Define Settings for Maintenance Statistics

This document explains how you define the basic parameters for maintenance statistics. Among other things, these settings define how long statistics are to be saved, what cost totals are to be used for calculating planned and actual costs, and whether costs should be accumulated from lower to higher levels within the equipment structure.


Settings that define how maintenance statistics are to be calculated and stored are defined.

The information is stored in System parameters (CSYPAR) file.

Statistics with the correct costs can be generated. For example, this allows you to analyze your maintenance costs, and also downtime and error codes.

Before you start

Cost totals should be defined in 'Maintenance Cost Total. Open' (MCS395).

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'Settings - Maintenance Statistics' (MCS390/E).

  2. Specify how many years to save the statistics that are generated when 'Maintenance Statistics. Create' (MCS300) is run, and whether average statistics should also be created.

  3. Select the cost totals that should be used for statistics.

  4. Specify parameters 13 to 21 as described in the table above.

    These parameters are displayed on the E and F panel.

  5. Press Enter to save and finish.

Parameters to Set

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …
(MCS390/E) 01 Years to save weekly work center statistics

… the number of years, in addition to the current year, weekly statistics are saved per work center.

If statistics should be saved for two years, a record for any week 1998 will be kept until the last week of the year 2000. At the first statistics run in 2001, all statistics for 1998 will be deleted.

(MCS390/E) 02 Years to save monthly average statistics

… the number of years that average order, operation and material statistics are saved per month. This field is open until the first time you create average statistics. After that, it will appear as display only.

You can set up your average statistics to be accumulated by quarters and/or years. Accumulation is done when you create statistics, but only if the current month is January, April, July or October.

Parameters 02–04 determine how accumulation is done. The parameter values are offset from last month backwards in time, in descending order. Note that accumulation into quarters always starts with a first quarter (Q1).

Example: Today is July 1999.

02 Years to save monthly statistics=1

03 Years to save 3-month quarterly statistics=1

04 Years to save yearly statistics=2

The statistics run gives the following accumulated records:

199806 (Q2 1998—one year prior to last month)

199803 (Q1 1998)

199712 (Q4 1997)

199709 (Q3 1997)

199706 (Q2 1997)

199703 (Q1 1997—quarterly statistics must start with Q1)

199600 (entire 1996)

199500 (entire 1995)

- - (earlier statistics are deleted).

(MCS390/E) 03 Years to save 3-month average statistics

… the number of years, in addition to the current year, that average quarterly statistics are saved, as well as the setting for parameter 04.

This field can be modified until you create average statistics for the first time. After that, it will appear as display only.

The statistics are deleted when 'Maintenance Statistics. Create' (MCS300) is run.

(MCS390/E) 04 Years to save yearly average statistics

… the number of years average statistics are to be saved per year.

This field can be modified until you create average statistics for the first time. After that, it will appear as display only.

The statistics are deleted when 'Maintenance Statistics. Create' (MCS300) is run.

(MCS390/E) 05 Years to save detailed statistics

… the number of years detailed statistics are saved.

Example: If detailed statistics should be saved for two years, the statistics of an order finished in 1998 will be kept until the end of the year 2000. At the first statistics run in 2001, all statistics for 1998 will be deleted.

The statistics are deleted when 'Maintenance Statistics. Create' (MCS300) is run.

(MCS390/E) 06 Create average statistics.

… whether average statistics should be calculated. This is normally only used for MRO.

The valid alternatives are:



If 1 is selected, average statistics are calculated when the detailed statistics are created.

The average statistics are stored and displayed in the following programs:

1 'WO Statistics. Display Average' (MCS315)

2 'WO Operation Stats. Display Average' (MCS336)

3 'WO Material Stats. Display Average' (MCS346).

The results can be used to update the product structure for different services via 'Option Percentage. Update' (MCS100).

(MCS390/E) 07 Cost total 1

… the total of an optional number of cost components. When the maintenance statistics are created, the values of the components are totaled and displayed. The costing total is expressed in the local currency for each price quantity.

Costing totals 1 and 2 refer to material connected to the order.

The cost totals could, for example, be set up like this:

Cost total 1=Stock materials

Cost total 2=Non-stock materials

Cost total 3=Operation cost

Cost total 4=Tool costs per operation

Cost total 5=Subcontract costs

Cost total 6=Total of cost total 1–5.

(MCS390/E) 08 Cost total 2 … as described above.
(MCS390/E) 09 Cost total 3 … as described above. However, cost totals 3 to 6 refer to costs related to operations connected to the order.
(MCS390/E) 10 Cost total 4 … as described above.
(MCS390/E) 11 Cost total 5 … as described above.
(MCS390/E) 12 Cost total 6 … as described above.
(MCS390/E) 13 Quantity U/M in work center statistics

… the unit of measure (U/M). The selected U/M is used to display and calculate work center statistics.

The valid alternatives for maintenance are:

0=Item's basic unit of measure

1=Initial weight per operation.

If 0 is selected, the number of maintained items per order will be displayed.

If 1 is selected, the weight is displayed. This could be of importance when you need to keep track of weight changes in the maintained object.

(MCS390/E) 14 Calculation method for operations - WO costing

… how the operation figures should be calculated.

The valid alternatives are:

1=Real values are used. If there is no reporting, the order costing value is zero.

2=The product costing is used if the operation is not reported.

Typically, for plant maintenance, the real value is used.

(MCS390/E) 15 Create cumulative statistics

… whether cumulative statistics should be created.

The valid alternatives are:



2=Yes, and regenerate cumulative statistics.

If 1 or 2 is selected, the maintenance statistics are displayed in the following programs:

1. 'Maintenance Statistics. Display' (MCS400)

2. 'Maintenance Statistics. Display/Inq Type Graph' (MCS410)

3. 'Equipment Statistics. Display' (MCS420)

4. 'Maintenance Statistics. Display/Sorting order' (MCS430)

Note that (MCS410) and (MCS430) are displayed only when 'Maintenance Statistics Inq Type. Open' (MCS490) is updated with user-defined views.

(MCS390/F) 16 Should downtime from manufacturing order be used

… whether downtime from the manufacturing order should be used, rather than downtime from the maintenance work order.

The valid alternatives are:



If 0 is selected, downtime cost will be calculated based on the downtime reported in 'WO Operation. Report' (MOS070).

If 1 is selected, downtime cost will be calculated based on the downtime reported in 'MO Operation. Report Interruption Start' (PMS422).

(MCS390/F) 17 Maintenance statistics for partially reported orders

… whether partially reported orders should also be included in the maintenance statistics.

The valid alternatives are:



If you choose No, then the maintenance statistics will only be updated by closed work orders. This can have undesired results if, for example, you leave a work order open for a long period of time to collect costs. When you close this work order, that period could receive a heavy cost.

If you choose Yes, the work order statistics will be affected after the first operation report.

(MCS390/F) 18 Start period for maintenance statistics regeneration

… the period from which the statistics are generated. If you do not limit the period, the statistics are completely regenerated, which can take a long time. It is therefore recommended that you limit the period.

The period is specified as YYYYPP.

Example: To regenerate the statistics beginning in early 2002, specify 200201.

(MCS390/F) 19 Calculate MTBF and downtime in diagnostics

… whether mean time between failure (MTBF) and mean downtime should be calculated when statistics are generated.

The valid alternatives are:



If 1 is selected, the fields for MTBF and downtime in (MMS237/E) will be updated when statistics are generated. This requires that you have first connected error codes to the serial number in 'Serialized Item. Connect Error Code 2' (MMS237), 'Serialized Item. Connect Error Code 1' (MMS238) and 'Serialized Item. Connect Error Code 3' (MMS234).

(MCS390/F) 20 Should costs be accumulated for the WO structures

… whether costs should be accumulated for the work order structure in 'Work Order. Display Related Work Orders' (MOS110).

The valid alternatives are:



If 1 is selected, all costs for all work orders below the top work order in the structure will be displayed on the top work order.

This function is reserved for future use and has not yet been implemented.

(MCS390/F) 21 Should work order be displayed monthly or weekly

… whether the work order statistics should be displayed per week instead of per month.

The valid alternatives are:



If 1 is selected, the work order statistics will be displayed per week in 'Equipment Statistics. Display' (MCS420) and 'Maintenance Statistics. Display/Sorting order' (MCS430).