activity approval

… whether activities connected to the engineering order must be approved.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes

If 1 is selected, all activities must be approved before the status of the engineering order may be raised and planned work orders may be created.

Alternative 1 has an impact on the EO flow. When selected, no changes can be made on the EO once the last activity has been approved. Nor will it be possible to retreive any affected serial numbers, so this must be done before the activities are approved.

(MOS222/E) Auto update – revision number

… whether the revision number of the engineering order should be automatically updated when the engineering order document's revision number is updated.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes

(MOS225/B Activity

… an activity that must be performed before the engineering order can be approved.

Activities are defined in 'Engineering Order Activity. Open' (MOS245).