Define Charges for a Loan Maintenance Agreement

This document explains how you define and connect a charge to items that a customer borrows from you.

Use this instruction when you have defined an agreement line for loans. If you do not connect a loan charge to the agreement, you will not get payed for items borrowed by customers.


A loan charge is connected to a specific agreement. This charge makes it possible to charge customers who borrow items of you.

M3 uses the charges you have defined when the customer invoice is calculated.

The file with information about loan charges (ACUAGO) is updated.

Before you start

  • A maintenance agreement head must be defined in 'Maint Agrmnt. Open' (COS410).
  • A maintenance agreement line with service price method 6 must be defined in 'Maint Agrmnt. Open Lines' (COS411).

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'Maintenance Agreemnt. Open' (COS410/B).

  2. Select an sorting order for easy identification of the agreement.

    The recommended alternatives are 1 = Agreement, 2 = 'Agreement type'.

  3. On the B-panel, select the agreement for which you wish to define loan charges and select option 11 = 'Loan charges/agreement' to display 'Maintenance Agreement. Connect Loan Charges' (COS419).

  4. On the B-panel, specify the day from which the charge is valid and the price from which the charge is valid. Select 'New record' to display the E-panel.

  5. On the E-panel, specify the charge per day expressed as a percentage of the item's purchase price.

  6. If applicable, specify the loan charges per week, weekend and day. Press Enter to finish.

    These are not entered as percentages.

    If both a general loan charge and charges per week, weekend and day are specified, the latter will override the percentage.

  7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 if you wish to define different charges for different days.

    This makes it possible to make loans cheaper ore more expensive the longer the loan period.