Fiscal Representatives in M3 and Their Impact on VAT Calculation and Internal Invoicing

This document explains how fiscal representatives in M3 are defined and applied in trade involving more than one member state of the European Union (EU). It also describes scenarios with and without fiscal representatives and the results of each scenario in terms of VAT calculation, internal invoicing and EU sales, and Intrastat reporting.

In this document, the term 'internal invoicing' is used as a collective name for both inter-division invoicing (invoicing between divisions) and intra-division invoicing (invoicing within a division). The term 'external invoice' refers to the invoice sent to the external customer.


This document provides an understanding of:

  • Why domestic VAT or EU VAT is added automatically to customer invoices or internal invoices in trade within the EU
  • The situations where internal invoice transactions can be created between warehouses belonging to the same division
  • How to set up your company's fiscal representatives in M3.

M3 fiscal representatives are used for these purposes:

  • To enable M3 to retrieve correct VAT registration numbers automatically so that the appropriate VAT (domestic VAT, EU VAT, or no VAT) is applied in trade within the EU.
  • To generate internal invoice transactions between the fiscal representative and another warehouse within the same division as a basis for Intrastat and EU sales transactions. See Trade Statistics Scenarios within the European Union.

Use the information to define fiscal representatives in 'Fiscal Representation. Open' (TXS030).

Background to the solution

It is important to know the concept of Intrastat and EU sales reporting, as described in Introduction to Reporting of Trade Statistics in the European Union.

This solution uses the country of the delivering party as one of the key factors is introduced by the program, 'Fiscal Representation. Open' (TXS030).

Note:  Limitations:
  • M3 does not support the creation of VAT and trade statistics transactions using a ship-via address.
  • In order to create domestic invoices and add VAT to supplies of goods in a non-domestic EU member state, the division must be VAT registered in the latter country.


Generally, a fiscal representative is a local resident party that accepts joint liability for taxes payable by a company in another country. In M3 a fiscal representative basically represents a VAT registration number for a specific division in another EU member state.

Fiscal representation is defined for each division in a table where each line represents one combination of fiscal representative and delivering country. Whenever an intra-EU sales or distribution order case has a match in (TXS030), domestic VAT is calculated instead of EU VAT.

Each fiscal representative consists of a combination of these values:

  • Country code of the fiscal representative
  • State of the fiscal representative
  • Country of delivering warehouse for goods or services (physical or fictitious warehouse)
  • Internal customer, that is, the customer functioning as the fiscal representative (the receiving party)
  • Internal supplier, that is, the supplier representing the division of the delivering warehouse (the delivering party)
  • Tax declaration number, a company-internal tax declaration number used to differentiate trade statistics reports created in 'EU Sales/Purchase. Open Proposal' (TXS130). The tax declaration number is defined for the division in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100/G). For the reporting of EU sales, however, the tax declaration number can also be defined for specific fiscal representatives. This number will override the number defined for the division.

All of the values above are mandatory except for the state. (Normally, the only European case when the state is a required parameter is when the fiscal representative is located in Monaco.) The practical consequence is that a company must register all possible combinations of delivering countries for each fiscal representative in the cases where domestic VAT will be calculated.

The country code and the VAT registration number, which are used to calculate the appropriate VAT on internal and external invoices, are retrieved from the internal customer and the internal supplier. Note that the country of the internal customer and supplier must be the same as the country of the fiscal representative. The warehouse should have the same internal customer as the fiscal representative.

How applied

  • During External Invoicing

    When an order is invoiced, for example in 'CO Invoice. Print' (OIS180) or 'SO Invoice. Print' (SOS180), M3 verifies the following in 'Fiscal Representation. Open' (TXS030):

    • Whether there is a fiscal representative in the country to which the goods or services are delivered
    • Whether the goods or services are regarded as delivered from that fiscal representative.

    For distribution orders, the receiving division is also verified. If a fiscal representative is found, the VAT registration number is retrieved from the internal customer (for the receiving party) and the internal supplier (for the delivering party). The receiving division is verified only if the goods pass a border between two EU member states.

    Manually Created Invoices

    When you manually create customer invoices in any of the following programs, M3 only verifies the country of the fiscal representative, since a delivering warehouse cannot be specified for these invoices:

    • 'Customer Invoice. Enter Manual' (ARS120)
    • 'Interest Invoice. Open' (ARS160)
    • 'Fixed Asset. Sell' (FAS130).
  • During Internal Invoicing of Distribution Orders

    If there is a fiscal representative for either the receiving country or the delivering country in (TXS030) when goods are distributed between warehouses, M3 creates a record in the CMUFTR table, which stores transactions to be invoiced internally. This record is created even if the delivery is made between two warehouses within the same division and regardless of whether the warehouses belong to the same facility or different facilities. (In previous versions, no CMUFTR records were created for deliveries between two warehouses within the same division.) When the sales division creates internal invoices in 'Internal Invoice. Create' (MFS100), these internal invoice transactions automatically generate the EU sales transactions required for trade statistics reporting. Also, when the distributed goods are received, Intrastat transactions are created by function MMS952.

Comments on VAT

  • Fiscal Representatives versus Triangular Trade

    In triangular trade (also called three-party trading), goods are moved directly from a supplier in one EU member state to the final customer in another member state on the instructions of an intermediate party (the middleman) located in a third member state. The middleman does not pay VAT on such third-party acquisitions. However, if the middleman has a fiscal representative in the country of the supplier, the trade is not regarded as triangular trade from a fiscal perspective. The middleman is therefore required to pay VAT. This rule also applies to inter-division sales, where the seller or middleman belongs to another division than the supplier.

    For more information about triangular trade, see VAT Management in M3 Business Engine.

    For information about how to manage VAT exemption for the middleman in triangular trade, see VAT Exemptions.

  • Retrieval of 'Our' VAT Registration Number

    In scenarios with company-external customers, M3 retrieves 'our' VAT registration number for invoices, EU sales transactions, and Intrastat transactions based on this search path:

    1. From the fiscal representative in (TXS030)

    2. From the delivering warehouse in 'Warehouse. Open' (MMS005), when applicable

    3. From 'Settings – Internal Invoicing' (MFS010), when applicable

    4. From the division in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100).

  • Specification of Domestic VAT

    Any invoices created in another EU member state where there is a fiscal representative are recorded with the same base country as the fiscal representative and with domestic VAT. If the domestic customer is invoiced in a foreign currency, VAT is added in that foreign currency and, according to EU legislation, another invoice line is also added displaying the VAT in the local currency of the base country.

    M3 automatically identifies the local currency based on the country selected for the division issuing the invoice in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100). The exchange rate used to convert VAT amounts in foreign currency to local currency is retrieved from the exchange rate type selected for the division in 'Settings – Trade Statistics' (CRS726). However, if there is a fiscal representative and the base country on the invoice is not the same as the country of the division issuing the invoice in (MNS100), M3 retrieves the currency from the country of the company in 'Country. Open' (CRS045) and then uses the exchange rate retrieved from (CRS726).

  • EU VAT

    The phrase 'EU VAT is applied' in the following scenarios means that no VAT is calculated on the external invoice issued by the sales division. Instead of a VAT amount, an exemption text is printed on the invoice explaining why no VAT is calculated. (See VAT Exemptions.) The receiver of the invoice is responsible for creating the corresponding VAT payable and VAT receivable transactions for the EU VAT. For more information about EU VAT, see the description of VAT methods in Create VAT codes for VAT transaction entry and reporting.

  • Fiscal Representatives and Ship-Via Addresses

    Companies incorporated in countries outside the EU that register for VAT in the EU must report VAT, EU sales and Intrastat for the country through which their goods, intended for European customers, initially enter the EU market. When goods from a non-EU member state enters a port in an EU member state, this port is considered the ship-via address and M3 Business Engine uses the country of this address as the base country in the VAT decision. The only exception is when the company division has a fiscal representative in the country of the customer; the country of the fiscal representative is then the base country, regardless of the ship-via address.

    For each EU member state where the company has a ship-via address, there must be a 'blank' fiscal representative in (TXS030) with only the ship-via address, internal customer and internal supplier entered. For more information about the setup, see Setting Up the M3 Tax Engine. M3 Business Engine checks whether there is a matching fiscal representative with a ship-via address when making the VAT decision. If such a fiscal representative exists, the country of the ship-via address is used as the base country of the transaction. Note that if there is a 'regular' fiscal representative with the same country as the customer and a via country, this fiscal representative country is always the base country. This functionality is implemented for customer orders, service orders and maintenance customer orders.

    • Example 1

      A division in Norway - a non-EU member state - sells goods to a customer in the Netherlands (NL), an EU member state. The division has no fiscal representative in the Netherlands. The sale has a ship-via address as the delivery address. The fiscal representative in (TXS030) has the following setup:

      Fiscal Repr. Country

      Delivering Warehouse Country

      Via Country

      VAT Decision


      The base country is NL. The From/To country is NL. The transaction is regarded as a local sale within the NL and domestic VAT is charged.

    • Example 2

      A division in Norway sells goods to a customer in France (FR) with a ship-via address in the Netherlands on the delivery address. The division has a 'regular' fiscal representative in France:

      Fiscal Repr. Country

      Delivering Warehouse Country

      Via Country

      VAT Decision




      The base country is FR. The From/To country is FR. The transaction is regarded as a local sale within FR and domestic VAT is charged, since a fiscal representative always overrules a ship-via country.

    • Example 3

      A division in Norway sells goods to a customer in the United Kingdom (UK) with a ship-via address in the Netherlands (NL) on the delivery address. The division has no fiscal representative in the UK. The setup in (TXS030) is:

      Fiscal Repr.

      Delivering Warehouse

      Via Country

      VAT Decision




      The base country is NL. The From/To country is UK. The transaction is regarded as an EU sale with EU VAT applied. (EU VAT is used in trade between two EU member states. The supplier creates no VAT transactions; the customer creates both VAT payable and VAT receivable transactions when recording the invoice.)

    • Example 4

      A division in Norway sells goods to a customer in the U.S.A. (US) with a ship-via address in the Netherlands (NL) on the delivery address. The setup in (TXS030) is:

      Fiscal Repr. Country

      Delivering Warehouse Country

      Via Country

      VAT Decision


      The base country is NL. The From/To country is US. The transaction is regarded as a non-domestic/non-EU sale.

Sales scenarios

The following scenarios summarize the impact of fiscal representation depending on whether goods are delivered:

  • from a warehouse belonging to the sales division, in the same country, or another EU member state - see section Scenario One Division Involved
  • from a warehouse belonging to another division, in the same country, or another EU member state - see section Scenario Two Divisions Involved

Scenario setup

The following scenarios include three divisions of a company located in different EU member states. Their respective warehouses are not necessarily in the same country as the division itself.

The Swedish division 100 has four fiscal representatives defined in (TXS030):

  • DE – DE: A fiscal representative in Germany (DE) with delivery from a warehouse in Germany
  • DE – SE: A fiscal representative in Germany with delivery from a warehouse in Sweden (SE)
  • FR – FR: A fiscal representative in France (FR) with delivery from a warehouse in France
  • NO – NO: A fiscal representative in Norway (NO) with delivery from a warehouse in Norway.

The British division 200 has one fiscal representative defined: DE – DE, that is, a fiscal representative in Germany with delivery from a warehouse in Germany results in domestic VAT. The German division 300 has no fiscal representatives defined.

It is assumed that the sales division invoices the external customer in these scenarios.


Scenario One Division Involved



A customer order is placed in the Swedish division 100 by a Swedish customer. Delivery to the customer is made from the Swedish warehouse 001, which belongs to the sales division.

VAT, Internal Invoicing and EU Sales

The setup in (TXS030) is not applied, since the sales division, the delivering warehouse, and the customer are in the same country. Swedish domestic VAT is calculated on the external invoice, since the sales is entirely domestic. The sales division's ('your') VAT registration number is retrieved from the delivering warehouse. 'Your' VAT registration number is retrieved from the customer.

No inter-division or intra-division invoice transactions are created, since the delivering warehouse belongs to the sales division and no internal distribution is taking place.

No EU sales transactions are created, since the sale is domestic.

Trade Statistics

No Intrastat transactions are created, since the goods do not cross any border.

A customer order is placed in the Swedish division 100 by a customer in Great Britain (GB). Delivery to the customer is made from the Swedish warehouse 001, which belongs to the sales division. The sales division has no British fiscal representative.

VAT, Internal Invoicing and EU Sales

The setup in (TXS030) is not applied, since the sales division has no fiscal representative in Great Britain. Consequently, and since the sales is between two EU member states, EU VAT is applied. The sales division's ('our') VAT registration number is retrieved from the delivering warehouse. The customer's VAT registration number is retrieved from the delivery address in (OIS002); if the address has no VAT registration number, Swedish domestic VAT is calculated. If there is no delivery address, the VAT registration number is retrieved from 'Customer. Open' (CRS610).

No inter-division or intra-division invoice transactions are created, since the delivering warehouse belongs to the sales division and no internal distribution is taking place.

Trade Statistics

Intrastat dispatch transactions are created in the sales division, since the goods pass an EU border. EU sales transactions are created based on the external invoice, since the sale is between two EU member states.

A customer order is placed in the Swedish division 100 by a British customer. Delivery to the customer is made from the French warehouse 021, which belongs to the sales division. The sales division has no British fiscal representative but one in France ('FR – FR').

VAT, Internal Invoicing and EU Sales

The setup in (TXS030) is only applied to retrieve 'our' VAT registration number from the internal supplier on the French fiscal representative for the external invoice, the EU sales transactions and the Intrastat transactions. Since there is no British fiscal representative and since the goods are delivered from another EU member state, EU VAT is applied.

No inter-division or intra-division internal invoice transactions are created, since the delivering warehouse belongs to the sales division.

EU sales transactions are created in the sales division based on the external invoice, since the sale is between two EU member states.

Trade Statistics

Intrastat dispatch transactions are created for the French warehouse in the sales division, since the goods pass an EU border.

A customer order is placed in the Swedish division 100 by a German customer. Delivery to the customer is made from the Swedish warehouse 001, which is part of the sales division. The sales division has a fiscal representative in Germany ('DE – DE' and 'DE – SE').

VAT, Internal Invoicing and EU Sales

The setup in (TXS030) is applied, since the sales division has a fiscal representative in Germany defined for deliveries from Sweden. German domestic VAT is calculated. 'Our' VAT registration number is retrieved from the internal supplier on the fiscal representative.

Intra-division invoice transactions are created to use as basis for trade statistics, since there is a fiscal representative, even though the warehouse belongs to the sales division.

EU sales transactions are created in the sales division based on the intra-division invoice. 'Our' VAT registration number on the EU sales transactions is retrieved from the internal supplier on the delivering warehouse, and 'your' VAT registration number is retrieved from the internal customer in (TXS030).

Trade Statistics

Intrastat dispatch and arrival transactions are created in the sales division, since the goods pass an EU border. For the dispatch transactions, 'our' VAT registration number is retrieved from the internal supplier on the delivering warehouse, and 'your' VAT registration number is retrieved from the internal customer in (TXS030). 'Our' VAT registration number on the Intrastat arrival transactions (for the fiscal representative) is retrieved from the internal customer in (TXS030) and 'your' VAT registration number on the same transactions from the internal supplier on the delivering warehouse.

Example for One Division Involved

The Swedish division AAA has a warehouse in Sweden, a warehouse in Germany, and a warehouse in France. An external VAT registered customer in Germany places an order.

  • Setup in TXS030

    Line 1

    • Country of fiscal representative: DE (Germany)
    • State: (blank)
    • Country of delivering warehouse: DE

    Line 2

    • Country of fiscal representative: DE (Germany)
    • State: (blank)
    • Country of delivering warehouse: SE (Sweden)

    A sales or distribution order case matching one of these lines results in domestic VAT being calculated instead of EU VAT.

  • Results
    • Delivery from the German warehouse to the external German customer: Domestic VAT is calculated, as controlled by line 1. Intra-division invoice transactions are created in the CMUFTR table.
    • Delivery from a Swedish warehouse to the German customer: Domestic VAT is calculated, as controlled by line 2. (As mentioned above, customers might require domestic VAT even if the goods are sent from another EU country. If this line did not exist, EU VAT would be calculated in this scenario, provided that the customer had a VAT registration number.) Intra-division invoice transactions are created.
    • Delivery from the French warehouse to the German customer: EU VAT is calculated. (If the customer had not been VAT registered, the VAT of the delivering country would be applied instead.)
    • Distribution of goods from the French warehouse to the German warehouse, based on a distribution order, for later delivery to the German customer: German domestic VAT is calculated. Intra-division invoice transactions are created – even though the warehouses belong to the same warehouse and facility – since the division has a fiscal representative in Germany.
    • Delivery from a country outside the EU to the German customer: No VAT is calculated and no internal invoice transactions are created.
    • If you are manually creating an invoice in (ARS120), (FAS130) or (ARS160) for the German customer: Domestic VAT is calculated, since the customer is in the same country as the fiscal representative, Germany.

Scenario Two Divisions Involved



A customer order is placed in the Swedish division 100 by a Swedish customer. Delivery to the customer is made from the British warehouse 002, which belongs to the British division 200. Neither of the divisions has any fiscal representative in the country of the other division.

VAT, Internal Invoicing and EU Sales

The setup in (TXS030) is not applied, since the British division has no fiscal representative in Sweden. EU VAT is calculated for the same reason. (For Swedish domestic VAT to be applied, it would have been necessary for the Swedish sales division to have a fiscal representative in Sweden defined for deliveries from Sweden: 'SE – GB'.) The sales division's ('our') VAT registration number on the external invoice is retrieved from the sales division in (MNS100).

The delivering division creates inter-division invoice transactions for the trade with the sales division. The delivering division's ('our') VAT registration number on the inter-division invoice is retrieved from the internal supplier on the delivering warehouse. The sales division's ('your') VAT registration number is retrieved from the internal customer in 'Settings – Internal Invoicing' (MFS010).

EU sales transactions are created based on the inter-division invoice (the trade between the two division) but not based on the external customer invoice (for the domestic sale), depending on the selection in 'Settings – Trade Statistics' (CRS726/G).

Trade Statistics

Intrastat dispatch transactions are created in the delivering division, since the goods pass an EU border. 'Our' VAT registration number is retrieved from the delivering warehouse and 'your' VAT registration number from the external customer.

A customer order is placed in the Swedish division 100 by a British customer. Delivery to the customer is made from the British warehouse 002, which belongs to the British division 200. The sales division has no fiscal representative in Great Britain.

This scenario is not supported by M3. When goods are delivered within Great Britain, British domestic VAT must be applied. However, if the sales division has no VAT registration number (no fiscal representative) in Great Britain, it cannot legally charge British domestic VAT. The Swedish sales division must apply for a VAT registration number in Great Britain first.

A customer order is placed in the Swedish division 100 by a German customer. Delivery to the customer is made from the German warehouse 017, which belongs to the Swedish sales division. The sales division has a fiscal representative in Germany ('DE – DE' and 'DE – SE').

VAT, Internal Invoicing and EU Sales

The setup in (TXS030) is applied, since there is a fiscal representative in Germany defined for goods deliveries from Germany ('DE – DE'). Consequently, German domestic VAT is calculated on the external invoice. The sales division's ('our') VAT registration number is retrieved from the fiscal representative and 'your' VAT registration number from the external customer.

No inter-division or intra-division invoice transactions are created, since the delivering warehouse belongs to the sales division, the delivery is domestic, and no distribution is taking place.

No EU sales transactions are created, since the trade is regarded as domestic.

Trade Statistics

Intrastat transactions are not created, since the goods do not pass an EU border.

A customer order is placed in the Swedish division 100 by a Swedish customer. Delivery to the customer is made from the German warehouse 017, which belongs to the sales division. This division has a fiscal representative in Germany ('DE – DE' and 'DE – SE').

VAT, Internal Invoicing and EU Sales

The setup in (TXS030) is applied only to retrieve 'our' VAT registration number on the external (domestic) invoice, the EU sales transactions and the Intrastat transactions. However, since there is no fiscal representative defined for 'SE – DE', EU VAT is applied on the external invoice.

No inter-division or intra-division internal invoice transactions are created, since the delivering warehouse belongs to the sales division and there is no matching fiscal representative in Sweden.

EU sales transactions in the sales division are created based on the external invoice.

Trade Statistics

Intrastat dispatch transactions are created in the sales division, since the goods pass an EU border.

A customer order is placed in the Swedish division 100 by a German customer. Delivery to the customer is made from the German warehouse 024, which belongs to the British division 200. The sales division has a fiscal representative in Germany ('DE – DE' and 'DE – SE') as has the British division ('DE – DE').

VAT, Internal Invoicing and EU Sales

The setup in (TXS030) is applied for both divisions involved. German domestic VAT is calculated on the external invoice, since the Swedish sales division has a fiscal representative defined for deliveries from Germany ('DE – DE'). 'Our' VAT registration number on the external invoice is retrieved from the internal supplier on the fiscal representative of the Swedish sales division.

Inter-division invoice transactions are created for the trade between the two divisions. German domestic VAT is calculated on the inter-division invoice, since both divisions have a fiscal representative in Germany. 'Our' VAT registration number is retrieved from the fiscal representative in (TXS030) in the British division. 'Your' VAT registration number is retrieved from the internal customer on the fiscal representative in the Swedish division.

EU sales transactions are not created, since the Swedish sales division has a fiscal representative in Germany defined for deliveries from Germany.

Trade Statistics

Intrastat transactions are not created, since the goods do not pass an EU border.

A customer order is placed in the Swedish division 100 by a German customer. Delivery to the customer is made from the German warehouse 003, which belongs to the German division 300. The sales division has a fiscal representative in Germany ('DE – DE' and 'DE – SE'). The German division has no fiscal representative.

VAT, Internal Invoicing and EU Sales

The setup in (TXS030) is applied for the Swedish sales division, since it has a German fiscal representative defined for deliveries from Germany ('DE – DE'). Consequently, German domestic VAT is calculated on the external invoice. 'Our' VAT registration number on the external invoice is retrieved from the internal supplier on the fiscal representative of the Swedish division. 'Your' VAT registration number is retrieved from the external customer.

Inter-division invoice transactions are created for the trade between the two divisions. German domestic VAT is calculated on the inter-division invoice, since the Swedish division has a fiscal representative in Germany. However, 'our' VAT registration number is retrieved from the internal supplier on the delivering warehouse of the German division. 'Your' VAT registration number is retrieved from the internal customer on the fiscal representative in (TXS030) in the Swedish division.

EU sales transactions are not created, since the Swedish sales division has a fiscal representative in Germany defined for deliveries from Germany.

Trade Statistics

Intrastat transactions are not created, since the goods do not pass an EU border.

A customer order is placed in the British division 200 by a German customer. Delivery to the customer is made from the Swedish warehouse 001, which belongs to the Swedish division 100. The British division has a fiscal representative in Germany ('DE – DE'). The Swedish division has a fiscal representative in Germany ('DE – DE' and 'DE – SE').

VAT, Internal Invoicing and EU Sales

The setup in (TXS030) is not applied, since the sales division has no fiscal representative in Germany defined for deliveries from Sweden. Consequently, EU VAT is applied on the external invoice. 'Our' VAT registration number on the external invoice is retrieved from (MNS100) and 'your' VAT registration number from the external customer.

Inter-division invoice transactions are created between the sales division and the delivering division. EU VAT is calculated. 'Our' VAT registration number in the Swedish division is retrieved from the delivering warehouse and 'your' VAT registration number from the internal customer in (MFS010).

EU sales transactions are created in the sales division based on the external invoice, and in the delivering division based on the inter-division invoice. 'Our' VAT registration on the transaction based on the external invoice is retrieved from the British division in (MNS100), and 'your' VAT registration number from the external customer. 'Our' VAT registration number on the transaction based on the inter-division invoice is retrieved from the internal supplier of the delivering warehouse in the Swedish division and 'your' VAT registration number from (MFS010).

Trade Statistics

Intrastat dispatch transactions are created in the delivering division, since the goods pass an EU border. 'Our' VAT registration number is retrieved from the internal supplier on the delivering warehouse. 'Your' VAT registration number is retrieved from the external customer.

A customer order is placed in the British division 200 by a German customer. Delivery to the customer is made from the German warehouse 017, which belongs to the Swedish division 100. The British division has a fiscal representative in Germany ('DE – DE'). The Swedish division has a fiscal representative in Germany ('DE – DE' and 'DE – SE').

The results are the same as for scenario 9. The only difference is that the divisions are reversed: read British division instead of Swedish division and vice versa.

A customer order is placed in the British division 200 by a German customer. Delivery to the customer is made from the Norwegian warehouse 022, which belongs to the Swedish division 100. (We assume that the Swedish division is VAT registered in Norway.) The sales division has a fiscal representative in Germany ('DE – DE'). The Swedish division has a fiscal representative in Germany ('DE – DE' and 'DE – SE') and in Norway ('NO – NO').

VAT, Internal Invoicing and EU Sales

The setup in (TXS030) is not applied, since the British sales division has no fiscal representative in Germany defined for deliveries from Norway. EU VAT is applied on the external invoice, since the invoicing is done within the EU (from Great Britain to Germany). 'Our' VAT registration number is retrieved from (MNS100) in the British division and 'your' VAT registration number from the external customer.

Inter-division invoice transactions are created between the sales division and the delivering division. 'Our' VAT registration number is retrieved from the internal supplier on the fiscal representative for Norway in (TXS030), and 'your' VAT registration number is retrieved from the internal customer in (MFS010).

EU sales transactions are created in the British division based on the external invoice. 'Our' VAT registration number is retrieved from (MNS100) in the British division and 'your' VAT registration number from the external customer.

Trade Statistics

No Intrastat transactions are created, since the delivery is made from Norway, a country outside the EU.