Add Specification Report to Equipment

This document describes how to create a specification report in 'Specification Report. Open' (ATS104) for an equipment in 'Equipment/Serialized Item. Open' (MMS240).

Specification reports provide a flexible link for user-definable data to be linked to equipment based on an attribute model.

When it is defined, it is available as a search criterion within 'Equipment. Search and Connect' (QUS200) where you can locate equipment on stock matching your demand. The specification report can also be used on its own. That means without integration to other areas of M3.

For example, if a motor needs to be within a specific power range, you can request a list of all equipment on-hand with the characteristic 'motor' where the attribute value is within range x to y kW. Specification reports associated with equipment normally define physical or technical characteristics, for example max speed, power, weight, or max load.


Initially, attributes are created to represent the different characteristics of equipment. The details commonly include speed, power, material, and size. The attributes must only be defined once and can be used for many specification reports.

These attributes are then assembled to an attribute model. For example, an attribute model describing the technical specification of a tractor. The attributes would represent topics such as speed, rating, power, or front load type. These attribute models are used within an object-controlled matrix that determines when to apply which attribute model.

For example, an attribute model for all type of tractors is connected to the object with product group '1-TRACTOR'. When 'Specification Report. Open' (ATS104) is opened in relation to a serial number, the product group of the related item number is checked and when it matches group '1-TRACTOR' the linked attribute model is opened in (ATS104).

See Create Attribute Model Table for more information regarding the control mechanism.

Before you start

Before the procedure can begin, the following prerequisites must be met:

  • The equipment must be defined in (MMS240).
  • An attribute model table must be defined in 'Attribute Model Table. Open' (ATS070) and connected to the equipment on (MMS240/E) in the 'Specif table' field.


The specification report can be used standalone as the information set of an equipment or search criteria during sales of equipment in 'Equipment. Search and Connect' (QUS200), or as information of a trade-in that is part of a sales quote.

During the lifetime of an equipment the specification report can be maintained at several places:

  • From the equipment record in (MMS240) using related option 56 ='Specification Report. Open’.
  • Through the equipment's stock balance in 'Balance Identity. Open Toolbox' (MWS068) using option 31='Specification Report. Open’.
  • On a work request in 'Work Request. Open' (MOS170) using option 42='Specification Report. Open’.
  • On a work order in 'Work Order. Open' (MOS100) using option 52='Specification Report. Open’.
  • As part of a trade-in on an equipment quote in 'Quotation. Open Lines' (QUS101) using option 46='Specification Report. Open' or in 'Quotation. Open Trade-in' (QUS110) on the E and F panel using F17='Specification'.

    This is performed when the equipment is bought back from a customer during the sales process. An existing specification report is the default and allowed for any changes that overwrites the one attached to the record in (MMS240) after the quote becomes a sales order.

Follow these steps

Follow these steps to specify a specification report for an equipment:

  1. Start (MMS240). Select the equipment for which the specification report is to be specified and select related option 56='Specification Report. Open'.

    If you maintain an existing specification report, you can use the options indicated in the Outcome section as an alternative to open the report.

  2. 'Specification Report. Open' (ATS104) opens if a priority with matching values is found in 'Attribute Model Selection Table. Open' (ATS071). If no match is found, then you stay in (MMS240).
  3. Within (ATS104) all attributes from the linked attribute model are displayed in the sequence defined in 'Attribute Model. Connect Attributes' (ATS051).

    Each attribute record can be maintained using option 2-'Change', you specify or select the appropriate attribute value on the E panel.

    Depending on the attribute type, a set of fields are visible for editing:

    • Attribute type 1-'Alphanumeric' and type 2-'Numeric' allows you to set attribute value, display group, attribute sequence and max 10 user-defined field values.
    • User-defined fields can be required in a specification report. This is controlled using 'Settings - User-Defined EQM Fields ' (QUS980) under subheading 'Specification'.
    • Attribute type 3-'Date' allows you to set an attribute value which represents a date in the format of your user profile, display group, and attribute sequence.
    • Attribute type 4-'Text' allows you to add a text block using F6='Text'. You can also specify display group, and attribute Sequence.
    • Attribute type 5-'Heading' only allows you to connect to a display group and an attribute sequence.

    Each attribute record can hold a text block activated by using F6='Text' on (ATS104/E). This is not exclusive to type 4 attributes. The display group on the E panel can be used to group the attributes on (ATS104/B).

  4. If an attribute is not represented in the attribute model applied but is needed for the equipment to complete the specification, you specify a sequence number and attribute ID. Then use option 2-'Create' on (ATS104/B). Specify the fields as described in step 3.

    When all attributes are described for the report use F3='Close' to leave the screen.