Print Work Order Documents from Work Schedule

This document explains how work order documents are printed from 'Work Schedule. Open Toolbox' (MOS195). The three different ways of doing this are outlined in this document. You can:

  • Print work order operations individually
  • Print all work orders in the view
  • Screen print the operations displayed in the view.


The default work order documents are printed.

Orders of order category type 10='Autoreport order' in 'Work Order Type. Open' (MOS120) will be closed automatically when the documents have been printed.

The printed documents will assist your employees in their respective functions.

Before you start

  • The site in 'Model/Site. Open' (MOS400) should have the 'Used as site' parameter set. This will ensure that the system uses the plant maintenance work order print component (MOS143) rather than the MRO component (MOS141).
  • The work order operation should exist in 'Work Order. Open' (MOS100) and 'Work Order. Open Line' (MOS101).
  • Default print options should be defined for the service in 'Service. Connect to Facility' (MOS301/F). These defaults may be overridden during printing.

Follow these steps

Print Work Order Operations Individually

  1. Start 'Work Schedule. Open Toolbox' (MOS195/B).

  2. Select one or more operations and select option Print to display 'Work Order. Print Separate Documents' (MOS150).

    The system will display the default document that should be printed. These may be changed if required. The system also displays the number of times the work order has been printed previously.

  3. Specify the number of documents of each sort to be printed.

    The following documents may be selected:

    • Put-away cards – documents for equipment that has been overhauled and will be put into storage again
    • Material requirements – a list of the material requirements for an operation, which can be useful for stores picking lists
    • Labor tickets – the main work order document
    • Shop traveler card – a list of the operations and materials in summary format
    • Routing cards – printout of work order inspections (visual, lubrication, etc.)
    • Permit documents – printout of permit documents (lockouts, safety information, etc.).
  4. Press Enter to finish.

Print all Work Orders in the View

  1. Start 'Work Schedule. Open Toolbox' (MOS195/B).

  2. Use the various selection criteria available to limit the work orders in the view to the ones that should be printed.

  3. Press F11='Print' to print the work orders that are displayed.

Screen Print the Operations Displayed in the View

  1. Start 'Work Schedule. Open Toolbox' (MOS195/B).

  2. Use the various selection criteria available to limit the work orders in the view to the ones that should be printed.

  3. Press F16='Print screen' to print the operations that are displayed.