Define and Connect a General Charge to a Maintenance Agreement
This document explains how you define a general charge for a maintenance agreement, for example an administrative charge.
Use this instruction when you want an extra charge to be added to all maintenance customer orders that you connect to an agreement.
A general charge is connected to a maintenance agreement. The file with information about agreement charges (ACUAGC) is updated.
The charge is added to all maintenance customer orders that are connected to the maintenance agreement.
Before you start
- The starting conditions listed in Defining new Maintenance Agreements and Adjusting Existing Agreements must be met.
- A maintenance agreement must be defined in 'Maint Agrmnt. Open' (COS410).
- A customer order charge must be defined in 'Customer Order Charge. Open' (OIS030).
Follow These Steps
Start 'Maint Agrmnt. Open' (COS410/B).
Select an appropriate sorting order to identify the agreement to which you wish to connect a charge.
The recommended alternatives are 1 = Agreement, 2 = 'Agreement Type'.
On panel (COS410/B), select the agreement and select option 16 = 'Charges/Agreement' to display 'Maintenance Agreement. Connect Charge' (COS416).
Select a predefined charge type. Select 'New record' to display the E-panel.
On the E-panel, specify the agreement charge.
A standard charge defined in (OIS030) is proposed.
Specify a VAT-code and debit frequency and, if applicable, an account control object. Press Enter to finish.
The debit frequency controls when the charge is to be invoiced. It can be invoiced on the first delivery or calculated for each delivery.