Check Component Availability against a Work Order

This instruction explains how to make sure that the component requirements for a work order are available.

Use the instruction when you want to make sure the job is not stopped due to component shortages.


You have information about the component availability for the selected job. This information helps you to decide how to proceed with the process. Decisions about component allocation could be affected.

Before you start

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Work Schedule. Open Toolbox' (MOS195/B). Select the work order operation and select option 13='Check Component Availability' to display 'Work Order. Check Component Availability' (MOS040).
  2. Select an appropriate sorting order and an availability type.

    The availability types that can be selected are:

    1 = Current on-hand balance

    2 = Projected on-hand balance

    3 = Available to promise

    4 = Allocable net.

  3. Specify whether only shortages should be displayed.
  4. Specify a range of sequence numbers, operations and dates to limit the selection.

    It is a good idea to limit the selection when many different materials are connected to the work order.

    The screen displays materials where problems exist according to the above criteria. The information includes basic order details such as quantity, available quantity, and item details.

    Display Additional Information

  5. Select the following options in 'Work Order. Check Component Availability' (MOS040) for additional information:

    Option 5 displays the material line details.

    Option 10 displays the item availability in the main warehouse in 'On-hand. Display Summarized per Itm/Whs' (MMS200).

    Option 11 displays the detailed material plan for the item in 'Material Plan. Open' (MMS080).

    Option 20 displays the alternative material plan for the item in 'Maint Order. Check Alt Material' (MOS114). This check is only available if the work order is at status 10.