Register Subsequent Complaint
This document explains how you register a complaint that is a subsequent to an original complaint.
For example, use this instruction when there is an original complaint raised against the operational unit, such as the aircraft, and an investigation has determined that the problem will be solved by replacing the component.
- A new complaint is registered against a component. The original complaint may be closed.
- The original complaint is updated with the subsequent complaint's ID on the G panel (MOS500/G).
- The subsequent complaint is updated with the preceding complaint's ID on the G panel (MOS500/G).
- The status of the operational unit can be updated to serviceable.
- The new complaint contains information about the fault in the replaced part.
- The subsequent/preceding complaints can be viewed in 'Complaint. Display Subsequent/Preceding' (MOS502).
How the System Is Affected
Information about the subsequent complaint is registered in the following files:
- Complaints (ADECPL)
- Fault isolation (ADEISO)
- Text header (MSYTXH)
- Text line (MSYTXL).
Before you start
- An original complaint must exist in 'Complaint. Open' (MOS500).
- A complaint type must be registered in 'Complaint Type. Open' (MOS593).
- The object against which the complaint is to be registered must exist in 'Model/Site Individual. Open' (MOS250) or in 'Equipment/Serialized Item. Open' (MMS240).
- A default service should be registered in 'Settings - Maintenance 2' (CRS789).
- If error codes are used, they should be defined in 'Error Code 1. Open' (MOS572), 'Error Code 2. Open' (MOS568) and 'Error Code 3. Open' (MOS569).
Follow These Steps
Start 'Complaint. Open' (MOS500/B) and highlight the original complaint. Select option 6='Crt subs compl' and select a complaint type to display the E or F panel.
Which panel will be displayed depends on the settings in the complaint type.
Information such as the event date, time, sequence number and the registration number is defaulted from the original complaint. This information may be changed.
Follow the related steps in Register Complaints and Decisions to complete the subsequent complaint.