Define New Service - Standard Entry

This document explains how you register a new service and define the characteristics of the service. The characteristics include information about validity dates and where the service is performed.

Use this instruction when you need to register a new service that you can perform either for internal use or for your customers.


You have registered a service and decided upon a number of characteristics that apply to the service. Among these are:

  • What the service is linked to. It can be linked to a serialized item, an equipment number, a position in a configuration or be defined as a blank, general service.
  • What meters are linked to a specific service and at what interval the service should be repeated.
  • The dates between which the service is valid.

The service definition is one of the most important elements of maintenance since no actual work can be done without a defined service. Thus, a service is essential when you create the work orders that start work in the shop.

Work orders can be created in these ways:

  • Manually in 'Work Order. Enter' (MOS001)
  • Manually in 'Work Request. Open' (MOS170)
  • Manually in 'Work Request. Quick Entry' (MOS185)
  • From a maintenance customer order in 'Maint CO. Open' (COS100)
  • From a complaint in 'Complaint. Open' (MOS500)
  • From an engineering order in 'Eng Order. Open' (MOS200)
  • Automatically when meter readings exceed certain limits in 'Equipment. Report Meter Reading' (MOS160).

Information about the service is stored in (MPDSCF).

Before you start

The starting conditions listed in Defining Services to Describe the Jobs that are Performed on an Object must be met.

The parameters in 'Service. Open' (MOS300/P) must be set to agree with the intentions of the service.

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Service. Open' (MOS300/B).

  2. Specify what the service should be linked to in the 'Service category' field and then enter the linked object, if applicable.

    The service can be linked to an item, function, equipment and position, or not linked at all.

  3. Set the panel sequence to EFG and select sorting order 1.

  4. Enter an ID for which the service should apply, an ID for the service and, if applicable, a structure type. Select New to display the E-panel.

  5. On the E-panel, specify the start and to dates of the service, the status, the person responsible for the service, and a description of the service.

    If you set the service status to 30 (mandatory), the status of the serialized item/equipment is automatically set to 80 (unserviceable) if the planned work order/request is not released before the planned start date.

  6. If applicable, specify a process type and a service group.

    A process type is used to classify a service as, for example, a statutory or non-statutory service. Process types are defined in 'Process Type. Open' (CRS256).

    A service group can be specified and then used as a search key during inquiries. Service groups are defined in 'Service Group. Open' (MOS325).

  7. Specify how the service should be scheduled, the planning policy and, if applicable, the planning facility.

    A planning policy contains a set of rules that determine how planned work orders are generated. Planning policies are defined in 'Planning Policy. Open' (MMS037).

  8. Specify the service level and the calculation method to be used.

    The service level indicates how comprehensive a service is; that is, how much is covered by the service. The service level can be set to a value between 0 and 9. 0 indicates that service level is not used, 1 indicates the most comprehensive service level and 9 is the least comprehensive level.

    The calculation method indicates how the current service should affect and be affected by other services scheduled for the same individual item. This means that it is possible to delay smaller services if these are included in a larger service.

  9. Specify the order type and, if applicable, the planning horizon.

    The planning horizon indicates the period for which the service is planned. If a planning horizon is specified here, it should be shorter than the one specified for the operational unit in 'Equipment/Serialized Item. Open' (MMS240).

  10. If automatic scheduling is selected, specify when the service should first be performed and at what intervals it should be repeated.

  11. Specify how maintenance limits should apply for the object when it is stored in inventory and whether the threshold value represents the lifetime maintenance limit for the object. Press Enter to display the F-panel.

    Inventory maintenance is normally set to 1 when the service should only apply when the maintenance object is kept in store.

Specify optional service information

  1. Specify the document ID, event type, and revision number.

    A document may, for example, be a service bulletin or an engineering order. Documents are registered in 'Document. Open' (CRS230).

    Event types are defined in 'Event Type. Open' (MOS320).

    If a revision number is specified, the maintenance limits for the service must be given the same revision number.

  2. Specify the failure category.

    The failure category describes the effect of the failure, such as if it constitutes a safety issue.

  3. Specify how services with competing meters should be triggered, the service motivation, and the accounting control object.

    For competing meters, these apply:

    - If 1 is selected, the service is triggered by the first meter that reaches its limit.

    - If 2 is selected, the service is triggered by the last meter that reaches its limit.

    - If 3 is selected, the service is triggered by the first meter that reaches its limit once the threshold value has been reached.

    The service motivation is a means of grouping services based on the reason for the service. Service motivations can be defined in 'Service Motivation. Open' (MOS340).

    Accounting control objects are defined in 'Control Object. Open User-defined' (CRS335).

  4. Specify whether items defined in 'Service. Connect Effectivity' (MOS314) should be included or excluded.

    If you leave the check box cleared, the service is valid for all items. If any item is registered in (MOS314), the service will only be effective for those items registered.

    If you select the check box, the service is considered effective for all items with the exception of those registered in (MOS314).

    The service effectivity list can be reached by pressing F14.

  5. Specify the transaction reason, supplier group, and the type of trend alarm that is expected due to the service.

    The transaction reason describes why the transaction was specified. Transaction reasons are user defined in 'Transaction Reason. Open' (CRS103).

  6. Specify whether the current service is a sub-service, if the service can be performed when the component is installed, and the service flow.

  7. Specify the calculation date, the install code, and the adjustment code. Press Enter to display the G-panel.

    The calculation date indicates how meter values are to be calculated.

    The install code defines from which point the installation applies.

    The adjustment date defines how the next scheduled service is to be calculated if the current service is performed earlier or later than planned.

Specify optional information about replanning and warranties

  1. On the G-panel, specify the types of replanning to be performed after removals, services, and installations.

    Replanning types are defined in 'Manual Planning Type. Open' (MOS316). Messages can be created for each replanning type.

  2. Specify the performing level.

    If you select alternative 1, the limits specified on the blank maintenance program will be used, even if a maintenance program is specified on the individual in (MMS240). This is convenient if you have a maintenance object with a large number of installed components and you do not want to specify meter limits for each component and each maintenance program. This means that the components inherit the limits from the main object.

    This option is also selected for engineering orders where the limits are usually the same.

  3. Specify the service lead time and capability list.

    If no lead time for the service is specified, one is calculated based on the lead time in the product structure. This is valid for (MOS301/F).

  4. Specify whether the company is certified to perform the service as a warranty service, as well as the warranty limits. Press Enter to finish.

    The service is now defined and you can connect materials and operations to the service in 'Product. Connect Materials/Operations' (PDS002).