Operation Reporting

The purpose of the reporting activity is to update the work order with the operations performed, reduce the capacity load, and close the operation transaction when the operation is complete.

Before you start

Before the reporting activity can be started, the order must be released and the basic data for maintenance production activity control must be defined.


The reporting activity can result in:

  • The operation status is updated to 70 or 90.
  • The number of units maintained or scrapped is updated.
  • The operation time used is updated.
  • Work in progress (WIP) is changed.
  • Preceding operations are reported automatically.
  • Issue of material with issue method 4 or 6 is reported automatically.


The reporting activity can include these components:

Report operation

Operation time is reported in 'WO Operation. Report' (MOS070). All transactions that are reported are saved in a special transaction file (MMOPTR) and update the operations in the work order. The reporting activity includes the following different parts:

  • Field selection

    All reporting fields on the E Panel can be controlled using field selection. In other words, for each field it is possible to specify if the field and lead text:

    • Should not be displayed
    • Should be displayed, but no changes permitted.
    • Should be displayed and changes permitted.

    Field selection is defined for each work center in 'Work Center. Open' (PDS010) panel J.

  • Report operation per employee number

    Reporting can be performed using an employee number in (MOS070). If reporting is to be performed using additional employee numbers, it should be performed in 'WO Operation. Report Employee' (MOS075). This program can also be accessed using option 14='Rep Employee No' in (MOS070). In (MOS075), it is possible to specify that three employees each performed 2 hours work on an operation.

    These times are totaled in 'WO Operation. Report' (MOS070), after which they can be confirmed. Once confirmed, the operation status is updated to 90 (Complete). For each of the employees, a transaction is created in 'WO Operation. Display Transactions' (MOS095).

    If the work center is man-hour planned, the used labor time is specified per employee and the reported times are totaled for the operation. If the work center is machine-hour planned, only the used machine time can be reported, and then the reported times are totaled for the operation.

  • Report operation time

    If the fields Used labor run time or Used machine run time are not open for registration, the times will be calculated based on the standard times for the order reported. If the field man hours (work or setup) are not open for registration, the time will be based on the reported machine run time, and vise versa. Depending on if the work center is man-hour or machine-hour planned the man and machine times are calculated differently.

  • Report subcontract operation

    If the operation is a subcontract operation, panel F is automatically opened instead of panel E.

  • Report disturbance

    When reporting a disturbance, a message can be created for one or more users in 'Application Message. Open' (CRS420). Alternatively an OfficeVision message may be sent. The type of message to be sent is specified in 'Disturbance Type. Open' (PDS044). For each disturbance type it is possible to specify if the disturbance causes a stop in production. If a disturbance is reported with such a disturbance type, a transaction is created (type 2 production stop) in the transaction file.

  • Prices

    When reporting, a unit price for the operation is proposed from the work order. The price can either be changed per employee number in Work with 'WO Operation. Report Employee' (MOS075) or on panel (MOS070/G). On panel (MOS070/P), you can specify if (MOS070/G) should be displayed or not.

  • Automatic closure

    The field Auto receipt in the work center determines if 'Work Order. Close' (MOS050) will be automatically displayed after the last operation in the work order is reported. This precludes that the last operation belongs to a work center with the field Quality inspection = 0 in 'Work Center. Open' (PDS010).

  • Automatic material issue

    Material with an issue method of 4 or 6, connected to the operation being reported is automatically reported as issued when the operation is reported.