Connect Documents to Maintenance Customer Order Type

This document explains how you connect the necessary documents to a maintenance customer order type. Examples of documents are order confirmations and invoices.

Use this instruction when you have created a new maintenance customer order type. This must be done as it is impossible to use an order type without connected documents. If you do not connect the documents to the order type, you will be prompted to do so manually in 'Maint CO. Connect Documents' (COS104).


Necessary documents for internal or external use are connected to the maintenance customer order type.

The documents are printed at a given point in the maintenance customer order process. The documents can be used either internally or externally.

The file with information about maintenance customer order type documents (ACUOTD) is updated.

Before you start

  • The starting conditions listed in Defining Order Types for Maintenance Customer Orders must be met.
  • A maintenance customer order type must be defined in 'Maint CO Type. Open' (COS010).
  • If a document group is to be used for a customer, one must be specified in 'Customer. Open' (CRS610).
  • If document variants are to be used, these must be defined in 'Document. Open Standard' (CRS027).

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'Maintenance Customer Order Type. Open' (COS010/B).

  2. Select the maintenance customer order type to which you want to connect documents and select option 11 = Documents to display 'Maintenance Customer Order Type. Connect Documents' (COS011).

  3. On panel B, specify a document number to be connected to the order type. Also specify a document group (optional). Select 'New Record' to display panel E.

  4. On panel E, specify the number of documents and if the document is internal or external.

  5. Specify a document variant (optional). Press Enter to finish.

  6. Specify document number and variant for all necessary documents that need to be connected to the customer order.

Parameters to Set

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …
(COS011/B) Document number … a three positions long identity of the document template to be connected to a maintenance customer order type. If the document has an identity according to the EDIFACT standard, it should be used.
(COS011/B) Document group … a group of customer to which the same customer document is to be sent.
(COS011/E) Number of documents … how many copies of a document that are to be printed when a maintenance customer order is created.
(COS011/E) Document variant … the document variant to be printed.
(COS011/E) External/internal document … whether the document is intended for internal or external use. External documents are printed in the customer's language. Information about which language to use is taken from the customer file, the customer agreement or the maintenance customer order.
(COS011/E) Print document … whether the document should be printed automatically when the previous activity in the order flow is completed.