Create Maintenance Customer Order Type

This document explains how to create different maintenance customer order types. Order types must be defined before new maintenance agreements and maintenance customer orders can be created.


A maintenance customer order type is created. The order type contains information that controls, for example, maintenance customer order costing, invoicing, credit warnings, contribution margins, object delivery terms and the automation level of maintenance customer order.

Table ACUOTY, containing information on order types, is updated.

Before you start

The starting conditions listed in Defining Order Types for Maintenance Customer Orders must be met.

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Maint CO Type. Open' (COS010).
  2. Select opening panel 'A-Entry’ and specify the panel sequence. This instruction uses panel sequence EFG.

Follow these steps to specify basic data for the maintenance CO type

  1. On 'Maintenance Customer Orders. Open Line' (COS101/A), specify an order type ID.
  2. Select an order category.

    The 'order category' defines the purpose of the MCO. The value set here regulates what fields are displayed and editable at maintenance customer order entry. These are valid alternatives:

    • 05-'Forecast order'
    • 10-'Quotation'
    • 20-'Normal order'
    • 25-'Periodic invoicing'
    • 30-'Manufacture warranty order'
    • 40-'Claim order'
    • 50-'Adjustment order'
    • 60-'Miscellaneous order'
    • 70-'Sales'
    • 80-'Loan (out) order'
    • 85-'Exchange out order'.

    When order category 10-'Quotation' is used, the quotations are created with quotation number '0'.

    Where order category 50 is selected, the 'orig inv ref' field is displayed on the G panel. The purpose of this field is to specify whether the field should be visible or editable in 'Maintenance Customer Orders. Open' (COS100) when creating the MCO for adjustment. The 'Invoice year' field is also displayed on (COS100/G), and you can browse both fields to display 'Maint Invoice. Display' (COS350), where you can select the invoice for adjustment.

  3. Select next manual function.

    This indicates the automation level of processing maintenance customer orders and the related work request and work order. This also represents the next manual action to be taken after creating a maintenance customer order.

  4. Select option 1='Create' to display 'Maintenance Customer Orders. Open Line' (COS101/E).
  5. On (COS010/E), specify a name and a description for the maintenance customer order type.
  6. On (COS010/E), specify the default panel sequence header used in (COS100) at creation of the maintenance customer order and the default panel sequence lines used in (COS101) at creation of MCO lines.
  7. Specify if auto order numbering should be applied and the order number series to be used.
  8. Specify if customer order message should be displayed during order entry on (COS100/A) and 'Maint CO. Quick Entry' (COS130) by activating 'CO message'.

Parameters for invoicing

  1. On (COS010/E), specify if invoicing of maintenance customer orders should be permitted and the invoice number series to be used. Selecting the 'Inv permitted' check box displays two additional check boxes.

  2. Specify whether advance invoicing is to be used along with the advance invoice number series.

  3. Specify whether partial invoicing should be permitted.

  4. For MCO type with order category 10-'Quote', the parameter 'Budget integration' is available. If 'Budget integration' is selected, no accounting and no real MCO invoice are created when running 'Maint Invoice. Print' (COS180). Instead, the accounting strings generate records in 'Project Budget from MCO. Display' (COS475) that can be used for updating the project budget in 'Project. Open' (POS100) or financial budget in 'Budget. Open' (BUS100).

Search sequence location address

The 'Search sequence location address' field on (COS010/E) defines the search sequence for the location address when creating maintenance customer orders.

Functionality for the field is activated when a valid search sequence is specified. The available alternatives can be added in any order:

  1. 'Equipment/Serialized Item. Open' (MMS240).
  2. 'Equipment Address. Open' (MOS272).
  3. 'Customer. Connect Addresses' (OIS002), using the default delivery address number in 'Customer. Open' (CRS610).
  4. 'Customer. Open' (CRS610).
  5. 'Internal Address. Open' (CRS235), using the address connected to the warehouse of the WO header.

The search sequence is only used for field services. The field service is determined by the work order category on the work order type (category 70 or 71). The work order type is retrieved from 'Service. Open' (MOS300) but can be overridden by the order type WO in 'Maint CO Type. Open' (COS010).

A manually specified address during MCO creation always overrules the search sequence in (COS010).

Attribute managed

The 'Attribute managed' field on (COS010/E) indicates how an attribute managed product should be controlled in terms of displaying 'Attribute Value. Connect to' (ATS101) at the point of order line entry.

These are the available alternatives:

0-'As set on the item master in 'Item. Open' (MMS001)'.

1-'Yes, the attribute panel is always displayed automatically'.

3-'Yes, the attribute panel is only displayed when an attribute value is incorrect'.


When alternative 4 is used, no attributes are written to the MOATTR table for the order line and related option 39='Attribute value' is invalid.

Business chain check

The 'Bus chain chk' field indicates if a business chain is checked during a maintenance customer order entry.

When entering an MCO or split payer record with this setting activated on the order type, there is a check for valid business chains. If one valid business chain is found, it is saved on the MCO header or split payer record and displayed on (COS100/F) or 'Maint CO. Connect Payers' (COS117/E).

If several valid business chains are found, a message is displayed during entry, to select one business chain in 'Business Chain. Connect Customer' (OIS039).

If the MCO or split payer record is created in the background and there are more than one valid business chain, an application message 759 is sent to the order responsible and you can add the business chain manually with Function key 16 on (COS100/F) or (COS117/E). If only one business chain is valid, it is saved when the record is created.

If a material line, type 2, is created for the invoice specification, the business chain is used if a controlling object &CHAIN is set up to retrieve sales price, mark up, or discounts.

Accounting parameters

On (COS010/G), select the settings for the cost accounting flow. Costs can be managed in one of these ways:

  • Transferred from WIP to cost of goods sold directly at maintenance customer order invoicing.
  • Transferred to a separate account at work order closure and to cost of goods sold at maintenance customer order invoicing.
  • Become cost of goods sold directly (only valid if work order is not used).

Contribution ratio

Specify a maintenance customer order line 'Contribution ratio' (optional). The contribution ratio is the margin that must be met for a maintenance customer order line. If the margin is not met the line is highlighted in 'Maint CO. Display Totals' (COS110).

Limit different items on order line

Select whether maintenance objects (products), other than those specified on the order header, can be specified. If this is not activated it is only possible to add MCO lines against the same maintenance object as specified on the maintenance customer order header.

Payment term included

For periodic invoicing, select whether to include the number of days from 'Agreement Site. Open' (COS403). If that value is blank the value from 'Maint Agrmnt. Open' (COS410) is used. If nothing is set on the agreement in (COS410), the payment term on the same agreement is used. If that is blank, the agreement payer’s payment terms in (CRS610) is used.

Statistics parameters

  1. Specify whether it should be possible to specify lost sales orders. If lost sales is enabled a lost sales reason code can be specified when deleting a maintenance customer order line.

  2. Specify if sales statistics should be automatically updated.

  3. Select a trade statistics business type.

  4. Select a trade statistics labor code. The setting here is prioritized over the labor code set in (CRS610/G).

Component availability check at order entry

On (COS010/F) set 1-'Yes' for the 'Availability check' field to enable automatic component availability check in 'Maint CO. Quick Entry' (COS130) at order entry.

The component availability check calculates and proposes start date and finish dates based on the lead time of the selected service and the availability of the material connected to the service operation. An ATP check can only be performed for items that are calculated with regard to ATP, defined in the CTP policy of the item/warehouse in 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002).

Distribution Order Processing integration

On (COS010/F), select whether DOP integration should be activated, that is, whether delivery should be possible on an order line. By enabling DOP integration you can utilize 'Maint CO. Report Component Receipt' (COS300) and 'Maint CO. Report Component Delivery' (COS320).

Where an order line delivery is not permitted, the delivery is performed for the equipment stated in the MCO header.

Exclude quotation orders from MRP

On (COS010/F), select if quotation orders should be excluded from MRP calculation. If you select the check box, material requirements are ignored for material lines on work orders and work requests. Quotation orders are orders connected to a maintenance customer order with service price method 9.

When the quotation is accepted, the MRP calculation is started for these orders.

Connected order types

These settings are optional:

  1. On (COS010/F), specify a work order type. If a work order type is specified it overrides the work order type of the selected service definition at MCO line entry. If no work order type is specified the standard order type from the service definition is used on the work request and work order.
  2. Specify a loan or exchange order type.
  3. Specify a sales order type.
  4. Specify a return order type.
  5. Specify a project order type .

Supplier rebate agreement check

On (COS010/F), select whether to enable the supplier rebate agreement check. Material invoice specification lines are verified against records in 'Supplier Rebate on Sales. Open Agreement' (OIS018).

Shared order text

On (COS010/F), select whether to enable sharing of text between the MCO line on (COS101/T), work request on 'Work Request. Open' (MOS170/T), and work order on 'Work Order. Open' (MOS100/T). Sharing order text means that text updated on, for example, the MCO line updates text on the work request and work order.

Automatically create claim

On (COS010/F), select whether a claim should be automatically created for warranty work orders. A claim is automatically created when the maintenance customer order is approved for invoicing if the warranty claim field on (COS101/E) is 1, 2, or 0.

Automatic approval of MCO line

  1. On (COS010/F), select whether maintenance customer order lines should be automatically approved when a work order is closed.

    Enabling automatic approval of MCO lines automatically sets the MCO line to status 50-'Approved for invoicing' when the work order is closed. Maintenance customer order under warranty is not automatically approved.

  2. Optionally, define approval limits and the approval currency under which MCO lines is automatically approved for invoicing. Maintenance customer order lines with total amount over the defined approval limit are not automatically approved for invoicing.

Automatically reset MCO line warranty claim indicator

  1. On (COS010/F), select whether the warranty indicator flag (ACWA) on (COS101/E) should be automatically set to '0' if there are warranty transactions on the MCO line. A customer order line with warranty transactions has warranty indicator (ACWA) set to '9' on (COS101/E) and this must be manually set to '0' before an MCO line can be approved for invoicing. The warranty indicator automatically sets the flag to '0' if there are warranty transactions, thereby eliminating the manual step of setting the flag to '0'.

  2. Optionally, define approval limits and the approval currency under which the warranty flag should be automatically reset.

    Maintenance customer order lines with invoice amounts over the defined approval limit does not reset the warranty indicator flag automatically.

Automatically calculate work order prices

Select the check box to calculate projected work order prices automatically during work order creation. If the function is selected, work order prices can be viewed in 'Work Order. Open Line' (MOS101) with view 19.

Unit price for MCO

Select the check box to use the unit price instead of the line amount in 'Maint CO. Check Preliminary Invoice Spec' (COS170). This allows you to change the unit price, for example for spare parts, rather than changing the total line amount.

Settings for price date

On (COS010/F), select how an automatic price is assigned for a miscellaneous cost defined as an item.

These are valid options:

0-'Current date is the UTC date'.

1-'Transaction date is the date when the miscellaneous transaction is performed'.

2-'Order date is retrieved from the MCO order line'.

Settings for printing fixed text

On (COS010/G), select whether fixed texts should be printed on external documents for customer, documents, or items.

Field selection for maintenance customer orders

On (COS010/G), select which key fields should be open or closed during maintenance customer order entry.

Credit check parameters

  1. On (COS010/G), select whether the credit check should be made in the preselection panel during service order entry.
  2. Select whether a credit limit check should be made when creating or changing MCO lines.
  3. Select whether any credit-related MCO stop is to be ignored during a picking list printout. With this, you can finish work that you have started, even if the order has a credit stop.
  4. Select whether a credit limit check should be made when a work request is released.
  5. Optionally, specify a percentage of credit check amount. The field indicates the percentage of the credit limit amount that triggers a credit warning message.
  6. Select whether the maintenance customer order line value should be included in the order value without risk, when credit limit '3' on (CRS610/J) is controlled.
  7. Select whether credit limit check should be performed continuously. If the credit limit is exceeded at any point during maintenance customer order processing, a message is sent to the MCO responsible and the credit department reference that is specified on (CRS610/K).

    These are valid options:

    0-'No credit check'.

    1-'Check continuously and issue warning to credit department'.

    2-'As 1, but with on-screen warnings when the credit limit is passed and a user changes the work order'.

    3-'As 2, but with stop messages that prevents the user from adding costs to the work order'.

Customer’s order number

Specify how the customer’s order number should be specified on MCOs.

*M = The customer’s order number must be specified, regardless of what is specified on the customer record on (CRS610/F).

*CUS = Whether the customer’s order number should be specified is determined by what is specified on the customer record on (CRS610/F).

Xxx = Any order number can be specified. The number specified here is defaulted to the MCO.

Blank = No proposal is displayed.

'*M' and '*CUS' cause a hard stop during order entry and require that the customer’s order number is specified.

'Blank' considers the setting on the customer record on (CRS610/F). If the customer’s order number is mandatory on the customer, and the order type is set to 'blank', the customer’s order number must be specified before the order or order line can be approved for invoicing.

Note: It is also possible to specify the format that should be used for order numbers. This is done by setting a formatting rule for the customer’s order number. Formatting rules are defined in 'Field Formatting Rules. Open' (CMS086), which is reached using related option 30='Formatting rule' from the customer record. In this case, you set the formatting rule for '&CUOR'.

Delivery terms and method

Specify the delivery terms and method to be proposed for orders using the MCO type.

The valid options for delivery terms are:

*CUS = Proposed delivery terms are retrieved from the customer record.

*ADR = Proposed delivery terms are retrieved from the address specified on the order header, or retrieved automatically if a location address is mandatory. If none of the above is available, the terms are retrieved according to *CUS.

Xxx = Any terms can be specified. Max 3 positions.

Blank = *CUS is used.

If *CUS or 'Blank' is specified the terms are retrieved from the MCO agreement. If not, the terms specified on the customer are used.

If *ADR is specified the terms are retrieved from the location address primarily, then from the delivery address.

The valid options for delivery method are:

*CUS = Proposed delivery method is retrieved from the customer record.

*ADR = Proposed delivery method is retrieved from the address specified on the order header, or retrieved automatically if a location address is mandatory. If none of the above is available, the method is retrieved according to *CUS.

Xxx = Any delivery method can be specified. Max 3 positions.

Blank = *CUS is used.

If *CUS or 'Blank' is specified the delivery method is retrieved from the MCO agreement, if specified. If not, the method specified on the customer is used.

If *ADR is specified the method is retrieved from the location address primarily, then from the delivery address.