Close Work Order Operation

This document explains how you close a work order operation after work has been completed and the operation has been approved.


  • The operation is closed and the work order may be closed automatically.
  • The load is removed from the work center used.


  • The work order operation can be approved, if required, and the work order may be manually closed.
  • New work can be allocated to the work center.

How the System Is Affected

The information is stored in the following files:

  • Operation transaction (MMOPTR)
  • Product database header (MPDHED)
  • Product database materials (MPDMAT).

Before you start

  • The starting conditions listed in Reporting Operations and Inspections must be met.
  • The basic parameters for 'WO Operation. Report' (MOS070) must be set in 'Work Order Type. Open' (MOS120).

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'Work Schedule. Open Toolbox' (MOS195) and select an sorting order to identify the correct operation.

  2. Select the operation and then select option 'Report Operation' to display 'WO Operation. Report' (MOS070).

    This panel may also be reached from 'Work Order. Open' (MOS100). If you work from (MOS100), select the work order and then select option 'Report WO Operation'. Then select option Open or double click the operation to display (MOS070).

  3. Specify how much time was spent on the operation and set the manual completion flag to 1. Press Enter to finish.

    If this is the last operation in the work order, the system will either close the work order header automatically or display 'Work Order. Close' (MOS050) to allow to work order to be closed manually.

    Warning Messages and Closing Options

    The system may display a number of warning messages. These messages depend on the parameter 18 setting in 'Settings - Maintenance 1' (CRS788). The system will issue a warning for outstanding material transactions against this operation before it allows it to be closed. These transactions may, for example, be materials that have not been issued or purchases that have not been received. If parameter 18 in (CRS788) is set to 0, no warning will be issued. If it is set to 1, a warning will be issued, but it will still be possible to close the operation. If set to 2, then it will not be possible to close the operation until the transactions have been completed or removed.

    Materials with issue method 4 or 6 will be reported automatically.

    If the 'Verify Op Close' flag against the work center is set to 1 in 'Work Center. Open' (PDS010/F), the operation will be given status 89. These operations can be identified and confirmed for completion in (MOS195). This allows an extra level of approval.

    If tools have been allocated, then they should be deallocated. There is a parameter for automatic deallocation in (MMS001/J). If not, then manual de-allocation can be done in (MMS127) or (MOS127).