Perform Field Inspection Service for Equipment

This document explains how to process a field service work order with a predefined inspection list along with tasks that should be documented during work order reporting. The process starts with order entry through work order reporting and ends at invoicing.

Although recommended programs are specified for the process, they can be replaced with other programs if required.

Typical scenarios where this process can be applied are:

  • A pure inspection of a unit
  • A preventive maintenance including a number of inspection tasks
  • Any other Ad Hoc job with a predefined inspection list and information to be documented by a technician or another role during work order reporting

The inspection list can hold a number of inspection tasks where the reported results can be either numeric or alphanumeric. Examples of inspection tasks are reporting meter readings (for example running hours), oil level percentages, tyre conditions etc.

The process starts with order entry following the allocation of a technician to the order. The reporting steps include reporting the inspection results, reporting used labor run time, completing a service error report and closing off the operation. The work order is then closed, the order is approved for invoicing and an invoice is created.

The reporting elements of the process can either be performed in M3 BE or the Mobile Field Service (MFS) application. This document covers only the M3 Business Engine reporting.


This document does not describe the steps taken when using the Mobile Field Service (MFS) application for work order reporting.


The maintenance customer order and work order are created, reported, closed off, and invoiced.

Before you start

For information about prerequisite settings, refer to these documents and configuration recommendations:

  1. A valid maintenance agreement must be created in 'Maint Agrmnt. Open' (COS410).

  2. A valid service definition must exist in 'Service. Open' (MOS300).

  3. Connect operation elements with "Operation element type" = "5-Quality inspection" type. See Connect Operation Elements to a Service Operation.

  4. Register inspection ID in (PDS040). See .

    1. A valid inspection ID must exist in 'Quality Inspection. Open' (PDS040).

    2. A valid inspection task must be connected to the inspection ID in 'Quality Inspection. Connect Tasks' (PDS041).

    3. A valid result ID must exist in 'Quality Inspection Result. Open' (PDS042).

  5. Select an order type with 'Next manual function' = 5-'Start work order'. See Create Maintenance Customer Order Type.

  6. See Define Work Order Type.

    1. In (MOS120/E) set 'WO category' to 70-'Service'.

    2. In (MOS120/E) set parameter 096 'Mandatory Service Error Report' to 2-'Mandatory always'.

    3. In (MOS120/F) set parameter 100 'Should maintenance object update material plan' to 0-'No'.

    4. In (MOS120/I) set these parameters:

      • 380 'Mandatory approval of time transactions' to 0-'Not mandatory'.
      • 390 'Employee mandatory when reporting operation' = '1 (YES)'.
  7. See Define Basic Settings for Services.

    1. Set 'Auto approval' to '1=Yes' in (MOS301/E) to activate auto approval of service history.

    2. Set manual 'Completion flag' to '1=YES' in (MOS301/E).

  8. Set an issue method 4-'Backflush op 2' or 6-'Backflush op 2' on material found in (MMS002/G). See .

  9. In (CRS530/G), specify the employee 'Warehouse' and 'Location'. See .

  10. See Setting Employee Allocation.

    1. In (CBS020/E), set parameter 'Empl allocation' to 1-'Manual'.

    2. In (CBS020/E), specify a 'capability type for auto allocation' and 'operational element'.

Follow these steps

  1. See Quick Entry of Normal Maintenance Customer Order.

    The instruction is based on panel sequence=9 in (COS130/P).

    1. Start 'Main CO. Quick Entry' (COS130)

    2. Populate mandatory information: customer, agreement, product, lot number, service, facility, and order type.

    3. Populate MCO address, that is the address where the work will be performed. This is required for work order types with service category 70.

    4. Populate other optional information, for example requested start/finish dates, if required.

    5. Press 'Enter/Next' to create the maintenance customer order. Panel sequence '9' launches 'Work Request. Open' (MOS170).

    6. On confirmation of the maintenance customer order, these activities will automatically happen:

      • A maintenance customer order header and line is created.
      • A work request is created in (MOS170).
      • The created work request is released.
      • A work order is created in 'Work Order. Open' (MOS100).
    7. Optional: In 'Work Request. Open' (MOS170) future unplanned work for the customer unit can be reviewed.

  2. See Scheduling using maintenance scheduling board.

    The maintenance scheduling board is used for scheduling a work order on a short term basis, normally on a 1-14 day interval.

    1. Start 'Maintenance Scheduling Board. Open' (MOS199).

    2. Filter on the relevant department/work center/planning area/service manager and select the relevant date interval. Click 'Apply'.

    3. Identify the relevant work order and drag-and-drop this to the relevant available technician to assign the work order to this technician.

      The selected technician is then allocated to the work order operation.

  3. See Work Schedules in Maintenance.

    Work orders allocated to specific employees can be identified and reviewed in 'Work Order Schedule. Open' (MOS195) with a relevant sorting order and view.

  4. See Report Details of Operation - Inspections.

    1. From 'Work Schedule. Open' (MOS195) select related option 36='Report Inspection' to start 'WO Operation. Report Inspection Result' (MOS085).

    2. In (MOS085/B1), populate the 'report value' or browse to see the approved values. Click 'enter' to save.

      All inspection points must be reported in order to close the operation.

  5. Report Single Timesheet Transaction (MOS077).

    1. The work hours are reported in 'Report Single Timesheet Transaction' (MOS077) using related option=61-'Report Single Timesheet Transaction' from 'Work Schedule. Open Toolbox' (MOS195).

    2. In (MOS077/E), specify the employee who performed the work. If an employee is allocated to the work order operation the allocated employee is defaulted to the 'employee no.' field.

    3. The work order number, operation number, and service are defaulted.

    4. Populate the used labor run time and/or travel time and start date.

    5. Optionally populate 'costing type'. A, default value is selected based on settings in (PCS100).

    6. Verify that the manual completion flag is ticked in order to close the operation automatically when the time is reported. If the operation is closed no more time can be reported on the operation without re-opening the operation.

    7. Press enter to confirm.

    With the suggested set up in the before you start section, these steps will automatically happen:

    • Material is issued from the allocated employee’s warehouse and location (defined in (CRS530)).
    • The operation is closed (sts 90).
    • The service is approved in 'Equipment. Open Service History' (MOS180).

    The work order operation will be updated to status 90-'Closed' and the work order will be updated to status 85-'All services reported'.

  6. See Service Error Report.

    If mandatory service report is activated on the work order type (MOS120) a preliminary report will have been created in 'Service Error Report. Open' (MOS057/B) based on the information specified in (COS130) at order entry. The service error report must be completed before work order closure.

    1. In (MOS195), select related option='86 – Service Error Report' to create/edit the service error report. This will launch (MOS057).

    2. Finalize the preliminary service report in (MOS057/E) and set the status to 20-'Completed'. If mandatory service error report is not activated, a new report can be created with action 1-'Create' from (MOS057/B).

    3. Close (MOS057) to return to (MOS195).

  7. Close work order.

    In (MOS195), select related option 33='Close work order' to launch 'Work Order. Close' (MOS050). Press 'Enter/Next' to close the work order. The work order status will change from 85-'All services reported' to 94-'Closed'.

  8. Approve MCO line for invoicing.

    In (COS101) select related option 24='MCO line – Approve for invoicing'. The status on the MCO line will change from 40-'Closed Order' to 50-'Approved for Invoicing'.

  9. Invoice MCO line.

    In (COS101) select related option 35='Print Invoice' to launch (COS180). Select the 'Print Invoice' check box and click 'Next' to invoice.

    When the invoice is printed, the status of the MCO line will change from 50-'Approved for Invoicing' to 70-'Invoiced'.