Connect and Prioritize Additional Warehouse to Maintenance Agreement

This document explains how you connect more warehouses to a maintenance agreement. It also explains how priortitize the warehouses that are connected to a maintenance agreement.

Use this instruction when you want to enable picking of parts from a warehouse that is not defined as the standard warehouse for a maintenance agreement.


The maintenance agreement has more than one facilities connected. These are prioritized.

The file with information about warehouses (ACUAGD) is updated.

Use an optional warehouse instead of the standard warehouse when you want material to be that one instead of the standard warehouse. This could be the case for example when the customer has a warehouse with parts to be selected first.

Before you start

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'Maint Agrmnt. Open' (COS410/B).

  2. Select an appropriate sorting order to identify the agreement in question.

    The recommended alternatives are 1 = Agreement, 2 = 'Agreement type'

  3. On the B-panel, select the agreement to which you wish to add an additional warehouse and select option 17 = 'Warehouse/Agreement' to display 'Maintenance Agreement. Connect Warehouse Priority' (COS417).

  4. On the B-panel, specify a predefined facility in which the warehouse is located. Also specify the priortity to give this warehouse. Select 'New record' to display the E-panel.

  5. On the E-panel, select a predefined warehouse to use. Press Enter to finish.