Check Load/Resource Availability - Chart

This document explains how to check the resource availability for a work order request. The availability is checked for the work center.

Use this instruction when you have a fully estimated work request and want to ensure that the work center has capacity to perform the work when it is planned.


You will know whether the work center has available capacity to do the job and you will have the opportunity to avoid bottlenecks as a result of overload on the work center.

This information offers an opportunity to replan work requests that will overload the work center.

Before You Start

Follow These Steps

Check Capacity

  1. Start 'Work Request. Open' (MOS170) and select option 'Check Capacity', or start 'Work Request. Open Toolbox' (MOS197) and select option 'Check Capacity' for the work request or work request line to display 'Load. Display per Product' (CPS110).

  2. Select an appropriate sorting order.

    Sorting orders 1 and 5 can be selected, but 2 and 4 are most appropriate for maintenance.

    If sorting order 2 is selected, the start and finish dates for the job, the total capacity within the work center, the total time for the job and the percentage load of the total work center availability are displayed.

    If sorting order 4 is selected, the overall capacity of the work center on a period- by-period basis (usually week by week), existing load on the work center (existing jobs that are taking up resources excluding the job being investigated) and load required by this job are displayed.

  3. Enter the week interval.

    The week interval determines the number of weeks that should be summarized. If 2 is entered, two weeks worth of work will be summarized into one value.

  4. Enter the select option.

    The select option defines the type of work orders and work order requests that should be included in the analysis. These are defined within 'Selection Option - Load. Open' (CPS150).

    The screen will display basic work order request information along with an entry for each work center/operation within the work order request. Each entry will show the available labor capability for each week interval along with the current load imposed by other work order requests. The system will then show the additional load imposed by this work order request during the appropriate weeks. Totals are also displayed.


    The following options are available in (CPS110):

    1. Option 'Change'. This option allows you to change the operation in 'Work Request. Open Line' (MOS171). Note that this will not work if this component was started from 'Work Request. Open Line' (MOS171).

    2. Option 'Detailed Load'. This option displays the details of the load against the work center on a job-by-job basis in 'Load. Display Detailed' (CPS105).

    3. Option 'Work Schedule'. This option displays the work schedule in 'Request Schedule. Open' (MOS137).

    4. Option 'Reschedule Operation'. This option allows you to reschedule an operation that creates an overload for the work center. Note that this cannot be done if the component was started from 'Work Request. Open Line' (MOS171).