Electronic SAF-T Report Version 2 for country version Norway

'Standard Audit File. Create' (AAS300) is used for the creation of audit files required in different countries. The sections to be included can be selected. When the user confirms the selection, a batch job will create the requested file and save it in the MVXFILETRANSFER folder.


Norwegian Standard Audit File - Tax (SAF-T) Financial is a standard format for the exchange of accounting data. It is an OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) standard recommended by a working group to be adapted and implemented in Norway.

The Norwegian tax administration use the standard for tax audit. The standard specifies the accounting data to be exchanged and the data structure that contributes to a common understanding between the provider and the recipient of the information to be exchanged. The Norwegian version of the standard is developed in collaboration with the Norwegian Tax Administration, the business community, and the accounting industry.

The report is in XML format and is validated against the Norwegian_SAF-T_Financial_Schema_v_1.10.xsd schema published by the Norwegian Tax Administration.

Other country-specific SAF-T version 2 schemas are not implemented in M3 Business Engine.

See Limitations.

Follow these steps to create XML file for SAF-T version 2

  1. Open (AAS300) to select the sections to be included.
  2. Select the following and click Next or press Enter to confirm the panel:
    Field Field description
    Output file rep Select 8-'SAF-T version 2'.
    Accounting period From - To Enter the From/To period to be included.
    Accounting dimension Select an option between 1 and 7. The option determines the balance key used, and detailed transactions to be retrieved, for the general ledger.
    Scenario See Account translation scenario in (GLS030).
  3. Select the following for the sections to be included:
    Field Field description
    Base country Select the country for which the report must be created.
    General Ledger Select the check box to include voucher information for General Ledger.
    Accounts Receivable Not included.
    Accounts Payable Not included.
    Payment Not included.
    Chart of accounts Set to 1-'All' or 2-'Current year' to include details and opening/closing balance for the chart of accounts.
    Language Specify the language code in which the description should be retrieved from (CRS632). (optional)
    Customer master table Set to 1-'All' or 2-'Current year' to include details and opening/closing balance for the customers.
    Supplier master table Set to 1-'All' or 2-'Current year' to include details and opening/closing balance for the suppliers.
    File name

    Must end with .XML.

    See Limitations for the file name required by the Norwegian tax administration.

    Folder name Specify a name or leave this field blank. The folder must be located in the folder used for MVXFILETRANSFER and set up before the report is submitted.
    Header information - status Must be set to 1-'Select'.
    Master tables - status Must be set to 1-'Select' if master tables are included. That is, Chart of accounts, Customer, Supplier, and VAT code percentages.
    Chart of accounts - status Set to 1-'Select' if chart of accounts should be included.
    Customer master table - status Set to 1-'Select' if customers should be included.
    Supplier master table - status Set to 1-'Select' if suppliers should be included.
    VAT code percentages - status Set to 1-'Select' if VAT code percentages should be included.
    General Ledger - status Set to 1-'Select' if general ledger should be included.
    Accounts Receivable - status Not included.
    Accounts Payable - status Not included.
    Payment - status Not included.
  4. Click Next or press Enter to start the creation of the XML file.

The XML file will automatically be placed in the folder used for MVXFILETRANSFER or in the specified subfolder.


  • The following main sections are not supported (Standard and Norway):
    • MasterFiles/Taxonomies
    • MasterFiles/UOMTable
    • MasterFiles/MovementTypeTable
    • MasterFiles/Products
    • MasterFiles/PhysicalStock
    • MasterFiles/Owner
    • MasterFiles/Assets
    • SourceDocuments.
  • The following optional subsections are not supported (Standard):
    • Header/Company/BankAccount
    • Customer/BankAccount
    • Supplier/BankAccount
    • GeneralLedgerEntries/Analysis.
  • The following optional subsections are not supported (Norway-specific):
    • Header/AuditFileSender
    • Customer/PartyInfo
    • Supplier/PartyInfo
  • Country-specific information is only supported for Norway (ISO code = 'NO').
  • The SAF-T format allows only VAT rate 1 to be included in the section MasterFiles/TaxTable and GeneralLedgerEntries.
  • File name requested must be manually handled by the user. See File name and size.
  • The XML file can only be created for one division (DIVI) at a time and must be created at the division level (that is, as a local user).

Overview of the structure and content of the report

Structure XML element Content
AuditFile Created once per audit file with SAF-T report file details.
Header Created once per audit file with report details. Details from 'Tax Reporting. Open Report Fields' (TXS035).
Company Details of the issuer of the report. Details from 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100) and (TXS035).
SelectionCriteria Details about the report selection. Details from 'Standard Audit File. Create' (AAS300) and (TXS035).
MasterFiles Created once per audit file if master tables are included. That is, Chart of accounts, Customer, Supplier, and VAT code percentages.
GeneralLedgerAccounts Created once per audit file with details of the chart of accounts defined at central (blank division) or local level.
GeneralLedgerAccounts/Account Details of each account ID (that is, accounting dimension between 1 and 7 depending on the selected accounting dimension) including opening/closing balance. Details from 'Accounting Identity. Open' (CRS630), if selected from 'Accounting ID. Enter Names/Language' (CRS632) with balances from the FBAVAL table.

See Account translation scenario in (GLS030) for information about 'StandardAccountID'.

Customers Created once per audit file with details about customers.
Customers/Customer Details of each customer including opening/closing balance. Details from 'Customer. Open' (CRS610) with balances from the FSLBAL table.
Suppliers Created once per audit file with details about suppliers.
Suppliers/Supplier Details of each supplier including opening/closing balance. Details from 'Supplier. Open' (CRS620) with balances from the FPLBAL table.
TaxTable Created once per audit file with details about VAT codes.
TaxTable/TaxTableEntry Created once per tax table with details about VAT codes.
TaxTable/TaxTableEntry/TaxCodeDetails Details of each VAT code and From date defined with VAT percentage for the division of the report. Details from 'VAT Rate. Open' (CRS031).

See Norwegian SAF-T - standard VAT/tax code for Norway specific.

GeneralLedgerEntries Created once per audit file with details about vouchers in the general ledger.
Journal Details of each journal in the FGLEDG table.
Journal/Transaction Details of each voucher in the FGLEDG table.
Journal/Transaction/Line Details of each voucher line in the FGLEDG table.

Opening and closing balances

This table shows information about opening and closing balances:

Section Details
MasterFiles/GeneralLedgerAccounts OpeningDebit/CreditBalance and ClosingDebit/CreditBalance per account are included and retrieved from the FBAVAL table using the balance key according to the selected accounting dimension, and the fields 'Recorded amount – Debit' (ACAD) and 'Recorded amount – Credit' (ACAC).

With 8-'SAF-T version 2' for output format and 'Chart of accounts' for master table, the system checks in (AAS300) that the annual run in (GLS905) for the previous year exists.

MasterFiles/Customers OpeningDebit/CreditBalance and ClosingDebit/CreditBalance per customer are included and retrieved from table FSLBAL and field 'Outstanding amount in local currency' (OUAM).

With 8-'SAF-T version 2' for output format and 'Customer' for master table, the system checks in (AAS300) that the annual run in (ARS910) for the previous year exists.

MasterFiles/Suppliers OpeningDebit/CreditBalance and ClosingDebit/CreditBalance per supplier are included and retrieved from the FPLBAL table and the field 'Outstanding amount in local currency' (OUAM).

With 8-'SAF-T version 2' for output format and 'Supplier' for master table, the system checks in (AAS300) that the annual run in (ARS910) for the previous year exists.

File name and size

This table shows country specific requirements or recommendations for the file name and file size that must be handled manually when the XML file has been created:

Country File name File size
Norway It is strongly recommended to use the following naming convention to ensure all necessary information is included in the file name. The purpose is to identify what data are in the file, to identify who the recipient of the data is, and to create a unique file name for each export. Note that the naming must be handled manually by the user outside of M3 BE when the XML file has been created.

<SAF-T export type>_<organization number of the vendor who the data represent>_<date and time(yyyymmddhh24hmise>.xml

For example: _SAF-T Financial 999999999 _20160401235911.xml

Where 'SAF-T Financial' states the SAF-T type of file, '999999999' represents the organization number belonging to the owner of the data, and '20160401235911' represents the date and time when the file was created using a 24-hour clock.

The Altinn portal used by the Norwegian tax authorities (Skatteetaten) for SAF-T has a limitation of 2 GB of source data and 200 MB of ZIP file per attachment. For data files that exceed the limitations, dividing the export into different periods and multiple files or splitting the ZIP archive in several files is suggested.

The general ledger entries are expected to constitute the larger part of the file, with a rough estimate of 1 GB per million records in FGLEDG (worst case scenario with regards to currency codes and description lengths, etc.). In case there is a large number of records in FGLEDG, it is possible to run (AAS300) in several steps where General Ledger may first be excluded by setting its corresponding dropdown value to 0-'Exclude'.


This section contains basic data for the XML file and is created once per file. Only tags/elements populated for standard and/or country-specific information are included in the description below. See Configuration for details about the information defined in (TXS035).

XML element Description

(country-specific when applicable)

Required Details - standard Details - country specific

(exceptions to standard)

AuditFileVersion Version of standard audit file being used. Mandatory From additional field 009 in (TXS035). Set to '1.0' if missing.
AuditFileCountry Two-letter country code according to the ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 standard. Mandatory From 'Country code ISO' (IISO) in 'Country. Open' (CRS045) for the base country (BSCD) selected in (AAS300).
AuditFileDateCreated Date when the file was created. Mandatory From 'Registration date' (RGDT) created in (AAS300).
SoftwareCompanyName Name of the software company whose product created the audit file. Mandatory From additional field 010 in (TXS035). Set to 'NotDefined' if missing.
SoftwareID Name of the software that generated the audit file. Mandatory From additional field 004 in (TXS035). Set to 'NotDefined' if missing.
SoftwareVersion Version of the software that generated the audit file. Mandatory From additional field 005 in (TXS035). Set to 'NotDefined' if missing.
Company - Mandatory -
/RegistrationNumber Unique number to identify the company in the accounting records, issued by a government body or created by the company for internal purposes to identify different entities within their corporate group.

Norway: Organization number from The Brønnøysund Register Centre (Brønnøysundregistrene) or other relevant government authority. In case of private persons, the social security number can be used.

Mandatory From additional field 011 in (TXS035). Set to 'NotDefined' if missing.
/Name Name of the company Mandatory From 'Company name' (CONM) in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100).
/Address - Mandatory -
/StreetName Address line 1 of the company. Optional From 'Company address - line 1' (COA1) in (MNS100).
/AdditionalAddressDetail Address line 2 of the company. Optional From 'Company address - line 2' (COA2) in (MNS100).
/City Name of the city/post district. Mandatory From 'City' (TOWN) in (MNS100). Set to 'NotDefined' if missing.
/PostalCode Postal code for the relevant city/post district. Mandatory From 'Postal code' (PONO) in (MNS100). Set to 'NotDefined' if missing.
/Region Country-specific code to indicate regions or provinces within the tax authority. Optional From 'Description' (TX40) in 'States per Country. Open' (CRS046) for the state in (MNS100).
/Country Two-letter country code according to ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 standard. Optional From 'Country' (CSCD) in (MNS100).
/AddressType Type of address included. Optional Set to 'PostalAddress'.
/Contact - Mandatory -
/Contact/ContactPerson - Mandatory -
/ContactPerson/FirstName First name of the person. Mandatory Set to 'NotUsed'.
/ContactPerson/LastName Last name of the person. If the FirstName element has the text "NotUsed" then this element should contain the full unstructured name of the person. Mandatory From additional field 013 in (TXS035) and if not defined, from 'Our reference' (OREF) in (MNS100). Set to 'NotDefined' if both are missing.
/Telephone Telephone number. Mandatory From additional field 014 in (TXS035) and if not defined, from 'Telephone number 1' (PHNO) in (MNS100). Set to 'NotDefined' if both are missing.
/Fax Fax number. Optional From additional field 015 in (TXS035) and if not defined, from 'Facsimile number' (TFNO) in (MNS100).
/Email Email address. Optional From additional field 007 in (TXS035).
/Website Website address. Optional From additional field 008 in (TXS035).
/TaxRegistration - Optional -
/TaxRegistrationNumber The company's tax registration number. Unique number issued by a revenue body for use by the company.

Norway: The VAT (MVA) number of the company. This is the unique number/organization number from The Brønnøysund Register Centre (Brønnøysundregistrene) followed by the letters 'MVA'. This element is mandatory if the company is subject to VAT (MVA). Example: 999999999MVA

Mandatory From additional field 012 in (TXS035) and if not defined, from 'VAT registration number' (VRNO) in (MNS100). Must be entered in the requested format.
/TaxType Tax type of the company. For use where information reported in the SAF-T covers more than one type of tax regime: to identify the type of tax regime to which this entry relates.

Norway: Not used.

Optional From additional field 016 in (TXS035). ISO code = 'NO'. Tag not created since it is not used.
/TaxNumber Tax number of the company. The tax registration number for the particular tax regime referred to by 'TaxType', for instance VAT number.

Norway: Not used.

Optional From additional field 018 in (TXS035). ISO code = 'NO'. Tag not created since it is not used.
/TaxAuthority Identification of the revenue body to which this 'TaxType' refers.

Norway: The only valid value is 'Skatteetaten'.

Optional From additional field 019 in (TXS035). ISO code = 'NO'. From additional field 019 in (TXS035). Set to 'Skatteetaten' if missing.
/TaxVerificationDate The date that the tax registration details referred to above were last checked or when the tax registration was completed in the VAT register. Optional From additional field 020 in (TXS035).
/BankAccount Bank accounts of the company.

Standard: Not used.

Optional Retrieved from 'Bank Account. Open' (CRS692) with bank account type is 1 and Status is 20. ISO code = 'NO'.
/IBANNumber International Bank Account Number, ISO 13616.

Standard: Not used.

Mandatory From 'IBAN number' (IBAN) in (CRS692). ISO code = 'NO'.
/BankAccountNumber The number allocated to the account by the individual's or company's own bank.

Standard: Not used.

Mandatory From 'Bank account field 1' (BAF1) in (CRS692). ISO code = 'NO'.
/BankAccountName The name of the individual or company holding the bank account.

Standard: Not used.

Mandatory From 'Bank A/C name' (BANA) in (CRS692). ISO code = 'NO'.
/SortCode Identifier for the bank branch at which the account is held. May be needed to uniquely identify the account. Also known as ABA Number or National Bank Code.

Standard: Not used.

Optional From 'Bank account field 2' (BAF2) in (CRS692). ISO code = 'NO'.
/BIC Bank Identifier Code.

Standard: Not used.

Optional From 'SWIFT code' (SWIC) in 'Bank. Open' (CRS690). ISO code = 'NO'.
/CurrencyCode Three-letter currency code for the Bank Account from ISO 4217.

Standard: Not used.

Optional From 'Currency' (CUCD) in (CRS692). ISO code = 'NO'.
/GeneralLedgerAccountID Bank General Ledger account.

Standard: Not used.

Optional From 'Bank account dimension 1' (AIT1) in (CRS692), ISO code = 'NO'.
DefaultCurrencyCode Mandatory From 'Local currency' (LOCD) in (MNS100).
SelectionCriteria - Optional - -
/TaxReportingJurisdiction Identifies the tax jurisdiction for whose purpose the audit file has been created. Principally for use where a single revenue body covers more than one territory. Optional From additional field 021 in (TXS035).
/CompanyEntity For use where data have been extracted from the full data set by reference to a specific corporate entity. Optional From additional field 022 in (TXS035).
/PeriodStart The first accounting period covered by the audit file. Mandatory From period entered in (AAS300).
/PeriodStartYear The accounting year within which the 'PeriodStart' falls. Mandatory From year in period entered in (AAS300).
/PeriodEnd The last accounting period covered by the audit file. Mandatory To period entered in (AAS300).
/PeriodEndYear The accounting year within which the 'PeriodEnd' falls. Mandatory To year in period entered in (AAS300).
HeaderComment Space for any further generic comments on the audit file. This space can also be used to include the purpose of the accounting file. Optional From additional field 006 in (TXS035).
TaxAccountingBasis Type of data in the audit file. Invoice accounting, cash accounting, delivery, other.

Norway: The only valid value is 'A' (Accounting).

Mandatory From additional field 001 defined in (TXS035). Set to 'NotDefined' if missing. ISO code = 'NO': From additional field 001 in (TXS035). Set to 'A' if missing.
TaxEntity Company/division/branch reference. Optional From additional field 002 in (TXS035).
UserID ID of the user that generated the audit file. - Not created as specific for Norway. ISO code = 'NO'. ID of the user creating the audit file (optional).


This section is created once per account ID. Only tags/elements populated for standard and/or country-specific information are included in the description below. See 'Configuration' for details about StandardAccountID defined in 'Account Translation Scenario. Open' (GLS030).

XML element Description

(country-specific when applicable)

Required Details - standard Details - country-specific

(exceptions to standard)

AccountID General ledger account code/number. Mandatory From 'Accounting identity' (AITM) in (CRS630).
AccountDescription Name of individual general ledger account. Mandatory From 'Description' (TX40) in (CRS632) for the language selected in (AAS300). If missing, from 'Description' (TX40) in (CRS630).
StandardAccountID Standard general ledger account code/number if required by the country.

Norway: Standard account ID (2- and 4-character code) according to the Norwegian tax administration.

Optional Standard account ID defined as 'Category' (X128) in 'Account Translation Scenario. Open' (GLS030). ISO code = 'NO': Mandatory and must be defined in (GLS030) for all account IDs. Set to 'NotDefined' if missing.
GroupingCategory Use in conjunction with GroupingCode. Use category from code lists. Optional From 'Category code' (CATC) in (GLS030). ISO code = 'NO'.
GroupingCode Use in conjunction with GroupingCode. Use category from code lists. Optional From 'Taxonomy code' (TACO) in (GLS030). ISO code = 'NO'.
AccountType Type of account.

Norway: The only valid value is 'GL' (General Ledger).

Mandatory Description set depending on type of account in (CRS630):
  • VAT account type (AT04) = 1: VAT payable
  • VAT account type (AT04) = 2: VAT receivable
  • VAT account type (AT04) = 3: Sales
  • VAT account type (AT04) = 4: Purchase
  • F/A account (AT08) = 1 or 2: Fixed assets
  • A/R account (AT03) = Selected: Accounts receivable
  • A/P account (AT11) = Selected: Accounts payable
  • Bank account (AT12) = Selected: Bank account
  • If none of the above applies: General ledger
ISO code = 'NO': Set to 'GL'.
AccountCreationDate Date when the general ledger account was created. Optional From 'Registration date' (RGDT) in (CRS630).



Debit or credit balance at the start date of the selection period in the default currency of the header. Mandatory Sum of debit amount (ACAD) and credit amount (ACAC) from the FBAVAL table using the balance key according to the selected accounting dimension. See Opening and closing balances.




Debit or credit balance at the start date of the selection period in the default currency of the header. Mandatory Sum of debit amount (ACAD) and credit amount (ACAC) from the FBAVAL table using the balance key according to the selected accounting dimension. See Opening and closing balances.


This section is created once per customer. Only tags/elements populated for standard and/or country-specific information are included in the description below.

XML element Description

(country-specific when applicable)

Required Details - standard Details - country-specific

(exceptions to standard)

Registration Number Organization number from The Brønnøysund Register Centre (Brønnøysundregistrene) or other relevant government authority. In case of private persons, the social security number can be used. Optional From 'Organization number 1 and 2' (CORG + COR2) in (CRS610). ISO code = 'NO'.
Name The name of the customer. Mandatory From 'Name' (CUNM) in (CRS610).
Address - Mandatory -
/StreetName Address line 1 of the customer. Optional From 'Address - line 1' (CUA1) in (CRS610).
/AdditionalAddressDetail Address line 2 of the customer. Optional From 'Address - line 2' (CUA2) in (CRS610).
/City Name of the city/post district. Mandatory From 'City' (TOWN) in (CRS610). Set to 'NotUsed' if missing.
/PostalCode Postal code for the relevant city/post district. Mandatory From 'Postal code' (PONO) in (CRS610). Set to 'NotUsed' if missing.
/Region Country-specific code to indicate regions / provinces within the tax authority. Optional From 'Description' (TX40) in (CRS046) for the state in (CRS610).
/Country Two-letter country code according to the ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 standard. Optional From 'Country' (CSCD) in (CRS610).
/AddressType Type of address. Optional Set to 'PostalAddress'.
Contact - Optional -
/ContactPerson - Mandatory -
/ContactPerson/FirstName First name of the person. Mandatory Set to 'NotUsed'.
/ContactPerson/LastName Last name of the person. If the 'FirstName' element includes the text 'NotUsed', this element should contain the full unstructured name of the person. Mandatory From 'Your reference 1' (YREF) in (CRS610). Set to 'NotUsed' if missing.
/Telephone Telephone number. Mandatory From 'Telephone number 1' (PHNO) in (CRS610). Set to 'NotUsed' if missing.
/Fax Fax number. Optional From 'Facsimile number' (TFNO) in (CRS610).
/Email Email address. Optional From 'Email address' (EMAL) in 'Email Address. Open' (CRS111) for type 01.
TaxRegistration - Optional -
/TaxRegistrationNumber The tax registration number of the company. Unique number issued by a revenue body for use by the company.

Norway: The VAT (MVA) number of the company. This is the unique number/organization number from The Brønnøysund Register Centre (Brønnøysundregistrene) followed by the letters 'MVA'. This element is mandatory if the company is subject to VAT (MVA). Example: 999999999MVA.

Mandatory From 'VAT registration number' (VRNO) in (CRS610). Must be entered in requested format. The section is not created if the VAT registration number is missing. ISO code = 'NO': For domestic customers (country code = NO in CRS610), the number must be entered with the 'MVX' suffix, but any country prefix is automatically removed if included.
/BankAccount Customer Bank account.

Standard: Not used.

Optional Retrieved from (CRS692) with customer bank account type is 2 and Status is 20 ISO code = 'NO'.
/IBANNumber International Bank Account Number, ISO 13616.

Standard: Not used.

Mandatory From 'IBAN number' (IBAN) in (CRS692). ISO code = 'NO'.
/BankAccountNumber The number allocated to the account by the individual's or company's own bank.

Standard: Not used.

Mandatory From 'Bank account field 1' (BAF1) in (CRS692). ISO code = 'NO'.
/BankAccountName The name of the individual or company holding the bank account.

Standard: Not used.

Optional From 'Bank A/C name' (BANA) in (CRS692). ISO code = 'NO'.
/SortCode Identifier for the bank branch at which the account is held. May be needed to uniquely identify the account. Also known as ABA Number or National Bank Code.

Standard: Not used.

Optional From 'Bank account field 2' (BAF2) in (CRS692). ISO code = 'NO'.
/BIC Bank Identifier Code.

Standard: Not used.

Optional From 'SWIFT code' (SWIC) in (CRS690). ISO code = 'NO'.
/CurrencyCode Three-letter currency code for the Bank Account from ISO 4217.

Standard: Not used.

Optional From 'Currency' (CUCD) in (CRS692). ISO code = 'NO'.
/GeneralLedgerAccountID Bank General Ledger account.

Standard: Not used.

Optional From 'Bank account dimension 1' (AIT1) in (CRS692). ISO code = 'NO'.
CustomerID Unique account code/number for the customer. Optional From 'Customer' (CUNO) in (CRS610). ISO code = 'NO': The information is mandatory.
AccountID Customer Account ID Optional From 'Account ID' defined for accounting event 'OI20' and accounting type '100' in 'Accounting Rule. Set' (CRS395). ISO code = 'NO'.



Debit or credit balance at the start date of the selection period in the default currency of the header. Mandatory Outstanding amount in the local currency. See Opening and closing balances.



Debit or credit balance at the end date of the selection period in the default currency of the header. Mandatory Outstanding amount in the local currency. See Opening and closing balances.


This section is created once per supplier. Only tags/elements populated for standard and/or country-specific information are included in the description below.

XML element Description

(country-specific when applicable)

Required Details - standard Details - country-specific

(exceptions to standard)

Registration Number Organization number from The Brønnøysund Register Centre (Brønnøysundregistrene) or other relevant government authority. In case of private persons, the social security number can be used. Optional From 'Organization number 1 and 2' (CORG + COR2) in (CRS620). ISO code = 'NO'.
Name The name of the supplier. Mandatory From 'Name' (CUNM) in (CRS620).
Address - Mandatory -
/StreetName Address line 1 of the supplier. Optional From 'Address – line 1' (ADR1) in 'Supplier. Connect Address' (CRS622) using type 01 and if not found, type 02.
/AdditionalAddressDetail Address line 2 of the supplier. Optional From 'Address – line 2' (ADR2) in (CRS622) using type 01 and if not found, type 02.
/City Name of the city/post district. Mandatory From 'City' (TOWN) in (CRS622) using type 01 and if not found, type 02. Set to 'NotUsed' if missing.
/PostalCode Postal code for the relevant city/post district. Mandatory From 'Postal code' (PONO) in (CRS622) using type 01 and if not found, type 02. Set to 'NotUsed' if missing.
/Region Country-specific code to indicate regions/provinces within the tax authority. Optional From 'Description' (TX40) in (CRS046) for the state in (CRS622) using type 01 and if not found, type 02.
/Country Two-letter country code according to the ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 standard. Optional From 'Country' (CSCD) in (CRS610) using type 01 and if not found, type 02.
/AddressType Type of address. Optional Set to 'PostalAddress'.
Contact - Optional -
/ContactPerson - Mandatory -
/ContactPerson/FirstName First name of the person. Mandatory Set to 'NotUsed'.
/ContactPerson/LastName Last name of the person. If the 'FirstName' element includes the text 'NotUsed', this element should contain the full unstructured name of the person. Mandatory From 'Your reference 1' (YREF) in 'Supplier. Connect Reference' (CRS623) using type 30. Set to 'NotUsed' if missing.
/Telephone Telephone number. Mandatory From 'Telephone number 1' (PHNO) in (CRS623) using type 30 and if not found, from (CRS620). Set to 'NotUsed' if both are missing.
/Fax Fax number. Optional From 'Facsimile number' (TFNO) in (CRS623) using type 30 and if not found, from (CRS620).
/Email Email address. Optional From 'Email address' (EMAL) in (CRS623) for type 01.
TaxRegistration - Optional -
/TaxRegistrationNumber The tax registration number of the company. Unique number issued by a revenue body for use by the company.

Norway: The VAT (MVA) number of the company. This is the unique number/organization number from The Brønnøysund Register Centre (Brønnøysundregistrene) followed by the letters 'MVA'. This element is mandatory if the company is subject to VAT (MVA). Example: 999999999MVA.

Mandatory From VAT registration number (VRNO) in (CRS620). Must be entered in the requested format. The section is not created if the VAT registration number is missing. ISO code = 'NO': For domestic suppliers (country code = NO in (CRS620)), the number must be entered with the 'MVX' suffix, but any country prefix is automatically removed if included.
/BankAccount Customer Bank account.

Standard: Not used.

Optional Retrieved from (CRS692) with supplier bank account type is 3 and Status is 20. ISO code = 'NO'.
/IBANNumber International Bank Account Number, ISO 13616.

Standard: Not used.

Mandatory From 'IBAN number' (IBAN) in (CRS692). ISO code = 'NO'.
/BankAccountNumber The number allocated to the account by the individual's or company's own bank.

Standard: Not used.

Mandatory From 'Bank account field 1' (BAF1) in (CRS692). ISO code = 'NO'.
/BankAccountName The name of the individual or company holding the bank account.

Standard: Not used.

Optional From 'Bank A/C name' (BANA) in (CRS692). ISO code = 'NO'.
/SortCode Identifier for the bank branch at which the account is held. May be needed to uniquely identify the account. Also known as ABA Number or National Bank Code.

Standard: Not used.

Optional From 'Bank account field 2' (BAF2) in (CRS692). ISO code = 'NO'.
/BIC Bank Identifier Code.

Standard: Not used.

Optional From 'SWIFT code' (SWIC) in (CRS690). ISO code = 'NO'.
/CurrencyCode Three-letter currency code for the Bank Account from ISO 4217.

Standard: Not used.

Optional From 'Currency' (CUCD) in (CRS692). ISO code = 'NO'.
/GeneralLedgerAccountID Bank General Ledger account.

Standard: Not used.

Optional From 'Bank account dimension 1' (AIT1) in (CRS692). ISO code = 'NO'.
SupplierID Unique account code/number for the customer. Optional From 'Supplier' (SUNO) in (CRS620). ISO code = 'NO': The information is mandatory.
AccountID Supplier Account ID Optional From 'Account ID' defined for accounting event 'AP10' and accounting type '200' in (CRS395). ISO code = 'NO'



Debit or credit balance at the start date of the selection period in the default currency of the header. Mandatory Outstanding amount in the local currency.

See Opening and closing balances.




Debit or credit balance at the end date of the selection period in the default currency of the header. Mandatory Outstanding amount in the local currency.

See Opening and closing balances.


This section is created once per audit file with a 'TaxTableEntry' section created once per 'TaxTable' and a 'TaxCodeDetails' section created once per VAT code defined with a VAT percentage for the division of the report. Only tags/elements populated for standard and/or country-specific information are included in the description below.

XML element Description

(country-specific when applicable)

Required Details - standard Details - country-specific

(exceptions to standard)

TaxTableEntry - Optional -
TaxType Tax type for lookup in tables.

Norway: The only valid value is 'MVA'.

Mandatory From additional field 016 in (TXS035). Set to 'NotDefined' if missing. ISO code = 'NO': From additional field 016 in (TXS035). Set to 'MVA' if missing.
Description Description of the tax type.

Norway: The only valid value is 'Merverdiavgift'.

Mandatory From additional field 017 in (TXS035). Set to 'NotDefined' if missing. ISO code = 'NO': From additional field 017 in (TXS035). Set to 'Merverdiavgift' if missing.
/TaxCodeDetails - Mandatory -
/TaxCode Tax code for lookup in tables. Mandatory From 'VAT code' (VTCD) in (CRS031).
/EffectiveDate The start date for this entry. Optional From 'From date' (FRDT) in (CRS031) using the format YYYY-MM-DD.
/Description Description of the tax code. Optional From 'Description' (TX40) in (CRS031).
/TaxPercentage Tax percentage. Mandatory From 'VAT rate 1' (VTP1) in (CRS031).
/Country Two-letter country code according to the ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 standard. Mandatory From 'Country' (CSCD) in (CRS610). Set to ISO code (IISO) of base country if missing.
/Region Optional From 'Description' (TX40) in (CRS046) for the state in (CRS031). ISO code = 'NO': Tag not created since it is not used.
/StandardTaxCode Not used by standard format.

Norway: Standard VAT/tax code according to the Norwegian tax administration

- Not created as specific for Norway. ISO code = 'NO': Mandatory information, see 'Norwegian SAF-T – Standard VAT/Tax code' under 'Configuration' for details about information required in 'Business Message Data Translation. Displ' (CRS881) and 'Business Message Data. Translation' (CRS882).
/BaseRate Not used by standard format.

Norway: Base rates used for the tax code. Default is 100 (the whole amount is tax deductible).

- Not created as specific for Norway. ISO code = 'NO': Mandatory information. Set to '100' for all VAT codes, additional tag created if 'Deductible VAT 1' (VTD1) is not zero (value included is 100 minus value of 'Deductible VAT 1').


This section is created once per audit file with an 'AnalysisTypeTableEntry' section created once per dimension, This is only populated for Norway SAF-T.
XML element Description

(country-specific when applicable)

Required Details - standard Details - country-specific

(exceptions to standard)

AnalysisTypeTable Table with the analysis code identifiers. Used for further specification of transaction data. Example: cost unit, cost center, project, department, provider, journal type, employees, etc. Journal type (bilagsart) should always be used on all transactions. Optional - ISO code = 'NO'.
AnalysisTypeTableEntry Analysis entry information. Mandatory From 'Accounting dimension 2' (AI82) or 'Accounting dimension 3' (AI83) field in (CRS012) with 'System language' (LANC) set to 'NO'. ISO code = 'NO'.
AnalysisTypeDescription Description of the dimension type. Mandatory From 'Accounting dimension 2' (AI52) or 'Accounting dimension 3' (AI53) field in (CRS012) with 'System language' (LANC) set to 'NO'. ISO code = 'NO'.
AnalysisID Analysis ID of the specific dimension entity. Mandatory From 'Accounting dimension 2' (AIT1) and 'Accounting dimension 3' (AIT1) of the voucher line. ISO code = 'NO'.
AnalysisIDDescription Description of the specific dimension entity. Mandatory From 'Account ID Description' in (CRS630). ISO code = 'NO'.
StartDate Start date. Optional From 'Valid From' (VFDT) in (CRS630). ISO code = 'NO'.
EndDate End date. Optional From 'Valid to' (VTDT) in (CRS630). ISO code = 'NO'.


This section is created once per audit file with a 'Journal' section created once per journal, a 'Transaction' section created once per voucher within the journal, and a 'Line' section created once per voucher line. Only tags/elements populated for standard and/or country-specific information are included in the description below.

XML element Description

(country-specific when applicable)

Required Details - standard Details - country-specific

(exceptions to standard)

NumberOfEntries Number of entries. This is the total number of transaction entries (accounting documents/vouchers) from all journals included in the audit file. Mandatory Total number of vouchers included; the information is calculated when the audit file is prepared.
TotalDebit The total of all debit amounts in the default currency of the header. Mandatory Total debit of recorded amount for the vouchers included; the information is calculated when the audit file is prepared.
TotalCredit The total of all credit amounts in the default currency of the header. Mandatory Total credit of recorded amount for the vouchers included; the information is calculated when the audit file is prepared.
Journal - Optional -
/JournalID Identifier of source GL journal, or invoices and payments in single ledger systems.

Norway: The only valid value is 'A' (assorted journals).

Mandatory The information is created as 'Company number' (CONO) + 'Division' (DIVI) + 'Year' (YEA4) + 'Journal number' (JRNO).

Example: 136AAA20171234

ISO code = 'NO': Set to 'A'.
/Description Description of the journal. Mandatory From 'Journal heading' (JRTX) for the FAM entry ID of the journal.
/Type Type of journal. Grouping mechanism for journals.

Norway: The only valid value is 'A' (assorted types).

Mandatory Description of the module for the FAM entry ID of the journal. ISO code = 'NO': Acceptable values are 'AR', 'AP' and 'GL'.
/Transaction - Optional -
/TransactionID The number/ID of the accounting document/voucher. Mandatory The information is created as 'Company number' (CONO) + 'Division' (DIVI) + 'Year' (YEA4) - 'Voucher series' (VSER) - 'Voucher number' (VONO).

Example: 136AAA2017-123-12345678

/Period Accounting period. Mandatory Set to the 'Accounting period' of the accounting date (ACDT) of the voucher.
/PeriodYear The year of the accounting period. Mandatory From 'Year' (YEA4) of the voucher.
/TransactionDate The date of the accounting document/voucher. Mandatory From 'Transaction date' (ACDT) of the voucher.
/Description Description of journal transaction. Mandatory From 'Voucher text' (VTXT) of the voucher. Set to 'NotUsed' if missing.
/BatchID System-generated ID of the batch. Optional From 'Journal number' (JRNO) of the voucher.
/SystemEntryDate Date captured by the system, that is, the date when the transaction was entered into the system. Mandatory From 'Entry date' (RGDT) of the voucher.
/GLPostingDate Date of posting to the general ledger account, that is, the date when the transaction was updated to the database. Mandatory From 'Accounting date' (ACDT) of the voucher.
/SystemID Unique ID/number created by the system for the accounting document/voucher. Optional The information is created as 'Year' (YEA4) - 'Voucher series' (VSER) - 'Voucher number' (VONO).

Example: 2017-123-12345678

/Transaction/Line - Mandatory -
/RecordID Identifier to trace entry to journal line or posting reference. Mandatory The information is created as 'Year' (YEA4) + 'Journal number' (JRNO) + 'Journal sequence number' (JSNO) of the voucher line.

Example: 201712312345678

/AccountID General ledger account code/number. Mandatory From selected accounting dimension on the voucher line.
/Transaction/Line/Analysis - Optional -
/AnalysisType Analysis type identifier/code for the dimension type (e.g. departments, projects, journal types, cost centers, etc.) Mandatory From Accounting dimension 2 (AI82) or Accounting dimension 3 (AI83) field in (CRS012) with System language (LANC) set to 'NO'. ISO code = 'NO'.
/AnalysisID Analysis ID of the specific dimension.

Account ID ACR account dimension 2 and 3 values should be ('3','4','7','8')

Mandatory From 'Accounting dimension 2' (AIT1) and 'Accounting dimension 3' (AIT1) of the voucher line. ISO code = 'NO'.
/Transaction/Line/AnalysisAmount - Optional - ISO code = 'NO'.
/Amount Amount in the default currency of the header. Mandatory From 'Recorded amount' (ACAM) of the voucher line if positive amount. ISO code = 'NO'.
/CurrencyCode Three-letter currency code according to the ISO 4217 standard. Optional From 'Currency code' (CUCD) of the voucher line if positive amount. Only included if currency of transaction not equal to local currency. ISO code = 'NO'.
/CurrencyAmount Amount in foreign currency. Optional From 'Foreign currency amount' (CUAM) of the voucher line if positive amount. Only included if currency of transaction not equal to local currency. ISO code = 'NO'.
/ExchangeRate The exchange rate used. Optional From 'Exchange rate' (ARAT) of the voucher line if positive amount. Only included if currency of transaction not equal to local currency. ISO code = 'NO'.
/Description Description of the journal line. Mandatory From 'Voucher text' (VTXT) of the voucher line. Set to 'NotUsed' if missing.
/Transaction/Line/DebitAmount - Mandatory -
/Amount Amount in the default currency of the header. Mandatory From 'Recorded amount' (ACAM) of the voucher line if positive amount.
/CurrencyCode Three-letter currency code according to the ISO 4217 standard. Optional From 'Currency code' (CUCD) of the voucher line if positive amount. Only included if currency of transaction not equal to local currency.
/CurrencyAmount Amount in foreign currency. Optional From 'Foreign currency amount' (CUAM) of the voucher line if positive amount. Only included if currency of transaction not equal to local currency.
/ExchangeRate The exchange rate used. Optional From 'Exchange rate' (ARAT) of the voucher line if positive amount. Only included if currency of transaction not equal to local currency.
/Transaction/Line/CreditAmount - Mandatory -
/Amount Amount in the default currency of the header. Mandatory From 'Recorded amount' (ACAM) of the voucher line if negative amount.
/CurrencyCode Three-letter currency code according to the ISO 4217 standard. Optional From 'Currency code' (CUCD) of the voucher line if negative amount. Only included if currency of transaction not equal to local currency.
/CurrencyAmount Amount in foreign currency. Optional From 'Foreign currency amount' (CUAM) of the voucher line if negative amount. Only included if currency of transaction not equal to local currency.
/ExchangeRate The exchange rate used. Optional From 'Exchange rate' (ARAT) of the voucher line if negative amount. Only included if currency of transaction not equal to local currency.
/Transaction/Line/TaxInformation - Optional
/TaxType Tax type for lookup in tables.

Norway: If used, the only valid value is 'MVA'.

Optional From additional field 016 in (TXS035). ISO code = 'NO': From additional field 016 in (TXS035). Set to 'MVA' if missing.
/TaxCode Tax code for lookup in tables. Optional From 'VAT code' (VTCD) of the voucher line.
/TaxPercentage Tax percentage. Optional From 'VAT rate 1' (VTP1) of the voucher line.
/Transaction/Line/TaxInformation/TaxAmount - Mandatory -
/Amount Amount in the default currency of the header. Mandatory Recorded amount calculated from 'Calculated VAT 1' (CVT1) of the voucher line.
/CurrencyCode Three-letter currency code according to the ISO 4217 standard. Optional From 'Currency code' (CUCD) of the voucher line. Only included if currency of transaction is not equal to local currency.
/CurrencyAmount Amount in foreign currency. Optional From 'Foreign currency amount' (CUAM) of the voucher line. Only included if currency of transaction is not equal to local currency.
/ExchangeRate The exchange rate used. Optional From 'Exchange rate' (ARAT) of the voucher line. Only included if currency of transaction is not equal to local currency.
/ReferenceNumber Invoice number Optional From 'Invoice number' (CINO/ SINO). ISO code = 'NO'.
/CID CID number Optional From 'Additional info '350 KID number' (SEXI) of the invoice. ISO code = 'NO'.
/DueDate Due date Optional From 'Due Date' (DUDT) of the voucher. ISO code = 'NO'.
/Quantity Quantity Optional From 'Quantity' (ACQT) of the voucher. ISO code = 'NO'.
/SystemEntryTime Date captured by the system, that is, the date when the transaction was entered into the system. Optional From 'Entry time' (RGTM) of the voucher. ISO code = 'NO'.
/OwnerID ID code Optional From 'User ID' (CHID) of the voucher. ISO code = 'NO'.


Below is a list of the most important settings and considerations with specific information to use when creating the SAF-T XML file.

Comment about mandatory information:

  • Mandatory XML elements that require a minimum setup (for example, report fields in (TXS035) are tagged 'NotDefined' to make it possible for the user to search through the XML file and correct any missing basic data before sending it to the authority.
  • Mandatory XML elements that require a major setup (for example, 'City' and 'Postal code' of customers and suppliers) or where no field exists in M3 BE (for example, 'First name') are tagged 'NotUsed' to indicate that this information is not available.

Country settings in (CRS045)

The country code for the base country must be defined in (CRS045) with the two-letter country code according to the ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 standard. For Norway this is 'NO'.

This is also applicable for the country codes of the company/division in (MNS100), the customers in (CRS610), the suppliers in (CRS622), and the VAT codes in (CRS031).

Currency settings in (CRS055)

The currency codes, local and foreign, defined in 'Currency. Open' (CRS055) must follow the three-letter currency code according to the ISO 4217 standard. For Norway this is 'NOK'.

Report fields for taxation in (TXS035)

The additional information required in the header section as well as in other sections must be defined in (TXS035) using type 4 for the base country and division used.

This table shows the details for each field:

Field Details

(Length indicates maximum value)

Comment Used in XML section/element
001 Tax accounting basics

Length: 18

Numeric: Cleared

Mandatory, set to 'NotDefined' if missing.

ISO code = 'NO': Set to 'A' if missing.

002 Tax entity

Length: 40

Numeric: Cleared

Optional. Header/TaxEntity
003 Taxonomy

Length: 40

Numeric: Cleared

Not used by SAF-T version 2 for the moment. -
004 Product/software ID

Length: 40

Numeric: Cleared

Mandatory, set to 'NotDefined' if missing. Header/SoftwareID
005 Product/software version

Length: 18

Numeric: Cleared

Mandatory, set to 'NotDefined' if missing. Header/SoftwareVersion
006 Header description

Length: 40

Numeric: Cleared

Optional. Header/HeaderComment
007 Email address

Length: 40

Numeric: Cleared

Optional. Header/Contact/Email
008 Web site

Length: 40

Numeric: Cleared

Optional. Header/Contact/Website
009 Audit file version

Length: 9

Numeric: Cleared

Mandatory, set to '1.0' if missing. Header/AuditFileVersion
010 Software company name

Length: 40

Numeric: Cleared

Mandatory, set to 'NotDefined' if missing. Header/SoftwareCompanyName
011 Registration number

Length: 18

Numeric: Cleared

Mandatory, set to 'NotDefined' if missing. Header/Company/RegistrationNumber
012 Tax registration number

Length: 35

Numeric: Cleared

Only required if the 'VAT registration number' (VRNO) in (MNS100) cannot be used, in that case mandatory. Must be entered in the format required. Header/Company/TaxRegistration/TaxRegistrationNumber
013 Our reference

Length: 40

Numeric: Cleared

Only required if the 'Our reference' (OREF) in (MNS100) cannot be used, in that case mandatory. Set to 'NotDefined' if both are missing. Header/Company/Contact/ContactPerson/LastName
014 Telephone number 1

Length: 18

Numeric: Cleared

Only required if the 'Telephone number 1' (PHNO) in (MNS100) cannot be used. Set to 'NotDefined' if both are missing. Header/Company/Contact/Telephone
015 Fax number

Length: 18

Numeric: Cleared

Only required if the 'Telephone number 1' (PHNO) in (MNS100) cannot be used; optional information. Header/Company/Contact/Fax
016 Tax type

Length: 9

Numeric: Cleared


ISO code = 'NO': Not used (element not created).

Mandatory, set to 'NotDefined' is missing.

ISO code = 'NO': Set to 'MVA' if missing.


ISO code = 'NO': Set to 'MVA' if missing.

017 Tax description

Length: 40

Numeric: Cleared

Mandatory, set to 'NotDefined' is missing.

ISO code = 'NO': Set to 'Merverdiavgift' if missing.

018 Tax number

Length: 35

Numeric: Cleared


ISO code = 'NO': Not used (element not created).

019 Tax authority

Length: 35

Numeric: Cleared

Optional. Header/Company/TaxRegistration/TaxAuthority
020 Tax verification date

Length: 40

Numeric: Cleared

Optional. If entered, the date format YYYY-MM-DD must be used. Header/Company/TaxRegistration/TaxVerificationDate
021 Tax reporting jurisdiction

Length: 35

Numeric: Cleared

Optional. Header/SelectionCriteria/TaxReportingJurisdiction
022 Company entity

Length: 35

Numeric: Cleared

Optional. Header/SelectionCriteria/CompanyEntity
031 See Account translation scenario in (GLS030).

Connect division for company in (MNS100)

This table indicates included fields in (MNS100):

Program ID Field Field Heading Comment Used in XML section/element
(MNS100/E) CONM Company name Mandatory. Header/Company/Name
(MNS100/E) COA1 Address line 1 Optional. Header/Company/Address/StreetName
(MNS100/E) COA2 Address line 2 Optional. Header/Company/Address/AdditionalAddressDetail
(MNS100/E) TOWN City Mandatory. Set to 'NotDefined' if missing. Header/Company/Address/City
(MNS100/E) PONO Postal code Mandatory. Set to 'NotDefined' if missing. Header/Company/Address/PostalCode
(MNS100/E) ECAR State Optional. Description of state in (CRS046) included in XML file. Header/Company/Address/Region
(MNS100/E) CSCD Country Optional. Header/Company/Address/Country
(MNS100/E) PHNO Telephone number 1 Mandatory. Used if field 014 in (TXS035) is not defined. Set to 'NotDefined' if both are missing. Header/Company/Contact/Telephone
(MNS100/E) TFNO Fax number Optional. Used if field 015 in (TXS035) is not defined. Header/Company/Contact/Fax
(MNS100/G) VRNO VAT registration number Mandatory. Used if field 012 in (TXS035) is not defined. Must be entered in the format required. Header/Company/TaxRegistration/TaxRegistrationNumber
(MNS100/G) OREF Our reference Mandatory. Used if field 013 in (TXS035) is not defined. Set to 'NotDefined' if both are missing. Header/Company/Contact/ContactPerson/LastName

Accounting identity in (CRS630)

This table indicates included fields in (CRS630) for the selected accounting dimension:

Program ID Field Field Heading Comment Used in XML section/element
(CRS630/B) AITM Accounting identity Mandatory. MasterFiles/GeneralLedgerAccounts/Account/AccountID


TX40 Description Mandatory. The 'Description' in (CRS632) for the language selected in (AAS300) is used and, if missing, from (CRS630). MasterFiles/GeneralLedgerAccounts/Account/AccountDescription

Account translation scenario in (GLS030)

The Norwegian SAF-T requires that the Account IDs used in M3 Business Engine in (CRS630) are translated to a standard account ID (2- and 4-character code) according to the Norwegian tax administration for the 'MasterFiles/GeneralLedgerAccounts' section. That is, 'Chart of accounts' in (AAS300). As this information is mandatory in the Norwegian SAF-T format, the element 'MasterFiles/GeneralLedgerAccounts/Account/StandardAccountID' is set to 'NotDefined' if the translation is missing.

The element for 'StandardAccountID' also exists in the standard format and can be used if requested. As this information is optional in the standard SAF-T format, the element 'MasterFiles/GeneralLedgerAccounts/Account/StandardAccountID' is not created if the translation is missing.

This table shows the fields in (GLS030) that are required for the header of the translation:

Program ID Field Field heading Description Value
(GLS030/B) SCEN Scenario Mandatory. Set to any ID (for example 'SAFT-NO' for SAF-T Norway – standard account ID).

See (TXS035) below for the field required to activate the translation.

(GLS030/B) AITP Accounting dimension Mandatory. Set to the same value as the selected accounting dimension. For example, '1' for accounting dimension 1).

In 'Acc Translation Scenario. Open Details ' (GLS031), all standard account IDs with an account ID or a range of account IDs must be defined.

Program ID Field Field heading Description Value
(GLS031/B) X128 Category Mandatory. Set to the standard account ID.
(GLS031/B) FAIT From account identity Mandatory. Set to the first account ID from (CRS630) in the range applicable for the standard account ID.
(GLS031/E) TAIT To account identity Mandatory. Set to the last account ID from (CRS630) in the range applicable for the standard account ID.


Category From account identity To account identity
19 1910 1919
19 1930 1930

To activate the translation as well as to indicate the scenario to use, the below field must be defined in (TXS035):

Field Description Length Numeric Comment
031 Chart of account – scenario 20 Cleared Reference to 'Scenario' (SCEN) in (GLS030) for translation of chart of account for the selected accounting dimension.

Set to for example 'SAFT-NO' (see above).

Managing customers in (CRS610)

This table indicates included fields in (CRS610):

Program ID Field Field heading Comment Used in XML section/element
(CRS610/B) CUNO Customer Mandatory. MasterFiles/Customers/Customer/CustomerID
(CRS610/E) CUNM Name Mandatory. MasterFiles/Customers/Customer/Name
(CRS610/E) CUA2 Address line 1 Optional. MasterFiles/Customers/Customer/Address/StreetName
(CRS610/E) TOWN Address line 2 Optional. MasterFiles/Customers/Customer/Address/AdditionalAddressDetail
(CRS610/E) PONO City Mandatory. Set to 'NotUsed' if missing. MasterFiles/Customers/Customer/Address/City
(CRS610/E) CUA1 Postal code Mandatory. Set to 'NotUsed' if missing. MasterFiles/Customers/Customer/Address/PostalCode
(CRS610/E) ECAR State Optional. Description of state in (CRS046) included in XML file. MasterFiles/Customers/Customer/Address/Region
(CRS610/E) CSCD Country Optional. MasterFiles/Customers/Customer/Address/Country
(CRS610/E) PHNO Telephone number 1 Mandatory. Set to 'NotUsed' if missing. MasterFiles/Customers/Customer/Contact/Telephone
(CRS610/E) TFNO Fax number Optional. MasterFiles/Customers/Customer/Contact/Fax
(CRS610/E) YREF Your reference 1 Mandatory. Set to 'NotUsed' if missing. MasterFiles/Customers/Customer/Contact/ContactPerson
(CRS610/J) VRNO VAT registration number Optional.

ISO code = 'NO': For domestic customers (country code = NO in CRS610), the number must be entered with the 'MVX' suffix but any country prefix is automatically removed if included.


If requested, an email address can be defined in (CRS111) using type 01.

Program ID Field Field heading Comment Used in XML section/element
(CRS111/E) EMAL Email address Optional. MasterFiles/Customers/Customer/Contact/Email

Managing suppliers in (CRS620)

This table indicates included fields in (CRS620):

Program ID Field Field heading Comment Used in XML section/element
(CRS620/B) SUNO Supplier Mandatory. MasterFiles/Suppliers/Supplier/SupplierID
(CRS620/E) SUNM Name Mandatory. MasterFiles/Suppliers/Supplier/Name
(CRS620/E) VRNO VAT registration number Optional.

ISO code = 'NO': For domestic suppliers (country code = NO in CRS620), the number must be entered with the 'MVX' suffix, but any country prefix is automatically removed if included.


This table shows included supplier address information in (CRS622). The address type 01–'Postal address' will be used if this exists, otherwise type 02 'Street address' is used.

Program ID Field Field heading Comment Used in XML section/element
(CRS622/E) ADR1 Address line 1 Optional. MasterFiles/Suppliers/Supplier/Address/StreetName
(CRS622/E) ADR2 Address line 2 Optional. MasterFiles/Suppliers/Supplier/Address/AdditionalAddressDetail
(CRS622/E) TOWN City Mandatory.

Set to 'NotUsed' if missing.

(CRS622/E) PONO Postal code Mandatory.

Set to 'NotUsed' if missing.

(CRS622/E) ECAR State Optional. Description of state in (CRS046) included in XML file. MasterFiles/Suppliers/Supplier/Address/Region
(CRS622/E) CSCD Country Optional. MasterFiles/Suppliers/Supplier/Address/Country

This table indicates included supplier reference information in (CRS623):

Program ID Field Field heading Comment Used in XML section/element
(CRS623/E) YREF Your reference 1 Mandatory. Set to 'NotUsed' if missing. MasterFiles/Suppliers/Supplier/Contact/ContactPerson
(CRS623/E) PHNO Telephone number 1 Mandatory. Set to 'NotUsed' if missing. MasterFiles/Suppliers/Supplier/Contact/Telephone
(CRS623/E) TFNO Fax number Optional. MasterFiles/Suppliers/Supplier/Contact/Fax
(CRS623/E) EMAL Email address Optional. MasterFiles/Suppliers/Supplier/Contact/Email

If requested, an email address can also be defined in (CRS111) using type 02 and is used if supplier reference is missing in (CRS623).

Program ID Field Field heading Comment Used in XML section/element
(CRS111/E) EMAL Email address Optional. MasterFiles/Suppliers/Supplier/Contact/Email

VAT code in (CRS031)

This table indicates included fields in (CRS031):

Program ID Field Field heading Comment Used in XML section/element
(CRS031/B) VTCD VAT code Mandatory. MasterFiles/TaxTable/TaxTableEntry/TaxCodeDetail/TaxCode
(CRS031/B) CSCD Country Optional to enter but mandatory in XML file (set to the ISO code (IISO) of the base country if missing). MasterFiles/TaxTable/TaxTableEntry/TaxCodeDetail/Country
(CRS031/B) ECAR State Optional.

ISO code = 'NO': Not used (element not created).

(CRS031/B) FRDT From date Mandatory to enter but optional in XML file (always included). MasterFiles/TaxTable/TaxTableEntry/TaxCodeDetail/EffectiveDate
(CRS031/E) TX40 Description Mandatory to enter but optional in XML file (always included). MasterFiles/TaxTable/TaxTableEntry/TaxCodeDetail/Description
(CRS031/E) VTP1 VAT rate 1 Mandatory (value 0 valid). MasterFiles/TaxTable/TaxTableEntry/TaxCodeDetail/TaxPercentage
(CRS031/E) VTD1 Deductible VAT 1 Only for the ISO code = 'NO' and then mandatory (value 0 valid). MasterFiles/TaxTable/TaxTableEntry/TaxCodeDetail/BaseRate

Norwegian SAF-T - standard VAT/tax code

The Norwegian SAF-T requires that the VAT codes used in M3 Business Engine in 'VAT Code. Open' (CRS030) are translated to a standard VAT/tax code according to the Norwegian tax administration for the 'MasterFiles/TaxTable' section. That is, 'VAT code percentage' in (AAS300). The translation must be defined in (CRS881) with the details in ](CRS882). Since this information is mandatory in the Norwegian SAF-T format, the element 'MasterFiles/TaxTable/TaxTableEntry/TaxCodeDetails/StandardTaxCode' is set to 'NotDefined' if the translation is missing.

The header record in (CRS881) cannot be created manually. Run (AAS300) with the VAT code percentage status set to 1-'Selected' (other sections can be excluded) once to automatically create the header record for translation in (CRS881). After the first (AAS300) run, select the record in (CRS881) with the following values:

Description Field Value
Message standard MSTD M3BE
Version MVRS 1
Message BMSG SAF-T
Parent elements ELMP Blank
Data element ELMD StandardTaxCode

To define the translation for the VAT codes, use the related option 11='Translate' on (CRS881/B) to open (CRS882). In (CRS882), enter the translation for each VAT code by using the following values:

Description Field Value
External partner EXTP Set to the country used in M3 BE in (CRS031).
M3 data MVXD Set to the VAT code used in M3 BE in (CRS030).
Message data MBMD Set to the standard tax code required by the authority.


Exernal Partner M3 data Message data
NO 01 3

Analysis Type Table

This table indicates included fields in 'Account Identity. Open' (CRS012). Accounting dimension names should be set up for Analysis type and Analysis type description. System language set to 'NO' will be used in the SAF-T.
Program ID Field Field heading Comment Used in XML section/element
(CRS012/E) AI82 Account dimension 2 MasterFiles/AnalysisTypeTable/AnalysisTypeTable Entry/AnalysisType
(CRS012/E) AI83 Account dimension 3 MasterFiles/AnalysisTypeTable/AnalysisTypeTable Entry/AnalysisType
(CRS012/E) AI52 Account dimension 2 MasterFiles/AnalysisTypeTable/AnalysisTypeTable Entry/AnalysisTypeDescription
(CRS012/E) AI53 Account dimension 3 MasterFiles/AnalysisTypeTable/AnalysisTypeTable Entry/AnalysisTypeDescription