Create Planned Work Order

This procedure is used to create a planned work order (WO).

Before You Start

Before a planned work order can be created, the following prerequisites must be met:

  1. The object on which the work order is to be performed must be registered in 'Item. Open' (MMS001).

  2. The object’s serial number must be registered in 'Equipment/Serialized Item. Open' (MMS240).

  3. The service must be registered in 'Service. Open' (MOS300). This means that the structure type and service structure must also be registered. Note that the service must have status 20 and may not be defined as a subservice.

Follow These Steps

Note: Sorting order 11 displays planned WOs per facility, while sorting order 12 displays planned WOs per maintenance object for all facilities.
  1. Select 'Work Request. Open' (MOS170). Set panel sequence E and sorting order 12.

  2. Specify the maintenance object’s product (item) number, lot number, structure type and service ID. Select New to display the E panel.

  3. Specify the start date in panel E. Also, check the status and order type.

    Note: The field Generation ref, indicates 68 which is a manually entered work order. If you are entering a planned work order directly from 'Complaints. Open' (MOS500), the field Complaint should contain the appropriate complaint ID.
  4. Once you have entered the desired values, confirm the entries.


This procedure results in a planned work order. The order can later be planned with other orders and released individually or as a workscope.