Check Employee Availability for a Work Request

This document explains how to check the availability of employees against work requests. Employees are linked to a work request operation and/or work order operation via operation elements. The linking of employees can be either a manual process or take place via the automatic allocation system.

Use this instruction when you have a fully estimated work request and need to know that employees with the required skills will be available.


You will have information about the availability and load for an employee at a given time.


When employee shortages are discovered, it is possible to replan the work request to another date, or to allocate another employee to the work request.

Before you start

  • The starting conditions listed in Performing Maintenance Availability Checks for Work Order Requests should be met.
  • For work order based analysis, the work order and operation must exist in 'Work Order. Open' (MOS100) and 'Work Order. Open Line' (MOS101) with operational elements in (MOS174).
  • The work request operations should have time estimated against them.
  • Employees must be defined in 'Person. Open' (CRS530) along with capacity in 'Employee. Connect Calendar' (CRS510).
  • The workload needs to exist and can be manually recreated by running 'Load. Re-create' (CPS990).

Follow These Steps to Check Employee Availability

  1. Start 'Load. Display per Person' (CPS170).

  2. To check the resource availability, specify a selection criterion.

    The available criteria are:

    1=Work Center


    3=Planning Area.

  3. Specify a search key and a date from which to display the employee load.

  4. Specify the interval and a selection option.

    The selection option is defined in 'Selection Option - Load. Open' (CPS150) and controls what records should be included in the display for each selection type.

    The screen will display a record for each employee within the given selection criteria. The available capability will be displayed together with the current load.

    The capacity is calculated from the employee's availability record in 'Employee. Connect Calendar' (CRS510).

    The load can be calculated from work order requests, work orders or a combination of the two.