Add Materials to a Work Order Operation

This document explains how you connect new materials to a work order operation. It also explains how to add materials by specifying them manually and how to select materials from the equipment structure.


New materials are added to the operation and if WO picking list is used on the WO type parameter 210, delivery is created in 'Delivery. Open Toolbox' (MWS410). Otherwise, a requisition is created in 'Req/Distr Order. Open' (MMS100).

The material is available and you can complete the work.

The information is stored in the MMOMAT table.

Before you start

  • The starting conditions listed in Stopping, Delaying and Replanning Work Order Operations must be met.
  • A stocked item should be defined in 'Item. Open' (MMS001) with a warehouse, and other details.
  • If used, the order type in 'Req/Distr Order Type. Open' (CRS200) must be correctly defined with the parameter 'Type of order number check' set to 6. This order type should be defaulted against the work order type in 'Work Order Type. Open' (MOS120).
  • If used, the WO type in 'Work Order Type. Open' (MOS120) must be configured for WO picking list. To do this, add a Dispatch policy in parameter 210 and leave the RO type in parameter 120 blank. This indicates that orders using this order type will issue their material using the delivery in direct connection to the work order instead of by requisition order. The return of any unused material associated with the pick list will continue to be managed using requisition orders of type 40, using parameter 130 in (MOS120). The picking list status field in 'Work Order. Open Line' (MOS101) indicates the progress of the delivery or picking list.
  • The sequence used to search for the item number when adding the spare part must be defined in the 'Check sequence – item ID' field on the P panel. If you want to use the customer's item number, that number must be defined in 'Customer. Connect Item' (OIS005). If you want to use the alias number, that number must be defined in 'Item. Connect Alias Number' (MMS025). If you want to use a check against interface item numbers, that number must be defined in 'Interface Item. Open' (MHS001) and number 5 to be added in your sequence. If you use alias numbers, you must also define the sequence in which to search for the alias number in the 'Search sequence' field on the P panel.
  • If 'Hide miscellaneous cost material' on (MOS101/P) is activated, miscellaneous costs are not included in the calculation of the estimated cost.

Follow these steps

Add material or spare parts manually

  1. Start 'Work Order. Open' (MOS100/B).
  2. Select an appropriate sorting order to identify the correct work order.
  3. Select the work order and related option 11='Materials and operations' to display 'Work Order. Open Line' (MOS101/B).
  4. Select a sorting order and ensure the panel sequence includes the material related screens E, F, or M.
  5. Specify a sequence number and an operation number to which the material is to be linked.

    The sequence number must be specified, for example 001, 002, or 003.

  6. Specify the item number of the material and select Create.

    You can also specify a kit number or the alias number of the reference number or the customer's item number. Note, however, that the reference number as defined in (MMS001) will automatically be retrieved during entry and used on the picking list and other internal documents.

  7. On the detail panel, specify the quantity to be reserved. Press Enter to return to the B panel. If an order initiated DO or PO should be triggered for this specific material line, line type 1-3 on the F-panel can be used.
  8. Specify any other materials.
  9. Press F3='Exit' to finish.

    If you add more than one material, you will be prompted to reschedule the work order in 'Work Order. Reschedule' (MOS010) when pressing F3.

    The work order receives status X2 until you have finished editing it. This prevents other users to also edit the order.

Add material or spare parts from the equipment structure

This section describes how you add spare parts that are already linked to the equipment in 'Product Structure. Open' (PDS002).

  1. Start 'Work Order. Open' (MOS100/B).
  2. Select an appropriate sorting order to identify the correct work order.
  3. Select the work order and select related option 11='Materials and operations' to display 'Work Order. Open Line' (MOS101/B).

    This panel can also be reached from 'Work Schedule. Open Toolbox' (MOS195), using related option 11='Materials and operations'.

  4. Select sorting order 1 and press F16='Add spares' to display 'Work Order. Add Spare Parts' (MOS107).
  5. Specify the quantity to be reserved for each item and press Enter to save.
  6. Press F3='Exit' to finish.

    You will be prompted to reschedule the work order in 'Work Order. Reschedule' (MOS010) when you press F3.

    The work order receives status X2 until you have finished editing it. This prevents other users to also edit the order.

Add interface item from (MHS001)

This section describes how to add an interface item to a work order.

  1. Start 'Work Order. Open' (MOS100/B).
  2. Select an appropriate sorting order to identify the correct work order.
  3. Select the work order and related option 11='Materials and operations' to display 'Work Order. Open Line' (MOS101/B). You can also reach this panel from 'Work Schedule. Open Toolbox' (MOS195), using related option 11='Materials and operations'.
  4. Go to settings (MOS101/P).
  5. Specify '5' in the 'Check sequence – item ID' field. Press Enter and go back to (MOS101/B).
  6. Specify your interface item in the material field and create.
  7. When creation is in progress, you can end up in two scenarios.
    1. If only one record of the interface item exists, you get (MOS101/V) directly.
    2. If two records of the interface item exist, you get a pop-up browse window where you can select the item you want to proceed with. When a item has been selected, (MOS101/V) appears.
  8. The item has now been added to the work order, and you can continue with processing it.


Interface items in (MHS001) that can be used in the process must be validated successfully (status 40) and hold an item type on (MHS001/E), which uses item category '11' (ECI) and where the item interface-controlled parameter is set to '2' (controlled without update).