Initiate VAT Run and correct VAT transactions online

This document explains how to select and review transactions in a VAT run, correcting any transactions with a variance between the calculated VAT and the recorded VAT online in a separate online adjustment table.

You can make the selection for the VAT run using a user-defined VAT report template. The VAT run is performed for internal simulation, reconciliation or analysis purposes, or for reporting VAT to the tax authorities.


  • VAT transactions are selected based on the search path and priorities described in Reconciling and declaring VAT.
  • All accounting lines have correct VAT-related values.
  • The date of the online adjustment work table is saved for the VAT run and can be displayed by selection the Display option for the VAT run.

Use these settings when you want to carry out one of described actions:

  • Print different types of reports based on the VAT run.

    See Print VAT Report.

  • Confirm the proposal to post transactions automatically to VAT clearing accounts and VAT payment accounts, if the selection of transactions in the VAT run should be as a VAT report.

    See Update General Ledger with Declared VAT.

Before you start

Before you can start, you must meet these prerequisites:

  • You must meet the starting conditions listed in Reconciling and declaring VAT.
  • We recommend that for the online corrections, you use a view for 'Voucher. Display' (GLS200/B) based on all fields in the General Ledger table (FGLEDG) that are relevant for VAT management and additional information number 015 (field &015). This displays all the relevant values in (GLS200/B). Views are created in 'View. Open' (CRS020).

Follow these steps

Select one of these alternatives:

  • If VAT is reported based on the payment date, the VAT is posted to a VAT suspense account when an invoice is recorded. Moving the VAT to a regular VAT account is required to include it in a VAT report. This is done automatically when an invoice is paid or partially paid.

    M3 is used to search for all paid or partially paid invoices and reverse the corresponding VAT transactions on the suspense account. The transactions are then transferred to a regular VAT account. Two additional transactions are also created for the invoice net amount. One transaction is included in the VAT report as the calculation base for the VAT, and another transaction with an offsetting amount.

    The transfer is based on the accounting event of each original transaction. For example, if the payment refers to a manually entered supplier invoice, the accounting rule is AP10–211, where accounting event AP10 (manual entry of supplier invoices) is used when recording the invoice, and accounting type 211 represents VAT receivable. The net VAT base amount is recorded on accounting type 207, and an offsetting transaction is then created on accounting type 208.

    For invoices recorded before the automatic process is available, perform Transfer from VAT Suspense Account (VAT on Payment Only).
    1. To transfer the VAT transactions from the VAT suspense account or accounts to a regular VAT account, start 'VAT on Payment. Create Voucher' (TXS115).

      You should do this transfer since the VAT suspense accounts are not included in the reporting. The transfer is performed at the end of a VAT reporting period before the VAT reporting is done. Note that you can print a preliminary journal using F15 on the F panel to preview the transactions that are transferred.

    2. Specify the end VAT date up to which transactions are to be included and a range of VAT suspense accounts. Press Enter and continue with Select VAT Transactions for VAT Run.

  • If VAT is reported based on accounting date, invoice date, or delivery date, Select VAT Transactions for VAT Run.
    1. Start 'VAT Run. Open' (TXS100/B).

    2. Specify an ID consisting of up to ten alphanumeric characters for the VAT run. Click New.

    3. On the E panel, specify a report description.

    4. To limit the scope of the VAT report geographically, specify the base country of the company, the country where the VAT transactions originated. When applicable, specify a range of from/to countries. That is, countries to which customer deliveries have been made or countries from which supplier goods have been received.

    5. Specify the To VAT date. That is, the date up to which VAT transactions is selected.

      For VAT reports to be sent to the tax authorities, the VAT date proposed is the same as the last VAT run date displayed in 'Settings – General Ledger' (CRS750/F); if you select another later date there might be a gap between the current and the previous VAT report. For simulation and analysis purposes, however, it can be useful to select another date.

    6. If the report content is to be defined by the user in the form of a VAT report template, enter the ID of such a template as well. Press Enter to create a VAT run proposal.

Review and correct transactions online

  1. In (TXS100/B), select option 15='Create online adjustment' for the VAT run.

  2. On the H panel, where the selection used when creating the VAT run is proposed, you can define a further selection of the transactions selected based on these values: To VAT date, ranges of VAT codes and voucher numbers, the difference between calculated and the recorded VAT expressed as a percentage or as an amount, the inclusion of VAT payable or VAT receivable transactions or both (mandatory), and the inclusion or exclusion of transactions already VAT reported.

    You can select to include only transactions that are or are not VAT reported, or both. In periodic VAT reporting, only new VAT transactions are included. However, if the company wants to create a VAT report for the entire year, for example, they would want to include VAT transactions already reported.

    If you do not specify a difference, all transactions, with or without such a difference, are then displayed in the online adjustment table.

  3. Press Enter to create a work table with transactions that both match your selection in the background.

  4. In (TXS100/B), select option 16='Work with online adjustment' for the VAT run to display the transactions in 'Online VAT Adjustment. Open' (TXS120).

    The sub-file displays transaction and VAT details for each transaction. These are the standard values:

    • Calculation base amount (on which the VAT is calculated): The base amount for all transactions on accounts of VAT account types 3–9.
    • Calculated VAT: Calculated VAT amount 1 and calculated VAT amount 2 for all transactions on accounts of VAT account types 3–9.
    • Calculated variance: The difference between calculated VAT and recorded VAT.
    • Recorded VAT: The total of all transactions on accounts of VAT account type 1 (VAT payable) and 2 (VAT receivable). Note that VAT payable is excluded for EU VAT transactions (transaction code 41) created with VAT codes with VAT method 8, since the VAT amounts are zero on all EU transactions.
    • Recalculated VAT amount: This value is calculated separately by M3 when creating the work table by multiplying the calculation base amount by the VAT rate (1 and 2). Based on that, the difference between the recalculated variance is defined.
    • Recalculated variance: The difference between the recorded VAT and the recalculated VAT. In theory, the difference would always be identical to the calculated variance. However, the calculation is done for extra security and to enable the user to easily identify any discrepancies that require investigation.
  5. Select option 7='Change VAT info' for a transaction to display the accounting lines in 'Voucher. Display' (GLS200/B).

    The view selected determines which values are displayed in the sub-file. See the Before starting section.

  6. In (GLS200/B), select option 7='Change VAT info' for the accounting line, a VAT transaction or a transaction on which the VAT is based, to correct.

    You can change values for all revenue and expense transactions, that is, all transactions recorded on an account with a VAT account type higher than 2. You cannot change transactions that already have been used as a base for a VAT declaration voucher.

  7. If applicable, change the service code in (GLS200/F).

  8. In (GLS200/G), change any of these values: VAT code, VAT rates 1 and 2, VAT account type, base country and from/to country, VAT date and VAT registration number. Press Enter.

  9. If you change the VAT code, the VAT rate and VAT amount is updated accordingly. If you remove the VAT registration number, the 'VAT registration number existed' check box is automatically deselected.

  10. Press F3 to return to (TXS120) and repeat the procedure for any other transactions to correct.

VAT values in General Ledger

In each business transaction involving goods or services subject to VAT, M3 Business Engine stores a set of VAT values for each accounting line in every voucher with a VAT account, apart from the recorded VAT itself. This table shows these values:

Field heading Description
Tax code (VTCD) The tax code based on which the VAT amount was recorded.
VAT account type (AT04) The type of VAT account – such as a VAT payable or a VAT receivable account – as defined in 'Accounting Identity' (CRS630/E). See Configuring M3 Business Engine for VAT management.
VAT rate 1 (VTP1) The VAT rate applied to calculate VAT amount 1. See the following section.
VAT rate 2 (VTP2) The VAT rate applied to calculate VAT amount 2 when chain VAT (combined VAT) is selected as the VAT method for the tax code.
Calculated VAT amount 1 (EGCVT1)

Whenever M3 Business Engine identifies a transaction as subject to VAT, it also stores a calculated VAT amount in the accounting line for the actual, recorded VAT amount. Normally, both amounts are the same. Comparing the calculated and the recorded VAT amounts per transactions helps identifying any potential errors during the reconciliation for the VAT declaration. See Reconciling and declaring VAT.

(GLS211/G) has two fields for calculated VAT. Two VAT amounts are calculated in these scenarios:

  • The company division has purchased goods or services from another EU member state and consequently records EU VAT. The first field, 'Calculated VAT amount 1' (field ID CVT1), stores the calculated VAT receivable amount and the second field, 'Calculated VAT amount 2' (field ID CVT2), stores the calculated VAT payable amount, that is, the negative offsetting, attributable VAT).
  • Chain VAT is the selected VAT method of the tax code applied. This means that two VAT rates are used. Two calculations are made. The value in the 'Calculated VAT amount 1' field is based on the VAT base amount, whereas the value in the 'Calculated VAT amount2' field is based on the sum of the VAT base amount and the first VAT calculation.
Calculated VAT amount 2 (EGCVT2) See the description of field 'Calculated VAT amount 1'.
Base country (BSCD) See section How M3 Business Engine Identifies Countries Involved.
From/To country (TFCD) See section How M3 Business Engine Identifies Countries Involved.
VAT date (VATD) Indicates the VAT date, which is either the accounting date or the invoice date or (for purchases only) the delivery date, depending on the alternative selected in 'Settings – General Ledger' (CRS750/F). Select transactions for VAT declarations based on the VAT date in (TXS100/E).
VAT reported (VATR) Indicates whether the transaction has been included in a confirmed VAT declaration in (TXS100).
VAT registration number existed (VRNE) Indicates whether a VAT registration number was found for the customer in 'Customer. Open' (CRS620/E).
VAT registration number (VRNO) Indicates the VAT registration number of the customer.