Connect Additional Activities to a Document and Confirm Defaulted Activities

This document explains how you connect additional activities to a document. The document also explains how you confirm activities that have been defaulted from the document type.

Use this instruction when you have registered a new document and need to add more activities to a document than the activities that are defaulted from the document type and when you need to confirm defaulted activities.


A list of activities that must be approved before the document becomes valid and possible to use.

The activity list is used as an effective tool to make sure all required starting conditions are met before an activity is started.

Information about the activity list is stored in the document activity list (MPDDAL) file.

Before You Start

The starting conditions listed in Handling Document Activity Lists must be met.

Follow These Steps

Connect Additional Activity to Document

  1. Start 'Document. Open' (CRS230/B).

  2. Select an appropriate sorting order to identify the correct document.

  3. Select the document to which you wish to connect additional activities and select option 18=Activity to display 'Document. Connect Activities' (CRS254).

  4. On panel B, select a predefined activity and select New to display panel E.

  5. Specify a responsible and a planned finish date. Also specify the planned work hours (optional).

  6. Set the status to 10 to activate the activity. Press Enter to finish and return to panel B.

Confirm Defaulted Activities

Activities that default to the document from the document type are inactive and need to be confirmed to become active.

If the document type is defined with defaulted activities, these will be displayed and possible to activate on document entry.

  1. Open 'Document. Open' (CRS230/B).

  2. Select the document to which defaulted activities are connected and select option 18=Activity to display 'Document. Connect Activities' (CRS254).

    Defaulted activities are displayed with status 05.

  3. Open the defaulted activity to display panel E.

  4. On panel E, specify a responsible and a planned finish date. Also specify the planned work hours (optional).

  5. Set the status to 10 to activate the activity. Press Enter to finish and return to panel B.