Check and Adjust Preliminary Invoice Specification

This document explains how you make sure that the transactions that will be invoiced to the customer are correct. It also explains how to adjust existing transactions and add new transactions.

Use this instruction before you approve preliminary invoices.


The preliminary invoice specification is checked and updated with relevant transactions.

This may cause updates in customer agreements.

Checking and adjusting preliminary invoice specifications are used:

  • to approve preliminary invoice specification for invoicing.
  • to regenerate invoices if the agreement terms have changed.

The following files are updated:

  • Order invoice transactions (ACUINV)
  • Order period costs (ACUPER)
  • Order line summary (ACUOLS)
  • Update invoice specification (ACU070).

Before You Start

Follow These Steps

Check Existing Transactions

  1. Start 'Maintenance Customer Orders. Open' (COS100/B). Highlight the MCO to check and select option 11='MCO Lines' to display 'Maintenance Customer Orders. Open Line' (COS101).

  2. Highlight the MCO line to check and select option 21='Display MCO Totals' to display 'Maint CO. Display Totals' (COS110/B).

    The B panel displays the total line cost and contribution margin. The contribution margin is also expressed as a percentage. Order lines with a contribution margin that falls below the margin set on the customer order type are highlighted.

  3. Highlight the line and select Display to display the order line details on the E panel.

    The E panel offers you detailed information about the costs and revenues on the order line.

  4. Press Enter to return to the B panel.

Work with Preliminary Invoice Specification

  1. Start 'Maint CO. Check Preliminary Invoice Spec' (COS170/B).

    This program can be reached in the following ways:

    • By highlighting the order line in 'Maint CO. Display Totals' (COS110) and selecting option 11=Invoice specification
    • By highlighting the MCO line in (COS101) and selecting option 11=Invoice specification.
  2. Select and continue with one of the following alternatives:

    • Check and Adjust Existing Transactions
    • Add New Transactions

Check and Adjust Existing Transactions

  1. Highlight the transaction to work with and select Change or Display to access the detail panel.

    The panel to be displayed is determined by the record's transaction type. This means different detail panels will be displayed for different transaction types.

    The panels to be displayed are:

    • E panel for time transactions, transaction type 1
    • F panel for material transactions, transaction type 2
    • G panel for subcontract transactions, transaction type 3
    • H panel for miscellaneous transactions, transaction type 4
    • I panel for loan transactions, transaction type 5.
  2. Check the records on the detail panels and adjust when needed. Press Enter to return to the B panel.

Add New Transactions

Normally only miscellaneous transactions are added at this stage. The other transaction types are created automatically during the order flow. Typical miscellaneous transactions are hotel and travel costs.

  1. On the (COS170/B) panel, enter a transaction number and select transaction type 4. Select New to display the H panel.

  2. Enter a job reference (optional) such as a description of the cost, and enter a user-defined cost type.

  3. Enter a quantity, a unit of measure and a sales price. Also specify whether the sales price was manually updated. Press Enter to save and finish.

    The sales price indicates the total sum. For example, if you charge EUR 50 each for two hotel nights, you need to enter EUR 100 as the sales price.