Create Miscellaneous Cost Type Defined as an Item

This document explains how to create miscellaneous cost types defined as items that can be used when reporting expenses on a work order or when including expenses on an MCO quotation. Miscellaneous cost type defined as item facilitates the reporting process of miscellaneous costs by displaying proposed values for the miscellaneous costs as material lines on service definition and as work order lines on the work order.

Reporting of miscellaneous costs should be performed in 'MCO. Report Expenses' (COS150) using view 3.

These are the available functions for cost types described as items:

  • You can define miscellaneous cost types as items in these programs:
    • Service Definition in 'Product. Connect Materials/Operations' (PDS002).
    • Planned work order in 'Work Request. Open Line' (MOS171).
    • Work order in 'Work Order. Open Line' (MOS101).
  • You can add and report miscellaneous costs in (COS150).
  • If miscellaneous cost types are defined on a work order in advance, they are displayed in (COS150) as available for reporting.
  • Addition of miscellaneous cost types directly in (COS150) updates the work order lines in (MOS101).
  • Approval of miscellaneous cost as item in (COS150) updates the invoice specification in 'Maint CO. Check Preliminary Invoice Spec' (COS170).
  • The printout of WIP report in 'WIP Value. Open' (CAS170) includes miscellaneous cost type items.


A miscellaneous cost type is created from the expense type in 'Cost Type. Open for Miscellaneous Costs' (COS160) and can be used for reporting expenses on a work order.

Before you start

On 'Settings – Maintenance 1' (CRS788/E), set parameter 49-'Miscellaneous cost defined as item' to 1.

Follow these steps to define miscellaneous cost in (MMS001)

  1. Start 'Item. Open' (MMS001).

  2. Select panel sequence E, G on (MMS001/P), and sorting order 1-'Item number'.

  3. Specify the name of the misc cost type in the 'Item number' field, and select option 2-'Create'.

  4. On (MMS001/V), select an item type with item category 13-'Non material' (as defined on 'Item Type. Open' (CRS040/E) ).

    Press Enter.

  5. On (MMS001/E), specify the mandatory fields 'Name', 'Make/buy code', 'Inv. Accounting', and 'Basic U/M' and select status 20-'Released'.

    Press Enter to display the F panel.

    The selected 'Basic unit of measure' is defaulted to the cost type when it is created in 'Cost Type. Open for Miscellaneous Costs' (COS160).

  6. Press Enter to display the G panel.

  7. On (MMS001/G), select 06-'Expense' for 'Non-material type' and specify the mandatory fields 'VAT code sales' and 'VAT code purch'.

  8. Press Enter to return to the B panel.

    The expense item has been created.

Follow these steps to create miscellaneous cost type defined as an Item in (COS160)

  1. Start 'Cost Type. Open for Miscellaneous Costs' (COS160).

  2. On (COS160/B), populate the miscellaneous cost type (or browse and select from (MMS001) using F4) and select option 2-'Create'.

  3. On the E panel, specify a description and name.

    The field 'Basic Unit of Measure' is defaulted from (MMS001).

  4. Optionally, select a tax code.

  5. Specify if a 'Registration number' is required when reporting the expense in (COS150). This is used for example to track expenses against a specific vehicle (for example, fuel or mileage).

  6. Specify if 'Mandatory approval of expenses' is required in (COS150) before the reported is transferred to the invoice specification.

  7. Specify if miscellaneous costs are to be included in the fixed price of the maintenance customer order line. Applicable for service price method 4. If service price method is 7, this is only applicable if 'Price misc cur' is selected on the maintenance customer order line (COS101).

  8. Specify if the misc cost type should be taxable or non-taxable.

  9. Specify if 'Update AP' is selected upon creation in (COS150).
  10. Press Enter to save.

    The cost type has been created and can be used when adding miscellaneous costs in 'MCO. Report Expenses' (COS150), 'Work Request. Open Lines' (MOS171), 'Work Order. Open Lines' (MOS101) or 'Product. Connect Materials/Operations' (PDS002).

Price and cost for miscellaneous cost defined as an item

  • You can define an agreement specific price and cost in 'Maint Agrmnt Connect Misc Price List' (COS420).
  • You can define sales price for miscellaneous cost types in 'Sales Price List. Open' (OIS017).
  • Prices and cost in (COS150) are checked in the following hierarchy:
    1. If an agreement specific price exists in (COS420), price and cost is retrieved from (COS420).

    2. If no agreement specific price and cost exists in (COS420), the sales price is retrieved according to material price sequence in 'Maint Agrmnt. Open' (COS410/G).