Connect an Additional Payer to a Maintenance Customer Order

This document explains how you connect an additional payer to a maintenance customer order.

Use this instruction when you want to split invoicing for a maintenance job between different payers.


A selected maintenance customer order line has an additional payer defined. This information is stored in the Order line invoice split (ACUORM) file.

The maintenance customer order line with the additional payer is used when the invoice is prepared. The invoice is split between the specified payers and each payer is invoiced for the jobs, or parts of the jobs that are specified for each payer.

Before you start

  • The starting conditions listed in the following document must be met:

  • The additional payer to connect to the maintenance customer order line must be defined in 'Customer. Open' (CRS610).

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Maintenance Customer Orders. Open' (COS100).

  2. Select an appropriate sorting order to identify the correct maintenance customer order.

    The recommended alternatives are 1 = Order, 2 = Customer, 3 = Agreement.

  3. Select the appropriate customer order and select option 11='Order Lines' to display 'Maintenance Customer Orders. Open Line' (COS101).

  4. Select the customer order line for which you want to split the invoice and select option 31='Invoice Split' to display 'Maint CO. Connect Payers' (COS117).

Connect additional payer to Maintenance Customer Order Line

  1. Select a predefined payer. Select 'New Record' to display (COS117/E).

  2. On the E panel, specify a payer agreement if applicable.

  3. Specify either a fixed amount or a percentage that the additional payer is to be invoiced for each transaction type.

    Note that these fields should be left blank if invoicing should be based on the service bill of material.

  4. If invoicing is to be based on the service bill of materials, specify the product, structure type and service.

  5. Specify how the payer invoice should be calculated.

    The additional payer can either be invoiced for all records on the service bill of materials or invoiced for the time and material that is not listed in the service bill of materials.

  6. Specify whether the service is covered by a claim warranty (optional). Press Enter to finish.

  7. Repeat steps 1 to 6 to connect the original payer to the maintenance customer order.

    Note that this must be done. If not, only the additional payer is invoiced.

Parameters to set

This table shows the parameters to set:

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …
(COS117/B) Payer

… the identity of the second payer for a maintenance job.

Example: If you want a different payer to pay for a job which is performed for the customer, the payer is specified here.

(COS117/E) Payer agreement

… from which agreement the payment terms and currency for the second payer should be taken.

Example: If you perform a job for a customer and payment for this job is to be split between the customer and his insurance company you have two alternatives.

You can either specify a payer agreement or leave the field blank. If you specify a payer agreement, the second payer is invoiced according to what is specified in the payer agreement.

If you do not specify a payer agreement, the second payer is invoiced according to the terms specified in the customer's agreement.

(COS117/E) Transaction type … the transaction type indicates the different types of costs in a service. The different transaction types are labor, material, subcontracting, miscellaneous and loan.
(COS117/E) Amount

… the amount the payer is to pay for service jobs for each transaction type. It can only be used for service price method using fixed amount(s).

Example: If the customer payer pays 750 USD and second payer pays 250 USD, material costs for the customer payer is 75 % and the second payer pays 25 % of the total costs. If amount is not specified and percentage is used, the price on (COS101/E) or fixed price per line type is split according to the percentage set for the payer on each line type.

Note: If an amount is specified for a transaction type, a percentage may not be specified for the same transaction type.
(COS117/E) Percent

… the percentage the payer is to pay for service jobs on each transaction type.

Example: If the second payer is to pay 50 % of the material costs, 50 is entered in the material field.

Note:  If a percentage is specified for a transaction type, an amount may not be specified for the same transaction type.
(COS117/E) Discount percent … the discount percent to apply to the payer for each line type.
(COS117/E) Warranty percent

… the percentage the payer is to pay for warranty covered service jobs for each transaction type.

Example: If the second payer is to pay 50 % of the material costs, specify 50 in the material field.

Note:  If a percentage is specified for a transaction type, an amount may not be specified for the same transaction type.
(COS117/E) Amount percent … the calculated percentage based on the amount set for each payer and line type. Calculation is done only for service price method using fixed amount(s).
(COS117/E) Service

… the service that the additional payer is to pay for when payment is used in conjunction with the service bill of materials. Normally this service is identical with the service specified for the maintenance customer order line. However, it is possible to specify the same service with a different structure type here. This can be done when you have one structure type that contains the service specifications from the manufacturer and a different structure type for the service with the values that apply for your shop.

Example: If the additional payer is an insurance company they will agree to pay for a standard service specified by the manufacturer and not for extra time and material.

(COS117/E) Structure type … the service structure type. The structure type is used together with a service and a product to allow different product structures for a service.
(COS117/E) Product number … the product to which a service is connected.
(COS117/E) Claim warranty … whether the service is a warranty job. If selected, the job is marked as a warranty job on the invoice.
(COS117/E) Service BoM

… the service bill of materials. The service BoM contains all the jobs in a service and all the material that is used.

This field indicates what the additional payer is invoiced for if invoicing is to be done according to the service BoM and not amounts or percentages specified for the different transaction types.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = The service bill of materials is not considered

1 = The additional payer will pay for all jobs that are not included in the service bill of materials

2 = The additional payer will pay for all records included in the service bill of materials.