Create Budget from Resource Plan

This procedure is used to transfer resources in a resource plan to account entries (that is, budget transactions) for a budget. These entries are created from the cost components connected to each resource.

The account entries are then automatically transferred to a central budget. The greater value of planned quantity or adjusted quantity is used to calculate the costs.

Before you start

  • A resource plan must be created. Refer to Create Resource Plan [Procedure].
  • Costs per resource must be entered. This is done in ‘Budg Resource. Connect Cost Components’ (BUS016), which is reached by using option 11=‘Cost component’ in ‘Budget Resource. Open’ (BUS015).
  • The resource plan that is to be converted to a budget must have general status 0=‘Not transferred to a budget’ and working status 0=‘Not blocked’.

Follow these steps

  1. Start ‘Budget. Connect Budget Resource’ (BUS170/B).

  2. Select option 9=‘Transfer’ for the resource plan to create a budget.

  3. On the G panel, confirm the transfer by pressing Enter.