Processing Time and Expense Transactions that Require Approval


This document describes the usage of program (MOS810) for processing time and expense transactions that require approval.

(MOS810) is the core program for submitting, reviewing, editing, approving, and rejecting time transactions that require approval. You can view reported time transactions from several different views, for example, per individual technician or a group of technicians connected to a specific service manager. A range of functions and details are available for the review of time transactions, for example:

  • View and edit used labor run time, set up time, travel time.
  • View and edit cost type and labor charge code.
  • View and edit the manual completion flag, thus providing the option to close the operation.
  • Actions for submitting time transactions for approval.
  • Actions for approving the time transactions.
  • Actions for rejecting the time transactions, thus reversing the status back to 10.
  • Indicator available for displaying expenses that have been reported for the work order operation
  • Related option for accessing reported expenses.
  • Sub totals for summarizing labor, travel time per employee, date, WO, MCO etc.

Before you start

Processing time transactions

When labor time transactions are reported through one of the work order time reporting functions in M3, transactions are created in table MMOPTR and displayed in (MOS810).

If mandatory approval of time is deactivated for the work order, the transaction status will get status 90. Accounting and MCO invoice specification in (COS170) will also be updated directly with time transaction details.

If mandatory approval of time is activated for the work order and the conditions for activating time approval for the work order type, facility, and cost type in (MOS129) are met, time transactions will stop in status 10 or 20 in (MOS810). The status that the time transaction will get depends on the setting on the work order type (MOS120 prm 380). Accounting and the MCO invoice specification in (COS170) will not be updated until the time transaction has status 90 in (MOS810). The work order cannot be closed in (MOS050) if time transactions in status less than 90 exist in (MOS810) for the work order operations.

Time transaction statuses

  • 09-Split/Started

    When reporting time transactions using start and stop time, the schedule of the employee will be considered. Time that is reported outside the employees work hours will get status 09 in (MOS810) to indicate that time has been reported outside the shift. Time transactions that have start and/or stop times that cross the start time or finish time of the employee schedule will be divided into multiple transactions in (MOS810).

    Note: Time transaction status can only be displayed in the subfile list.

    Example of split transactions in (MOS810), based on the assumption that the employee schedule is from Monday- Friday, 8AM-5PM with a lunch break of 11:30AM-12:30PM.

    Reported start and stop time Transactions in (MOS810) Calculated run time Status

    Start: Thurs 6AM

    Stop: Thurs 6PM

    Trans 1: 6AM-8AM

    Trans 2: 8AM-5PM

    Trans 3: 5PM-6PM

    Trans 1: 2h

    Trans 2: 8h (9h-1h break)

    Trans 3: 1h

    Trans 1: 09

    Trans 2: 10/20, depending on WO type configuration

    Trans 3: 09

  • 10-Preliminary

    If setting 380 in (MOS120) is set to 1, the reported time transactions will get status 10 in (MOS810). Two steps are required for moving the transaction to status 90:

    • The related option 'Submit for approval' will move the status to 20 and should be performed by the user who has reported the transaction. The intention is for the reporting technician to review the transactions before submitting them for approval. It is only the user who has reported the time transaction who is authorized to perform this action.
    • Second, the related option 'Approve' will move the transaction to status 90. Only a user defined as a service manager in (SOS422) is authorized to do this action. Users defined as service managers in (SOS422) are also authorized to do the 'Submit for approval' step.

    A time transaction can also have status 10 if it has been reversed back from status 20 to 10 using the related option 'Reject'.

  • 20-Ready for approval

    If setting 380 in (MOS120) is set to 2, time transactions will get status 20 in (MOS810). Time transactions that have been submitted for approval will also have status 20. The related option 'Approve' will move the transaction to status 90. Only a user defined as a service manager in (SOS422) is authorized to do this action.

  • 90-Approved

    Time transactions in status 90 have been transferred to the MCO invoice specification (COS170) and have updated accounting events. At the approval of the time transaction, the fields, Authorized by (APCD) and Date approved (APDT) in (MOS810) are populated.

  • 99-Deleted

    Deleted transactions will get status 99.

Processing expense transactions

In (MOS810) a, column 'Exp' exists to indicate that expenses have been reported against the work order operation. The column is blank if no expenses have been reported. If an expense has been reported against the work order operation, the 'Exp' column will display the status of the expense from (COS150). If multiple expense lines exist in (COS150), the indicator will show the expense with the lowest status. This indicator helps the users to identify the expenses reported on the work order that still requires approval. The expense transactions cannot be edited or processed within (MOS810) but a related option 'Expenses' in (COS150) is available where the expenses can be edited and approved. The expense approval process is described in a separate UDI document for (COS150).

The work order cannot be closed in (MOS050) if expenses in status less than 90 exist in (COS150) for the work order operations.

Follow these steps

'WO Operation. Time Transactions' (MOS810) can be launched from the menu, from (MOS195), or (MOS100) with related option 48='Time transactions'.

  • Sort order 1: Used by the service manager to validate and approve employee transactions. Sorting order 1 can be used to filter service manager and will display all transactions reported by employees connected to the filtered service manager in (CRS530).
  • Sort order 2: Used by the employee to review reported transactions before submitting for approval. Sorting order 2 can be used to filter employee number and will display all transactions reported by the filtered employee.

Approve time transaction

  1. Start (MOS810).

  2. Position on the time transaction.

    • Time transactions in status 10: Click related option 8='Submit for approval' to update the status to 20.
    • Time transactions in status 20: Click related option 9='Approve' to update the status to 90.
  3. Close the program.

Reject time transaction

  1. Start (MOS810).

  2. Position on a time transaction with status 20.

  3. Select related option 23='Reverse to reporter'.

  4. Status on time transaction is updated to 10–'Preliminary'.

  5. Close the program.

Approve expense line

  1. Start (MOS810).

  2. Position on the expense in the 'Expenses' column.

  3. Select related option 16='Expenses'.

  4. 'MCO. Report Expenses' (COS150) is started.

    • Expenses in status 10: Click related option 8='Submit for approval' to update expense status to 20.
    • Expenses in status 10: Click related option 9='Approve' to update expense status to 30 and then automatically to 90.
  5. Close the program.

Reject expense line

  1. Start (MOS810).

  2. Position on the expense in the 'Expenses' column.

  3. Select related option 16='Expenses'.

  4. 'MCO. Report Expenses' (COS150) is started.

  5. Select relevant line with status 20.

  6. Select related option 23='Reverse to reporter' to return the status to 10.

  7. Close the program.