Handling Document Activity Lists

This document explains how you connect activities to an electronic document. An activity is user-defined and usually something that needs to be performed before the document becomes valid. An activity could for example be education or some other preparation before a job can start.

Connect activities to a document when the job described in the document requires that one or more actions need to be taken before the job may be started.


One or more activities that need to be performed and approved are connected to a document.


When all activities that are connected to the document have been approved the document status is set to Definite (=sts 20).

How the System Is Affected

Information about the document activity list is stored in Document activity list (MPDDAL).

Before you start

  • A document must be registered in 'Document. Open' (CRS230). The document type used must be defined with activities that require approval.
  • The activity to connect to the document must be defined in 'Document Activity. Open (CRS244).
  • If a reminder should be sent to the responsible when the activity is approved or overdue the activity reminder should be activated in 'Settings - Application Messages' (CRS424).

Follow These Steps

  1. Connect Activities to Document

    Connect the activities that should be performed to the document in 'Document. Connect Activities' (CRS254). When you connect an activity to a document you specify a person responsible for the activity and a last finish date.

    Activities may also be defaulted to the document when the document type is defined with default activities. Activities that are defaulted need to be confirmed.

  2. Approve Activities Connected to a Document

    When the activities are performed they should also be approved by the responsible in 'Document. Approve Activity' (CRS259). When all activities that are connected to a document are approved, the document's status is automatically set to Definite (= status 20).