Create Account Conversion Table for Cash Flow Budgeting

This document explains how you create a table for selecting and reposting – converting – values from a profit & loss budget to a cash flow budget.


An account conversion table is created for a specific accounting year. The table consists of a set of separately defined lines. Each line consists of a definition of a group of accounting strings in the profit & loss budget to be posted on a separate target accounting string in the cash flow budget.

The table can be reviewed in ‘Conversion Table. Open’ (CFS010).

The account conversion table is automatically used when you create a cash flow budget in ’Cash Flow Budget. Create from Budget’ (CFS100). Income and cost values retrieved from the base profit & loss budget are converted into payments and payments received.

The account conversion table is saved in the following files: Basic table data (FCFCHE) and detailed table data (FCFCFR).

Before you start

  • An allocation table must be created in ‘Allocation Table. Open’ (CFS015).

Parameters to Set

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates ...
CFS010/B Year

... the accounting year for which the account conversion table is valid.

The table for the current accounting year is automatically selected when creating a cash flow budget. Note that all lines in the current table must be defined for the same accounting year.

CFS010/B Level

... the order of a potential cash flow to be posted on separate accounting strings.

See Cash Flow Conversion for further information.

CFS010/B Line number ... a target accounting string in the table.
CFS010/E Accounting string

... the target accounting string where the values retrieved from the profit & loss budget are to be recorded.

The business account in dimension 1 must be a balance account. The base budget values are selected by connecting accounting string ranges to this string (see below).

CFS010/E Reversed sign

... whether the sign should be reversed.

The sign is usually reversed from the way in which the amounts are posted. For example, a cost is posted as debit on the cost account in a profit and loss budget but leads to a payment in the cash flow budget. Therefore the sign should be reversed to result in a credit of a cash account.

CFS010/E Increased percentage

... whether recorded budgeted costs or incomes in the profit & loss budget are 100 percent.

If a budgeted cash flow includes VAT of 18%, for example, then 118 is the correct percentage for the converted record.

CFS010/E Allocation table ... a user-defined table that is automatically used to allocate budget values in time during the conversion.
CFS011/B Range

... the number of a range of accounting strings in the base budget.

The range number is then used when defining the allocation of the reposted values in time in (CFS015).

Follow These Steps

Define Basic Data and Target Accounting String for a Line in the Account Conversion Table

  1. Start ‘Conversion Table. Open’ (CFS010/B).

  2. Set the panel sequence.

    This instruction is based on panel sequence E1.

  3. Enter the accounting year for which the table should be valid, level, and line number (all required).

  4. On the E panel, enter a description (required) and a name.

  5. Specify the following and press Enter:

    • Target accounting string (required)
    • Whether the signs should be reversed when reposting
    • Whether the base value should be increased by a certain percentage
    • Allocation table identity.

    Define Ranges of Accounting Strings in the Base Budget

  6. In ‘Conversion Table. Open Range’ (CFS011/B), define the first accounting string range by giving it a range number (valid values 001–999). Click New.

  7. On the E panel, enter a description (required) and a name.

  8. Specify the range as From and To accounting strings. Press Enter.

    • To include all accounting identities in a specific dimension, enter 9999999 in the To string.
  9. In (CFS011/B), repeat steps 6 to 8 eight for each range of base accounting strings.

    Define More Lines in the Account Conversion Table

  10. Repeat steps 2 to 9 until you have defined all lines to be included in the table.