Define Views for Maintenance Statistics

This document explains how you define views, which are essential when you want to display maintenance statistics.


The fields to be displayed and the range of records, as well as the sequence in which they should appear, are defined.

Use the views to select what information should be displayed when you view the maintenance statistics.

The information is stored in the following files:

  • View (CSYSTP10)
  • Key (CSYSTR00).

Before You Start

The starting conditions listed in Defining Basic Settings for Maintenance Statistics should be met.

Follow These Steps

  1. Start any of the (MCS3XX/B) programs listed in the Parameters to Set table.

  2. Specify a panel sequence.

    This instruction is based on panel sequence EFG.

  3. Specify Parameters for Field Selection

    On the B panel, specify an identity and select New to display the E panel.

    Specify the fields to be displayed according to the Parameters to Set table. Press Enter to display the F panel.

  4. Specify Parameters for Sorting

    On the F panel, specify any optional sorting criteria according to the Parameters to Set table. Press Enter to display the G panel.

  5. Specify Record Selections

    On the G panel, specify optional From and To values to limit the number of records included in the statistics.

  6. Press Enter to Finish.

Parameters to Set

The fields are common to all view programs unless specified.

Program ID/ Panel Field The field indicates …










… a user-defined identity of the view. Views can be defined to suit different users' needs.

Different views can, for example, be defined to focus on product groups and costs.









… the order in which the information should be displayed. The sequence is normally entered as 010, 020, 030, etc. This method allows you to add new information fields between existing ones

Example: To add a field between 010 and 020, create a new sequence number called anything between 011 and 019.









… the field that should be displayed in the defined position. The field refers to information stored in a specific file.

There are different ways to access the available fields. You may browse for the field, or you may press F14='Create standard' to automatically access a standard set of fields. The standard may be adjusted after it has been created.

When a field is selected, a descriptive text is automatically retrieved.








To position

… the position on the screen where the text will end. This information is useful when you work with a large number of fields or long fields and you risk a total length of more than 148 positions, which is the maximum length possible.

When the number of positions used exceeds 148, the information in the positions after 148 will not be displayed. You can avoid this loss of information by truncating the field length.










… a user-defined heading to be used instead of the default heading when statistics are displayed.

In (MCS421), you must manually enter a column heading.








Column display

… how a column total is calculated and displayed.

The valid alternatives are:

Blank=No totals are calculated

1=Displays total of all lines in a column at the bottom of the panel

2=Displays the total of all lines in a column at the bottom of the panel and displays the accumulated value from the first line for each line

3=Displays the average of all lines in a column at the bottom of the panel.









Deviating number of decimal places

… the number of decimal places that should be used for a statistics column. It is possible to specify 0 to 6 decimal places.

If nothing is entered, the default number of decimal places specified for the field will be used.








Edit code

… how numeric fields are edited when they are displayed.

Edit Thousand Decimal Negative Sign If
Code Separator Point Sign Value 0
1 Yes Yes No sign 0
2 Yes Yes No sign Blank
3 No Yes No sign 0
4 No Yes No sign Blank
J Yes Yes - 0
K Yes Yes - Blank
L No Yes - 0
M No Yes - Blank
Z No No No sign 0



Code Positive No. Negative No.
1 12.345,67
2 12.345,67
3 12345,67
4 12345,67
J 12.345,67 12.345,67-
K 12.345,67 12.345,67-
L 12.345,67 12.345,67-
M 12.345,67 12.345,67-
Z 12.345,67
(MCS421/E) Field number

… the identity of the field to be used.

The available field numbers are displayed at the bottom of the page.

(MCS421/E) Column display

… how the totals in the statistics columns should be calculated.

The valid alternatives are:

1= The cumulated total, from the first displayed record to the last, for each column is displayed on the screen.

2=The average, calculated from the first displayed record to the last, for each column is displayed on the screen.









… the field sorting order. This makes it possible sort the records that are retrieved from a file.

When you select a sorting option, it is a good idea to carefully plan how to sequence the fields and how to sort them. It is useful to use a one to several relationship.


WO No. Equip No.

5198 A2-FIXED1

326 A2-FIXED2

328 A2-FIXED2

330 A2-FIXED2

339 A2-FIXED2

341 A2-FIXED2

346 A2-FIXED2

351 A2-FIXED2

356 A2-FIXED2

361 A2-FIXED2

327 A2-FIXED3

The example uses primary sorting on equipment number and secondary sorting on WO number. Note that, as in this example, the sequence in which the fields are displayed does not have to be the same as the sorting sequence.








From pos/To pos

… the positions on which sorting is to be done. Either one position or a range of positions can be specified.

Sorting can be done on positions other than the initial position. This is useful, for example, when a large number of records share the same initial character.








Panel material/Panel operations

… the view that should be defaulted in the following programs when the listed options are used: View in 'WO Operation Stats. Display' (MCS333) and 'WO Material Stats. Display' (MCS343).

Options in 'WO Statistics. Display' (MCS310):

11='Display Material Statistics'

12='Display Operation Statistics'

View in 'WO Material Stats. Display Average' (MCS346) and 'WO Operation Stats. Display Average' (MCS336).

Options in 'WO Statistics. Display Average' (MCS315):

11='Display Material Statistics'

12='Display Operation Statistics'