Starting Work Order Operations

This document explains how work orders and work order operations are started or deferred to another date. Work orders and operations are started to indicate that work is in progress and also to begin collecting actual labor time.

Use this process either when you start working on jobs or when you want to defer jobs to another time.


The job is either reported as started (and the start date on the work order is updated), or it is deferred to another date when there is time to complete it. Work can start on the maintenance object. It is also possible to issue tools and materials needed for the job.

For more information about changes in M3, refer to the documents listed in the See Also section.

Before you start

The starting conditions listed in Performing Maintenance must be met.


Use these options when you start working on jobs or when you want to defer jobs to another time.

  • Reschedule work order

    Work orders sometimes need to be rescheduled to another date as the work cannot, for some reason, be performed on the planned date. It is possible to move jobs either forward or backward in time.

    Reschedule work orders in 'Work Order. Reschedule' (MOS010).

  • Reschedule work order operation

    Individual work order operations may have to be rescheduled for different reasons. It is possible to move jobs either forward or backward in time.

    Reschedule operations in 'WO Operation. Reschedule' (MOS020).

  • Reschedule work order operation by schedule number

    Work order operations can be rescheduled according to their schedule numbers. The schedule number is often a project code representing a real project, but it may also be a shutdown or other major maintenance activity.

    Reschedule by schedule number in 'Work Schedule. Open Toolbox' (MOS195).

  • Reschedule multiple work order operations

    This procedure should be used when multiple operations need to be rescheduled. In this case the jobs are moved a certain number of days backward or forward in time rather than being moved to a specified date.

    Reschedule multiple work order operations in 'WO Operation. Reschedule Multi / W/C' (MOS025).

  • Report work start

    This procedure is used to report that work on an operation is started. This is sometimes used to register maintenance time. However it is not always necessary to continue the work order process.

    Start work order operations in 'WO Operation. Report Work Start' (MOS820).

  • Report interruption stop

    This procedure should be used when stopping an interruption report within M3 Maintenance. An interruption is normally associated with an operation that has been stopped because, for example, a problem was found or parts that were needed were missing, and the job could not be finished. This is not normally used in Plant Maintenance.

    Stop interruptions in 'WO Operation. Report Interruption Stop' (MOS823).