Work Requests - Maintenance

This document explains what work requests are, and how you can use them for equipment maintenance.

The document contains two main sections. One explains how work requests are created. The other explains the different elements of a work request.


The work requests are created with the correct status and are replanned with operations, spares and workers. Work is planned in such a way that shop floor bottlenecks are avoided and all material is in place when work is supposed to start.

When work requests are released, they become work orders, and you can start working on the maintenance object.

Before You Start

A service must be defined in 'Service. Open' (MOS300).


Work requests offer an opportunity to forecast tool and labor requirements for upcoming maintenance work. You can modify or add operations, tools, and spare parts.


A work request forms an interim stage between a service and a work order. The request is created when work of some kind needs to be performed or is thought to be needed. One example is when equipment or positions are linked to a service that is defined with specific service intervals. In this case a request is created for the object whenever the reported meter values on the service meters exceed the service limits that are specified for the service.

Another example is when a defect is suspected on an object. In this case, a work request can be created by the person identifying the problem and then modified by the maintenance planner.


You can create planned work orders in a number of ways. These are the most important ones:

  • Generate Interval Based Work Request

    When equipment or positions are connected to a service defined with specific intervals, planned work orders are created when the reported meter readings exceed the service intervals.

    You can also trigger an interval-based service manually when this is needed. This might be the case if a machine has been subjected to more stress than normal and therefore requires maintenance.

    Manually created work requests that were originally meant to be interval based are created in 'Work Request. Open' (MOS170) or in 'Work Request. Quick Entry' (MOS185).

  • Generate Work Request Manually

    You can create work requests manually in a few ways depending on the nature of the condition causing the work to be requested. You can enter work requests in these ways:

    • In 'Work Request. Open' (MOS170). This method is normally used for general maintenance work. Work requests created here by the user normally require authorization by a manager before a maintenance planner continues to plan the work.
    • In 'Work Request. Quick Entry' (MOS185). The requests generated here are normally for general maintenance work and not for emergency type work. As in the method described above, requests generated here normally require authorization from a manager. This entry method is quicker than the one using (MOS170), but more limited as it does not provide access to all fields available in (MOS170). The quick entry method does not allow changes to work requests.
    • As an emergency work request in 'Work Request. Open' (MOS170). Emergency requests are used when a breakdown or similar situation occurs and repairs must be started as quickly as possible. An emergency request differs from a normal request in that it does not require any authorization. The request immediately becomes approved and released. This means that work can start immediately.
    • As an emergency request in 'Work Request. Quick Entry' (MOS185). As with the emergency request above, this method is used when some kind of breakdown has occurred. The emergency request immediately becomes a regular work order. The quick entry method is more limited than the standard method and does not allow changes to existing requests.
  • Generate Work Request at Manufacturing Disturbance

    Planned work orders can be created automatically when a disturbance is detected in the manufacturing process. The planned work order that is generated contains a standard service that is always defaulted when a disturbance is logged, such as a service that contains a check. Disturbances are logged in 'MO Operation. Report Interruption Start' (PMS422) which is reached through 'Work Center Schedule. Open' (PMS230).

  • Generate Work Request at WO Operation Inspection

    A planned work order can be created during a WO operation inspection in 'WO Operation. Report Inspection Result' (MOS085). This might be the case when additional problems are discovered. The program used is 'Work Request. Quick Entry' (MOS185). However, the default option for a standard service is the planned work order.

  • Generate Work Request through Complaints and Engineering Orders

    A planned work order can be created when a complaint is logged in 'Complaint. Open' (MOS500). This creates a work request with a standard service. Note that this is mainly used for aviation.

    Work requests for all affected items in stock can be suggested by the system. This is done through an engineering order and an engineering order program. Engineering orders are used when modifications need to be performed on items or equipment. The manufacturer of the equipment usually suggests modifications. Engineering orders are defined in 'Eng Order. Open' (MOS200).


  1. Service

    A work request or a planned work order is always based on a service. The service contains information about the work that is to be performed, such as where it is to be performed. It also contains information about the normal material and time consumption. A service is normally linked to a specific machine, group of machines or position. You can, however, also create a blank service. This is the normal case for general work such as checks when a defect is suspected.

    Services are defined in 'Service. Open' (MOS300).


    The selection of the facility that is to be used on the order follows this hierarchy (the same hierarchy for main WOs and related WOs):

    • If the 'Component installed' parameter in (MOS300) is set to 3, the planning facility from 'Equipment/Serialized Item. Open' (MMS240) is used for the item/serial number. This is useful in the case of consolidated services.
    • If that parameter is not set, and the 'Planning facility' parameter on the service in (MOS300) is populated, that facility is used.
    • If none of above are set, but the item/serial number is installed, the planning facility from the operational unit is used.
    • If none of above is true, the planning facility from (MMS240) for the item/serial number is used.
  2. Work Request

    Work requests can be raised from a number of programs depending on the situation (see the description about how to generate work requests above). However, a work request is always based on the need to maintain or check something. The work request is connected to a service.

    The work request is a stage before the work order becomes active. Once the request has been raised it is displayed in 'Work Request. Open' (MOS170). At this stage, you can make a variety of changes to the work request. For example, you can:

    • Check component and tool availability
    • Check the capacity you have to perform the work
    • Check any related services
    • Allocate employees
    • Estimate the job content
    • Group work requests according to different criteria and release them to regular work orders.
  3. Tools

    With the work request, you can connect specific tools to the operations that are defined in the service or that are manually added. This is convenient when, for example, an operation requires a tool that is not always available at a location. Tools are added in 'Work Request Operation. Open Op Element' (MOS172).

  4. Spares

    All spare parts that are connected to the service product structure are displayed in 'Work Request. Open Line' (MOS171). You can also add extra spare parts in (MOS171).

  5. Operations

    All operations that are connected to the service product structure are displayed in 'Work Request. Open Line' (MOS171), where you can also manually add new operations.

  6. Planning Policy

    The planning policy contains a set of rules that determine how work requests are generated and how action messages and warning messages are to be applied. The planning policy determines the initial status of planned work orders and work orders. The purpose of this is to allow more manual decisions before work requests are allowed to become work orders.

    You can, for example, use a planning policy that defaults status 10 to the work request and status 20 to the work order. This means that the work request must be manually released, but work may start immediately on the work order. You can also auto approve all work requests. This means that they are converted into work orders automatically.

    The planning policy also determines when certain action messages are to be issued. The planning policy is specified per service in 'Service. Open' (MOS300). Planning policies are defined in 'Planning Policy. Open' (MMS037).

  7. Permits/Lockouts

    Permits define the requirements that are necessary to perform the work safely. Permits, or lockouts as they are sometimes called, often define which services such as electricity, water, steam on so on need to be isolated before the work begins. These permits define exactly where the isolation should be carried out and how. Permits are connected to service operations in 'Operation. Connect Operation Elements' (PDS027).

  8. Purchase and Sub-contract Requirements

    Requirements for materials not held on site can be linked to the work request. These requirements can then automatically generate purchase requests when the work request becomes a work order. Likewise, specialist contractor assistance is often required, which can automatically generate purchase requests.

  9. Order Type

    Order types define many attributes that affect the request when it becomes a work order. For example, order type can define what number the work order should be given, whether the work order should be automatically printed, how spare parts should be issued and what information must be reported when the work order is closed.