Work Orders

Work orders form the heart of the work management elements in M3 Maintenance. It is through the work order and its associated operations that costs and history are collected and analyzed.


A work order has two distinct parts: the work order itself, which generally contains details of the entire job such as boiler inspection or overhaul pump, and the tasks or operations. It is the operation that contains the detail of each part of the job including what spare parts are required, how long should it take to complete that part of the task, and so on.

A work order and its associated operations will normally be created when a work order request is released. It is possible, however, to create work orders and operations independently of this.

When a work order is created, it is possible to edit the work order and add operations. The amount of estimation and planning carried out at the work order stage depends on the organization. Some organizations will carry out all estimation and planning at the work order request stage, therefore leaving the work order as a job needing completion. Other organizations might not use work order requests or only use them as a means to authorize requests. Therefore all planning and estimation will be carried out at the work order and operation levels. In this case, the work order itself may be created without any operations. It is the planner’s responsibility to add operations and spare parts at a later stage.

M3 Maintenance work orders can be viewed during a manufacturing planning session, providing an advanced view of not only manufacturing needs but also competing maintenance needs on the same equipment. Operations and maintenance can now integrate to maximize equipment utilization.