Warranty Claim Settlement

This document explains how to process a claim answer from the supplier, this can either be a payment or a cancellation of the claim for a new claim version.


A warranty claim is settled and a credit is processed through an MCO invoice.

These tables are affected:

  • Warranty Claim (ACLHED)
  • Warranty Claim Specification (ACLSPC)
  • Maintenance Customer Order (ACUORH)
  • Maintenance Customer Order Line (ACUORL)
  • Maintenance Invoice Specifications (ACUINV)
  • Maintenance Invoice (COS350)

Before you start

  1. 'Warranty Claim. Open' (MOS750) header exists with 'Warranty Claim Specification. Open' (MOS751) lines in status '40-Send for Claim'.

  2. 'Settings – Claim Settlements' (MOS755) exists defining the allowed variances in price and quantity when approving or updating the 'Approved amount' in 'Warranty Claim Specification. Open' (MOS751).

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Warranty Claim. Open' (MOS750/B).

  2. Select the claim number using the available sorting orders.

  3. On (MOS750/B), select option 11='Claim Lines'.

  4. Review and update the information on (MOS751/E). Editable fields, controlled by the variance settings on (MOS755/E) are 'Approved pct', 'Approved qty', 'Approved amount', and 'Remark'.

  5. To approve 'amount' and 'quantity' based on requested amount and quantity, select option 11='Approve Requested Amount'. To approve amount and quantity other than requested, use basic option 'Change' and update the approved fields as needed. Another method is to approve the claim lines using unit prices. On 'Claim Type. Open' (MOS740/E), activate 'Unit prc claim', this opens up the 'Unit price' and 'Approved unit prc' fields while setting 'Requested amount' and 'Approved amount' to read only. Perform this activity for all the lines.

  6. Select related option 16='Receive Answer' to update status from 40 'Send for Claim' to 50-'Answer Received'. This is an optional step to keep track of the claim status.

  7. Select related option 18='Receive Settlement' to update status from 50 'Answer Received' to 55 'Settled'.

  8. Select related option 20='Accept', to create a settlement MCO with status 50 'Ready for invoicing' in (COS100). Message 'MCO XYZ has been created' is displayed. If approved amount matches exactly the requested amount (100% settled), status on the warranty claim is set to 60 'Accept', otherwise status will be set to 70 'Partially Accept'.

    If an OEM does not fully settle the claim amounts, unsettled amounts can be claimed or invoiced to the MCO customer or another payer. Select related option 55='Claim MCO to other payer', on (MOS750/K) customer and agreement of the MCO are defaulted but can be changed if claiming to another payer. A new claim number and claim MCO are automatically created with claim specification lines containing the unsettled amount from the original claim.

    You can still make a settlement on claims with status 60 'Accepted' or 90 'Closed' by creating a new claim version. You must set the 'Allow new versn' parameter in (MOS740).

  9. Invoice the claim MCO using Print MCO Invoice. Connected claim in (MOS750) is set to status 90 'Closed'.