VAT Exemptions
Both global and local legislation regulate the charging of VAT. Within the European Union (EU), VAT is normally collected on business transactions that involve supplies of goods and services within the EU. A supply can be standard-rated, reduced-rated, zero-rated or exempt. The exact rates are locally defined.
No tax is payable on VAT-exempted supplies and the party making the supply cannot normally recover any of the VAT on their own expenses. For zero-rated supplies, VAT is not payable either. However, zero-rated supplies are treated as taxable supplies in all other respects and the party making the supply can recover receivable or input VAT on their own business expenditure.
For zero-rated supplies and exempt supplies, global and local legislation may stipulate that a VAT exemption text must be printed on the customer invoice. The text should inform the recipient of the invoice document the reason why VAT has not been added or calculated on a specific invoice line.
Overview of the M3 solution
- You can select among a large number of criteria for triggering the printout of a VAT exemption text or replacement of a VAT code.
- You can store VAT exemption texts in the language of the customer.
- The VAT exemption text is printed on all external invoices where no VAT is actually calculated, that is, for both VAT exempt and zero-rated goods.
- Some VAT exemption texts can be applied on a global basis by reference to EU legislation.
- The same EU legislation can be enforced by specific legislation in a local country, so that a local customer may refer to a different exemption text, even though it is for the same reason.
- Each VAT exemption text has a valid date range to change texts due to new laws.
- When copies of invoices are printed, the correct VAT exemption text of the original invoice is printed, even if another text is valid at the time of the printout.
- A different VAT exemption text can be used for an invoice document when compared to a credit note document, even though the reason for the exemption is the same.
- Replacement of VAT codes can be used to manage sales tax on purchases, as described in Canadian Sales Tax in M3.
Transaction types for VAT exemptions
- 1-'VAT exemption text'. Text printed on the invoice explaining why VAT was not added to a specific invoice line.
- 2-'Automated replacement of VAT codes for sales to external customers'. A VAT code on a customer order line or a customer invoice is automatically replaced by another VAT code to obtain a correct VAT rate.
- 3-'Automated replacement of VAT codes for purchases'. A VAT code on a purchase order line or a supplier invoice is automatically replaced by another VAT code to obtain a correct VAT rate.
- 4-'Automated replacement of VAT codes for internal sales'. A VAT code on a customer order line or a customer invoice for internal sales is automatically replaced by another VAT code to obtain a correct VAT rate.
- 5-'VAT exemption agreement - Received'.
- 6-'VAT exemption agreement - Issued'.
Each transaction type consists of a table with up to ten lines where each line can include up to four control objects, each representing a certain type of value such as 'Customer' or 'VAT code'. In the table, each line has a field sequence number that determines in which order the lines are selected in the search for a match. The lines with the lowest sequence number receive the highest priority. For example, if the three first lines in the table have sequence numbers 10, 15 and 20 respectively, they correspond to priorities 1, 2 and 3 respectively in 'VAT Exception. Open' (TXS020).
In the case of an exact match of values for replacement of VAT codes when entering an order, the VAT code is automatically replaced with the replacement VAT code you selected. If there is an exact match against your settings for VAT exemption texts, that text is automatically printed on the invoice.
VAT Exemption Agreements
Transaction type 5-'Received VAT exemption agreements' in (TXS020) applies to manual customer invoices, customer orders, maintenance orders, and service orders in triangular trade only. The intermediary enterprise in triangular trade, that is, the party delivering goods to the party selling them to end users, can apply to be VAT exempt instead of having to pay and reclaim the VAT. A VAT exemption agreement is valid for a specific period of time, for specific customers and items. It also defines a maximum amount, the currency and the exchange rate to use. The company registers each VAT exemption agreement as one line per priority in (TXS020). A chronological number for the exemption agreement is automatically updated. The number is retrieved from number series 64 G in 'Number Series. Open' (CRS165). A VAT exemption agreement always overrules any exact matches against other transaction types in (TXS020). That is, if there is a match against both a line for replacement of VAT codes in external sales and a line for a VAT exemption agreements, the latter overrules the former.
When the company invoices an order in 'CO Invoice. Print' (OIS180), 'Maint Invoice. Print' (COS180) or 'SO Invoice. Print' (SOS180), each order line is matched against the lines in (TXS020). If there is an exact match and the accumulated invoiced amount plus the net amount (minus VAT) is lower than the maximum amount, the replacement VAT code that was selected for the line in (TXS020) to use for VAT exempt goods and services is applied to prevent VAT from being calculated. The agreement number and the agreement date are printed on the invoice line. If you want a more detailed exemption text, you can use a unique replacement VAT code to which you connect a VAT exemption text (transaction type 1).
Transaction type 6-'Issued VAT exemption agreements' in (TXS020) applies to purchase orders and supplier invoices in triangular trade only. The intermediary enterprise in triangular trade, the party purchasing goods to sell them to end users, can apply to be VAT exempt instead of having to pay and reclaim the VAT. A VAT exemption agreement is valid for a specific period of time, specific suppliers, and orders. It also defines a maximum amount, the currency and the exchange rate to use. The company registers each VAT exemption agreement as one line per priority in (TXS020). A chronological number for the exemption agreement is automatically updated. The number is retrieved from number series 64 H in (CRS165). A VAT exemption agreement always overrules any exact matches against other transaction types in (TXS020). That is, if there is a match against both a line for replacement VAT code in purchase and a line for a VAT exemption agreement, the latter overrules the former.
When the company records a supplier invoice in 'Supplier Invoice. Record' (APS100) or 'Supplier Invoice Batch. Open' (APS450) each invoice line is matched against the lines in (TXS020). If there is an exact match and the accumulated invoiced amount plus the net amount (minus VAT) is lower than the maximum amount, the replacement VAT code that was selected for the line in (TXS020) to use for VAT exempt goods and services is applied to prevent VAT from being calculated.
VAT Exemption Letter for Italy
This functionality is only available for Italian country specific in transaction type 6-'Issued VAT exemption agreements' in (TXS020). The ability to produce an electronic file of the Supplier Tax Exemption Declaration to Authority is available in the Italian country configuration.
Two related options are available for transaction type 6-'Issued VAT exemption agreements' in (TXS020):
- Select related option 12='Additional Information' to identify the 'Plafond Type' field and the different operations that
contribute to the formation of the ceiling amount which forms part of the Supplier Tax
Exemption Declaration to Authority. You can only select one check box from the six
different operations that contribute to the formation of the ceiling amount.
This table shows the fields available in 'VAT Exception. Open' (TXIT01):
Field heading Object Description A1: Plafond Type XPLF These are the alternatives: - 1=Fixed
- 2=Variable.
A2.1: Annual VAT presented ANVT Indicates if the exemption amount has been defined based on annual VAT declaration. A2.2: Exportation EXPO Indicates if the exemption amount has been defined based on extra-EU operation. A2.3: IntraEU Cession INEU Indicates if the exemption amount has been defined based on EU operation. A2.4: SanMarino Cession SANM Indicates if the exemption amount has been defined based on San Marino (Italian province) operations. A2.5: Similar Cession SICE Indicates if the exemption amount has been defined for a province with exemption tax rules. For example, Vatican operations. A2.6: Exceptional Cession EXCE Indicates if the exemption amount has been defined based on specific operations. - Select related option 13='Request Letter' to initiate the creation of an electronic file of the Supplier Exemption Declaration to Authority.
VAT Exemption Agreement Constraints
Because the replacement of VAT codes for VAT exemption agreements is done at order invoicing instead of when placing the order, the original VAT codes remain on the order lines. The reason for this solution is the use of an accumulated value displayed for each line for a VAT exemption agreement on (TXS020/E). Changing or deleting order lines would otherwise not be reflected in the accumulated value.
The solution for VAT exemption agreements is not designed to manage charges on order headers or order lines. If the company has a separate agreement for charges, it is possible to set up a line with lower priority in 'Generic Object Control Table. Open' (CMS017) with control objects from the customer primary file only, that is, no item-dependent control objects, to include charges in the matching. This is a workaround solution.
General control object
This table shows the objects you can select in (CMS017) when you define a table to use as a basis for the VAT exceptions. The objects available depend on the type of table you are defining, for example, a table for internal sales. The 'Applicable' column defines the purpose for which you can use the respective control object: For printout of VAT exemption texts, for external and internal sales (both included in the term 'sales'), for external purchases, and for VAT exemption agreements.
Object | Description | Selectable Values in (TXS020) | Applicable |
&BSCD | Base country | Select from country codes defined in 'Country. Open' (CRS045) to capture order lines and invoices with these country codes. | Exemption texts, sales, purchases, received exemption agreements |
&CASE | Case | Select from nine main scenarios where at least
two parties of the triangular trade - base country, from/to country and third-party
country - are located in different states. The case that applies to each business
transaction based on the countries involved is automatically identified. See a
specification of each scenario in the section following this table. The &CASE object is introduced to manage scenarios that include triangular trade involving two EU member states only. &CASE can manage all triangular trade scenarios. You can use &CASE in combination with &TRIA so that a different VAT code for an external sale is selected if the sale is internal, for example, or replace &TRIA completely with &CASE, if this is in accordance with the local legislation and its definition of triangular trade. |
Sales, purchases |
&CEXE | Customer exemption agreement exists | These are the alternatives:
Sales |
&CRED | Type of invoice | These are the alternatives:
Exemption texts, sales |
&CUNO | Customer | Select from customers registered in (CRS610). | Exemption texts, sales, received exemption agreements |
&ECAR | Area | Alternatives for sales: Select from states
registered in 'States per Country. Open' (CRS046). The state
captures manually entered customer invoices and customer orders with this state in
the address. Alternatives for purchases: On the purchase side, the state captures purchase orders with this state registered for the suppliers. M3 Business Engine retrieves the state automatically from (CRS620/E) when you register the purchase order. M3 Business Engine validates the state against the base country. |
Exemption texts, sales, purchases |
&EEXC | Equipment exemption agreement exists | These are the alternatives:
Sales |
&EUVT | EU VAT | These are the alternatives:
Exemption texts, sales, purchases |
&FISR | Fiscal representation | These are the alternatives:
The value indicates whether there is a fiscal representation in the customer's country, as defined in 'Fiscal Representation. Open' (TXS030). If so, M3 retrieves the VAT registration number from the fiscal representation. |
Exemption texts, sales |
&FTCO | From/To country | Select from country codes defined in 'Country. Open' (CRS045) to capture order lines and invoices with these country codes. | Exemption texts, sales, purchases, received exemption agreements |
&INAP | Industry application | Select from order lines connected to a specific industry application in 'Fleet' (MOS295). The industry application refers to the end use of items or equipment. | Sales |
&ITNO | Item | Select from items on order lines. Function program CCHKIFV, the program that checks if VAT is applicable, retrieves the values for this object from the order lines, not from 'Item. Open' (MMS001). | Sales, purchases, received exemption agreements |
&ORNO | Order number | Select from customer order numbers for which an exemption agreement exists. | Received exemption agreements |
&ORTP | Order type | Select among order types registered in 'CO Type. Open' (OIS010). | Sales |
&PRNE | PST/QST registration number exists | The value indicates whether the supplier has a
tax registration number in a specific state defined in 'Supplier Tax
Number. Open' (CRS628). Theese are the alternatives:
Purchases |
&PUNO | Purchase order number | Select from purchase order numbers for which an exemption agreement exists. | Issued exemption agreements |
&PYNO | Payer | Select from payers registered in (CRS610). | Sales |
&SUNO | Supplier number |
Select from suppliers registered in 'Supplier. Open' (CRS620). |
Purchases, issued exemption agreements |
&TEDL | Delivery term | Select from terms of deliveries registered in 'Delivery Term. Open' (CRS065). | Sales |
&TRIA | Triangular trade (third-party trading) | These are the alternatives:
M3 Business Engine automatically identifies a business transaction as being part of a triangular trade, that is, as a &TRIA 1, 2 or 3 transaction, through function program CCHKIFVAT Alternatives 1 and 2 are applicable to sales only. For alternative 1, the third party in the triangular trade is the external supplier. For alternative 2, the third party is the delivering warehouse. Alternative 3 is applicable to purchases only. In such a case, the third party of the triangular trade is the customer on the customer order that is connected to the purchase order. When the company owing the original customer order records the supplier invoice and matches it to the purchase order that was created based on the external customer order, CCHKIFVAT identifies the transaction as a &TRIA 3 transaction. These requirements apply for alternatives 1– 3: a) There are three parties involved in at least two different EU member states. b) Each party has a VAT registration number in the respective country. The latter requirement applies even when one party is located in a country that is not an EU member state. See Triangular Trade for triangular trade and the scenarios that M3 Business Engine supports. |
Sales, purchases |
&TXAP | Tax applicable |
For sales, select customers with one of these 'Tax applicable' alternatives selected on (CRS610/J) or on 'Customer. Open Local Exceptions' (MFS610/E) or for the customer order:
For purchases, select suppliers with one of these 'Tax applicable' alternatives selected on 'Supplier. Define Purchase & Financial' (CRS624/F) or for the purchase order:
Exemption texts, sales, purchases |
&VRNE | VAT registration number exists | These are the alternatives:
Exemption texts, sales, purchases |
&VTCD | VAT code | Select from VAT codes defined in 'VAT Code. Open' (CRS030). | Exemption texts, sales, purchases |
BLLTYP | Rental line type | Select from rental agreement lines with a specific line type on 'Individual Item. Display Diary' (STS201/E). | Sales |
CTBUAR | Business area | Select from business areas in 'Business Area. Open' (CRS036). | Sales, purchases |
IBWSCA | Purchase costing model | Select from purchase costing models in 'Purchase Costing Model. Open' (PPS285). | Purchases |
IDCFI1 | User-defined field 1 | Select from items with a specific value on (CRS620/F). | Purchases, issued exemption agreements |
IDCFI2 | User-defined field 2 | As above. | Purchases, issued exemption agreements |
IDCFI3 | User-defined field 3 | As above. | Purchases, issued exemption agreements |
IDCFI4 | User-defined field 4 | As above. | Purchases, issued exemption agreements |
IDCFI5 | User-defined field 5 | As above. | Purchases, issued exemption agreements |
IICFI3 | Free field 3 | Select from suppliers with a specific value entered in company-defined field 3 on (CRS624/G). | Purchases, issued exemption agreements |
IICFI4 | Free field 4 | Select from suppliers with a specific value specified in company-defined field 4 on (CRS624/G). | Purchases, issued exemption agreements |
IISERS | Service code | Select from suppliers with a specific service code selected on (CRS624/F). | Purchases, issued exemption agreements |
IISUCL | Supplier group | Select from suppliers connected to a specific supplier group on (CRS624/E). | Purchases, issued exemption agreements |
IVCEID | Costing element | Select from purchase costing elements in 'Costing Element. Open' (PPS280). | Purchases |
M9CSNO | Customs statistical number | Select from customs statistics numbers in 'Customs Statistics Number. Open' (CRS128). | Sales, purchases, received exemption agreements |
MMACRF | User-defined accounting control object | Select from items with a specific accounting control object on (MMS001/E). | Sales, purchases, received exemption agreements |
MMECC | Consumption code - trade statistics | Select from items with a specific consumption code on (MMS001/G) | Sales, purchases, received exemption agreements |
MMEVGR | Environment group | Select from items with a specific environment group on (MMS001/G). | Sales, purchases, received exemption agreements |
MMGRTI | Group technology class | Select from items with a specific group technology class on (MMS001/F). | Sales, purchases, received exemption agreements |
MMGRTS | Distribution group technology | Select from items with a specific distribution group technology on (MMS001/F). | Sales, purchases, received exemption agreements |
MMITCL | Product group | Select from items with a specific product group on (MMS001/E). | Sales, purchases, received exemption agreements |
MMITGR | Item group | Select from items belonging to a specific item group on (MMS001/E). | Sales, purchases, received exemption agreements |
MMITTY | Item type | Select from items with a specific item type on (MMS001/E). | Sales, purchases, received exemption agreements |
MMPRGP | Procurement group | Select from items with a specific procurement group on (MMS001/E). | Sales, purchases, received exemption agreements |
MMSALE | Sales item | Select from items with a specific alternative selected in the 'Sales item' field on (MMS001/G). | Sales, purchases, received exemption agreements |
MMTPCD | Item category | Select from items with a specific item category on (MMS001/G). | Sales, purchases, received exemption agreements |
OKCFC3 | Free field 3 | Select from customers with a specific value specified in company-defined field 3 on (CRS610/I). | Exemption texts, sales, received exemption agreements |
OKCFC4 | Free field 4 | Select from customers with a specific value specified in company-defined field 4 on (CRS610/I). | Exemption texts, sales, received exemption agreements |
OKCFC8 | Free field 8 | Select from customers with a specific value specified in company-defined field 8 on (CRS610/I). | Exemption texts, sales, received exemption agreements |
OKCFC9 | Free field 9 | Select from customers with a specific value specified in company-defined field 9 on (CRS610/I). | Exemption texts, sales, received exemption agreements |
OKCUCL | Customer group | Select from customers with a specific customer group selected on (CRS610/F). | Exemption texts, sales, received exemption agreements |
OKCUTP | Customer type | Select from customers with a specific customer type selected on (CRS610/E). | Exemption texts, sales, received exemption agreements |
OKSDST | OKSDST District | Select among customers with a specific district selected on (CRS610/F). | Exemption texts, sales, received exemption agreements |
PLPDLN | Product line | Select from product lines in 'Product Line. Open' (CRS099). | Purchases |
Follow these steps
- Start 'Available Object Control Parameters. Open' (CMS016).
- For object 'Tax exemption texts', select option 11='Object table – detail lines' to display (CMS017).
- In the Program field, specify 'TXS020' and click Create.
- On the E panel, specify the transaction type.
- In the table, specify up to four control objects to apply for the line such as
'Customer' and 'VAT code'. Start with the line with the lowest
sequence number and then continue with the other lines, if necessary. End by pressing
Define VAT exception rules.
- Start (TXS020) by selecting one of these alternatives:
- Press Enter on (CMS017/E).
- On (CMS017/B), select option 11 for the control object table.
- Start (TXS020) from the menu.
- On (TXS020/B), if you started the program from the menu, select the category for which to define VAT exceptions in the 'Text/VAT code' field.
- Select one of priorities 1 to 10 and click
The priority refers to internal priority order of the lines in the control object table. When clicking 'Customer' and 'VAT code'.
, fields are displayed on (TXS020/B) based on the control objects in the selected line in the control object table such as
. - Select one of these alternatives:
- To define VAT exemption texts, go to step 10.
- To define replacement of VAT codes, go to step 16.
- To define VAT Exemption agreements, go to step 19.
Define VAT Exemption Texts
- On (TXS020/B), specify the control object-based values displayed.
- If you want the rule to be limited in time, specify a valid date range. Click
Note: You cannot change the date range once it is set. If you later want to adjust the date range, you copy the rule if the date ranges do not overlap, adjust the date range in the new rule and then delete the old rule. If the date ranges for the old and new VAT exceptions overlap, first delete the old one and then create a new one. If you do not specify a date range for the VAT exception, it is used as a general VAT exception unlimited in time, and no other VAT exceptions can be entered.
- On the E panel, press Enter to confirm the selection.
- On the text panel displayed, function program CRS980, specify the language for which the VAT exemption text is applicable. Click .
- In the text box displayed, specify the VAT exemption text. Click Next to return to the previous text panel, where you can add new texts for other languages, always with the same text block ID TAXEXEMPT.
- Press F3 to finish.
Define replacement of VAT Codes
- On (TXS020/B), specify the control object-based values displayed.
- If you want the rule to be limited in time, specify a valid date range. Click
The date range, once set, cannot be changed. If you later want to adjust the date range, you must copy the rule, adjust the date range in the new rule, and then delete the old rule.
. - On the E panel, specify the replacement VAT code. Press Enter.
Define VAT exemption agreements
- In (TXS020/B), specify the control object-based values displayed, including a valid
date range. Click Create.
The date range, once set, cannot be changed. If you later want to adjust the date range, you must copy the rule, adjust the date range in the new rule, and then delete the old rule.
- On the E panel, specify the replacement VAT code, VAT exemption agreement number, date of the agreement, the maximum amount for the agreement, currency, and exchange rate type. Press Enter.