Time Accounting Module

This module is used to report time for activities and projects. It is integrated with M3 Project Management, but can also be used independently.


The module interacts with other modules as illustrated:

  • Project Management
  • Time Accounting
    • Time Accounting is integrated with Project Management, but can also be used independently. Activities in Project Management can be selected in Time Accounting. This means that the activity is created automatically in Time Accounting when the activity is started in Project Management.
  • Accounts Receivable
    • Transactions from time reports that have to be invoiced (external transactions) are transferred to accounts receivable.
  • General Ledger
    • Completed time reports are transferred to the general ledger.

Internal Relationship

The application includes the Time Accounting process. This process includes a range of activities from how to register projects and activities that need to be time accounted, to the approved and authorized time report that is transferred as an external or an internal transaction to the general ledger.