Outgoing payments
You can create outgoing payment proposal to pay customer negative balances and credit notes. Additionally, you can adjust payment proposal and manage payments from the outgoing proposal. The functionality also has an API support, configurable views, and a job scheduling process. You can also include both the creation and update of proposal in the same run.
Before you start
Before you start, you must meet these prerequisites:
- You must activate the 'AP Payout' field 'Settings-Customer Local Exceptions' (CMS702).
- You must select the 'AP Payout' check box in 'Customer. Open' (CRS610) or in 'Customer. Open Local Exception' (MFS610).
- You must add and define the AR30 accounting event in 'Accounting Event. Open' (CRS375).
- You must add and define the rules that are related to the AR30 accounting event in 'Accounting Type. Open' (CRS385).
Limitations for outgoing payments
These are the limitations for outgoing payments:
- Processing of split VAT payments
- E-register validation of VAT in a supplier payment proposal
- Draft payments processing
- Withholding tax processing
- Prepayments processing
- Netting to accounts payable records
- Recurring payments
- Market-specific functionalities
- APS130MI (Supplier Payment Proposal)
Limitations for automatic update of outgoing payment proposal
These are the limitations for automatic update of outgoing payment proposal:
- Outgoing payment proposal only includes invoices stopped for payment.
- Outgoing payment proposal for approval is only used to send the proposal for approval by setting 'Approval status' to 8.
- Outgoing payment proposal under corporate netting.
- You cannot set payment currency as an outgoing payment proposal since this can have multiple order numbers with different currencies.
Follow these steps
- Create the outgoing payment proposal in 'Outgoing Payment Proposal. Open' (APS330) by using the 1='Create' option to access the 'Outgoing Payment Proposal. Create' (APS335) parameter selection program where the parameter selection values are specified to filter the customer invoices and credit notes that must be included in the payment proposal.
- In (APS335), you must enter the AP payment method in 'AP Payment Method.
Open' (CRS071) to determine how the payment proposal is payable to the
customer. You can use all AP payment classes except 4='Draft'. Customer invoices and
credit notes that are pending payment in other AP and AR payment routines are excluded
in the selection.
If the 'Auto upd prop' parameter is selected in (APS335/F), the proposal is created and updated in the same run. The final statements of accounts are printed directly. This automated work flow speeds up the process and minimize your work effort.
- Specify the company bank account to use in the payment proposal. However, if the
company bank account is retrieved from 'Bank Account Connection. Open'
(APS090), then you can leave it blank. The number series 80-0 in
'Number Series. Open' (CRS165) is used by the outgoing payment
proposal. The same series is also used in 'Supplier Payment Proposal. Open'
(APS130). The basis for the proposal is the selection criteria you specify in (APS335/E). You can define up to fourteen such criteria. The more you define, the more you narrow down the selection. This table shows the selection criteria for proposals:
Field Field description Payment type Indicates a range of payment types to which the customer invoices belong. The payment type is a general classification of payments, to which several payment methods are connected. The payment type is not manually specified, but is connected to the invoice using the payment method selected. Payment method AR Indicates the payment method of the customer invoices to be included in the payment proposal. Salesperson Indicates a range of person responsible for sales to a customer. These salespersons are created in 'Salesperson. Open' (CRS100). Each salesperson is connected in 'Customer. Open' (CRS610/F). District Indicates a range of the district to which the customer or payer belongs. Districts are defined in (CRS140). Each district is connected in (CRS610/F). Country Indicates a range of the country where the goods are sent. Countries are defined in 'Country. Open' (CRS045) and connected in (CRS610/E). Customer group Indicates a range of customer group where the customer belongs. These customer groups are created in 'Customer Group. Open' (CRS145) and connected in (CRS610/F). Payer Indicates a range of people or companies which paid or will pay the invoice. A payer can be specified in (CRS610/J) if they are not the same legal entity. Several customers can have the same payer. Customer Indicates a range of the unique identification of a customer. Due date Indicates the due date range that selects invoices to be included. Invoice date Indicates a range of dates from which the invoices are valid. Invoice number Indicates a range of the serial number assigned to the invoice at invoicing or recording of a receipt. Invoice amount Indicates an amount range that you can use to select invoices based on the local amount. Select AR items The field in (APS335/E) is used to determine the customer invoices and credit notes that you must select in the payment proposal.
When alternative 1='Negative A/R balances' is used, customer invoices and credit notes are considered. Only if the total per payment document number is equal or greater than zero, all transactions are included in the payment proposal, else all are excluded. For the transactions grouped in a payment document amounting to zero, the Accounts Payable functionality 'Zero payments' is applied.
When alternative 2='Cust credit notes only' is used, all the customer credit note records is considered in the payment proposal.
When alternative 3='Corporate netting' is selected, corporate netting is used. All kind of customer invoices with a corporate netting payment method are selected.
Corporate netting The field indicates whether the outgoing payment proposal must be created using a corporate netting payment method.
If you select the 'Corporate netting' check box, then only the customer invoices with netting payment methods are selected. Negative payments are allowed if 'Corporate netting' is selected, then block code 3 is not set on the invoices in the payment proposal.
If you do not select the 'Corporate netting' check box, then the customer invoices with netting payment methods are not selected in (APS335).
- Configure selection of invoices for cash discount purposes. You can use the cash
discount parameters in (APS335/F) that are also in the 'Supplier Payment
Proposal. Create' (APS131/P) settings panel to filter records based on the
cash discount details of the customer invoices and credit notes. These are the cash
discount parameters:
- The 'Invoices with cash discount only' field includes transactions with valid cash discount.
- The 'All invoices with cash discount' field is used to select the cash discount term to be deducted on the invoice.
- The 'Due net invoices only' field is used to select transactions without or expired cash discount.
- The 'Payment proposal block code 5' field is used to include or exclude invoices that have the same cash discount on the next payment proposal date when specified in (APS335/E).
- Customer bank account handling.
Customer bank account is required when payment class 3='Bank transfer' AP payment method is used in the payment proposal. Customer bank account is retrieved according to the order of the bank account of the transaction, then per bank account setting in 'Bank Account. Open' (CRS692). If no valid bank account is found, then the customer invoice or credit note is not included in the payment proposal, but listed in the error report 'Error report for outgoing payment proposal' (APS136PF).
- Display and change the outgoing payment proposal.
In (APS330), the created outgoing payment proposal is displayed and can be deleted.
You can modify the payment method and company bank account.
Using the 11='Lines' related option in (APS330), 'Outgoing Payment Proposal. Update Details' (APS331) program is ran, where customer records included in the payment proposal are displayed, changed, or deleted. Records are grouped in payment proposal documents with different break levels like payer, customer bank account, payment date, and cash discount details. Change of payment date, customer bank, or payment method and hold or manual stop, or release is possible on the payment proposal document or individual invoice. You can modify the cash discount details per invoice only.You can release the payment proposal that is stuck in status 2 in 'Program problem. Solve' (CRS418) using the 'AP03' correction ID.
- Approve outgoing payment proposal. You can use the payment proposal approval functionality.
- Zero
You can use outgoing payment proposal to manage zero payments and invoice netting according to the '270 Include payments with zero amounts in APS130' parameter in 'Settings – Accounts Payable' (APS905). Initially, invoices netting to zero always get block code=3 in (APS331). If the 270 parameter is enabled, the invoices netting to zero can be released, paid, and included in the payment file sent to the bank for reconciliation for payment class 3='Bank transfer'. However, if the 270 parameter is enabled, but invoices netting to zero are not released, then these invoices are not included in the payment file.
- Standard documents for media control
The same document numbers used in supplier payment proposal in (APS130) are also used in outgoing payment proposal.
See Define Output Selection based on Content.
- Manage fields in MI
You can use all the API APS130MI (Supplier Payment Proposal) transactions except the 'CreateProposal' transaction. The 'LstPayeeTotal3' transaction is used to retrieve the customer bank information.
- New Configurable XML standard report
New report variants are created for (APS135PF), (APS136PF), (APS139PF), (APS161PF), (APS163PF), and (APS164PF) and updated with more appropriate labels and default fields for the outgoing payment proposal.
- Automatic bank statement
You can pay AR transactions, invoices, and credit notes through the automatic bank statement transaction. When payment proposal is confirmed in (APS330), the electronic bank confirmation record is created in 'Supplier Payment. Report Electronic Bank Confirmation' (APS187) and 'Electronic Bank Confirmation. Open Details' (APS188) and get blocked for other payments. Additional information number 268 'Payment ref no/payer' consists of payment reference number and payer. Additional information number 269 'Electronic Bank Confirmation' consists of payment proposal number, payment order number, payment document number, and payer. See Electronic Bank Confirmation of Supplier Payments
- Corporate
See Corporate Netting.
- Process outgoing payment proposals through API transactionsYou can process outgoing payment proposals in (APS330) through these API programs and transactions:
- APS330MI Manage outgoing payment proposal header (FPSUGH table)
This table shows the transactions in APS330MI:
Transaction Description ApproveProposal Approve outgoing payment proposal record. CreateProposal Create an outgoing payment proposal in (APS330) and to create APS135PF. If the 'Auto upd prop' parameter is selected, the proposal is confirmed. The payment and accounting information and reports are also created ConfirmProposal Confirm an outgoing payment proposal. The payment and accounting information and reports are created. DeleteProposal Delete outgoing payment proposal record. GetHead Get data for an outgoing payment proposal header record. ListProposal List data for outgoing payment proposal header records. LockProposal Lock an outgoing payment proposal header record by setting 'Payment status' to 2. PrelimProposal Generate preliminary or copy of payment and accounting information and reports for outgoing payment proposal. PrintProposal Reprint an outgoing payment proposal, APS139PF. RejectApprProp Reject approval for outgoing payment proposal record. UnlockProposal Unlock an outgoing payment proposal header record by resetting 'Payment status' to 0. UpdCompanyBank Update bank account ID, with 'Bank account type' field set to 1, for outgoing payment proposal header record UpdPaymentMtd Update payment method for outgoing payment proposal header record. - APS331MI Manage outgoing payment proposal details (FPSUGD table)
This table shows the transactions in APS331MI:
Transaction Description DeleteInvoice Delete an outgoing payment proposal invoice record. GetInvoice Get the data of invoice in an outgoing payment proposal. HoldInvoice Stop invoice for payment in an outgoing payment proposal by setting 'Block code' to 3. ListInvoice List data for outgoing payment proposal invoice records. ReleaseInvoice Release invoice for payment in an outgoing payment proposal by resetting the 'Block code' field to 0. UpdInvoice Update data for outgoing payment proposal invoice record. UpdPayerBank Update the bank account ID, with the 'Bank account type' field set to 2, for outgoing payment proposal invoice records in a payment document number. UpdPaymentMtd Update payment method for outgoing payment proposal invoice records in a payment document number. UpdPaytDate Update payment date for outgoing payment proposal invoice records in a payment document number.
- APS330MI Manage outgoing payment proposal header (FPSUGH table)