Create Report with Payers with Insurance and Past Due Invoices

This document explains how you print a report that includes all payers that have past due invoices and who you have signed a special insurance for.


A report is printed with this information: Payer, name, company's own insurance number at the insurance company, open amount, past due amount, the ratio between the open amount and the past due amount, amount for invoices that are past due more than specified number of days, ratio.

Send the report to the insurance company, according to the insurance terms and conditions.

Before you start

  • An insurance must be registered for the payer on 'Customer. Open' (CRS610/K).
  • There must be past due invoices for the customer(s) connected to the payer.

Insurance information registered as a local exception for the payer on 'Customer. Open Local Exceptions' (MFS610/H) is not considered for this report.

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Customer Insurance. Print Days Overdue' (RMS530/E).
  2. Specify the accounting date for which the report should be valid (required).
  3. Specify ranges of insurance companies and/or insurance numbers (optional).
  4. A total for invoices that are past due more than a specified number of days are presented in a separate column in the report. Specify the number of days after which the invoices will be included in that column.
  5. Specify any text needed for the report (optional).
  6. Press Enter.