Approve Time Report

This procedure is used to approve a time report and prepare it for authorization or transfer it directly to the general ledger.

Before You Start

To start this procedure, the status of the time report must be 10 = ‘Completed and ready for approval’. See Create Time Report and Report Time and Costs [Procedure].

Follow These Steps

  1. Start ‘Time Report. Approve’ (TAS110/B).

  2. Enter the approval ID on the B panel and press Enter.

  3. Select one of the following alternatives:

    • To approve the entire report, select option 1 = Approve and go to step 5.
    • To reject the entire report, select option 12 = Reject.
    • To review the individual transactions in the report, that is, the reported time and costs, select option 11 = Lines and go to step 4.

    Review Reported Time/Costs

  4. Review the transactions in ‘Line. Approve’ (TAS111/B). Select one of the following alternatives:

    • To hold a transaction, select option 3 = Hold.
    • To release a transaction, select option 6 = Release.
    • To reject a transaction, select option 12 = Reject.
    • To approve all transactions, press function key F14 = ‘Approve all’.
    • To return to (TAS110/B) press F3.

    Approve Time Report

  5. Check the Status field when you have approved the time report. The status of the report has increased to 20 = ‘Approved and ready for authorization’ or 30 = ‘Authorized and ready for transfer’.

  6. Press F3 = End, to end the procedure.