Loan / Exchange Purchase Order - Receipt

This document describes how to register receipt of a component connected to a loan / exchange PO.

Before you start

Before the process can be started, the loan / exchange purchase order must be created.

Follow these steps

The following section describes the basic steps for registering receipt of loan and exchange purchase order goods.

Note: The number of steps involved in the goods receiving process can vary and determined by the goods receiving method specified for the purchase order (line) for which goods are being received.
  1. Receive Goods

    Components are registered as received in 'Purchase Order. Receive Goods' (PPS300). In connection with registering receipt of goods, the following information can be entered:

    • Remark
    • Received qty (Mandatory) – normally 1
    • Location (Mandatory)
    • Lot no – may be entered depending on goods receiving method
    • No. packages
    • Lot ref 1 – e.g. Supplier reference, approval tag reference
    • Lot ref 2
    • Transaction date (Mandatory)

    Once receipt of goods has been registered, the status of the purchase order is updated to 50. Depending on the good receiving method, the component may now either be ready for requisition or ready for goods inspection.

  2. Inspect Goods

    Quality Inspection is registered in 'Purchase Order. Inspect Goods' (PPS310). In connection with registering the goods as inspected, you can register the inspection result, the warehouse and location to which component is placed, among other things.

    Once the goods inspection is registered, the inspection documents are automatically printed upon leaving the program. In addition, the status of the purchase order is updated to 65.

  3. Put-Away Goods

    The last step in the goods receiving process is to register the goods as put-away in 'Purchase Order. Put- Away Goods' (PPS320). The purpose of the activity is to update on-hand balance and mark the loaned component are ready for use (allocable).

    Once the goods have been registered as put-away, applicable documents are automatically printed upon leaving the program. In addition, the status of the purchase order is updated to 65.

  4. Component Records Update

    When a component is received in connection with a loan / exchange PO the following information is updated:

    • For borrowed components, the supplier’s ID is entered in the field Owner in 'Equipment/Serialized Item. Open' (MMS240).
    • A balance ID record is created for the borrowed component in 'Balance Identity. Display' (MMS060). If the loan is internal (from another facility), no new balance ID is created.
  5. Update History

    The component’s history may be updated, depending on the type of information and documents provided with the document. The history of a serialized item is updated in 'Equipment. Update History' (MOS290).

    The history that may be updated consists of the following areas:

    • Meter readings (hours, cycles, time since new (TSN), etc.)
    • Service history (time since service (TSS), time since overhaul (TSO), time since inspection (TSI), etc.)
    • Other information such as the owner, warranty, etc