Define Selection Query for Work Requests

This document explains how you define a query to select work requests that need approval.

Use this instruction when you need to sort unapproved work requests for different users.


A query is defined for the current user. The query uses a maximum of six search keys.


The query can be used for any kind of work request sorting. The purpose here is to identify work requests that need approval by the current user.

How the System Is Affected

Information about the query is stored in the start values for printer selection (CSYSTP) file.

Before you start

The user for whom the query is to be defined must be logged on.

Follow These Steps

Define Selection Query

  1. Start 'Work Request. Open' (MOS170/B).

  2. Press F17 to display 'Selection. Open' (CRS991).

  3. Select the first search key and click Select.

  4. Specify the operator and the value. Press Enter.

    The operator determines the condition that the value must meet. The valid operators are: EQ=Equal To, NE=Not Equal To, GT=Greater Than, LT=Less Than, LE=Less Than or Equal To, CT=Contains the value entered (not numeric), RANGE=Within a range of values, LIST=Any of the listed values.

    If the search key is an alphanumeric field, then the operator must be enclosed within apostrophes, for example 'xxx'.

  5. If necessary, select the second search key and click Select.

  6. Specify the relationship between the previous and subsequent conditions if more than one search key is selected.

    The relationship is specified as A or O (A=Both the previous and subsequent conditions must be met, O=Either the previous or the subsequent condition must be met).

  7. Specify the operator and the value and any additional search keys, if required. Press Enter.

  8. Press F3=Exit to finish and run the query.