Estimate Work Request Job Content - Skills

This document explains how you link skills requirements to a work request.

Use this instruction when a job requires specific knowledge or education.


A specific skill is linked to the job.


The link between the request and the skill ensures that the correct people are allocated to the job. This increases the level of safety.

How the System Is Affected

The information is stored in the work request operation element (MMPOPS) file.

Before you start

Follow These Steps

  1. Start ‘Work Request Operation. Open Op Element’ (MOS172/B1).

    This panel can be reached in the following ways:

    From ‘Work Request. Open’ (MOS170), highlight the work order request and choose option ‘Materials and operations’ to display (MOS171). Highlight the operation to which the skill will be attached and choose option ‘Op elements’ to display (MOS172).


    From ‘Work Request. Open Toolbox’ (MOS197), highlight the work order request and choose option ‘Material and operations’ to display (MOS171). Highlight the operation to which the skill will be attached and choose option ‘Op element’ to display (MOS172).

  2. Set panel sequence E and sorting order 1.

  3. Enter the element number, element type 1 or 2 and the skill required. Select Create to display the E panel.

    If element type 1 is selected, the estimated time to complete each operation should be set up at this level. If element type 2 is selected, the estimated time is set up on the operation level (recommended).

  4. On the E panel, enter an employee number and a description (optional fields).

    The employee number may be used to plan work in programs such as ‘Load. Display Gantt Chart/Employee’ (CPS155).

  5. Enter the setup time and the planned number of workers to set up the operation (optional fields).

    The setup time is the time required to prepare the machine before work can begin. This value is normally specified for the operation and not here.

  6. Enter the work time and the planned number of workers (optional fields).

    Note that the unit must be the same as the unit defined for the work center in ‘Work Center. Open’ (PDS010). Note also that these values are normally entered directly for the operation and not here.

  7. Enter the required skill and an optional text. Press Enter to finish.